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Even Michigan fans have to agree........


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Today's OSU/Michigan game AGAIN reinforced a common theme. No matter how EITHER team played for the season, it means nothing on that game day. Either team could loose every game that seaon, and still come to beat the other team for just that one win for the season. This is exactly why the Michigan/OSU game is so compelling nation wide.


That said.....Michigan favored by 5 didn't seem to work out too well for them. :D I was hoping for an OSU win, and figured OSU had a 75% chance of pulling it off (home game + the only way to salvage this season at all). But for OSU's offense to actually show up for the first time this year, and to beat the crap out of Michigan....now THAT is something to be impressed with. :D

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Guest Elinar Longsight
I agree with Joe. OSU played awesome today. Unfortunately, I think the team in Blue and Maize took for granted the way OSU has played this season and didn't bring all they had with them. They let OSU get the advantage to many times, and lost because they couldn't get over the Smith/Ginn combo. Congrats to OSU, they obviously wanted this win more. Yes, I am a Wolverine fan, but unlike Rane and Geoff, I don't make excuses. My team lost, oh well, we always have next year to try again.
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Like said in the other thread, this didn't effect our season at all so its not that upsetting.


Here is my excuse, we brought our F game you brought your A game. You showed up to play we didn't you won.


If I had to change one thing in the game, I would tell our coach to run the ball more. 15 rushes? And even when Hart was losing yards or not gaining very many yards he was still breaking 4 or 5 guys off before going down, he would have been bound to break some runs if they wouldn't have tried to change there game plan just because it was OSU.


Bottom line we got out played. In years past it would have been a worse loss but this year it just seemed like it didn't matter. We lost to our rivals, ouch. But still big ten champs :)?


Again, good game. Next year will be our next **BIIG*** Game, all your young guys coming back all our young guys coming back. Maybe we'll both have a good record.

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heres my two cents.


buckeyes played a good game.


just cause you guys won we still had a better season. so i dont give a shit what you guys think cause this is a numbers game. period.


Went to the lewis black concert last night. and he made a good point about things here. Heres what he said. "meeting buckeye fans here in columbus. Sums it up in one word. psychotic." You guys should be ashammed. You people arent even respectful. Dont even take good sportsmanship in consideration. Even if we would of won it would not changed your attiudes. so graemlins/finger.gif

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Originally posted by stealthmonkey:

heres my two cents.


buckeyes played a good game.


just cause you guys won we still had a better season. so i dont give a shit what you guys think cause this is a numbers game. period.

Yes, our numbers today > your numbers today. We win graemlins/nod.gif
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eoff, quit deluding yourself. i would ban your ass if i could, because you are really too stupid to be anywhere near a computer.


michigan will not get an automatic bcs berth now. it absolutely can have an effect on your bowl. if you arent in the top 6, guess what, no auto bid. if the rose bowl thinks there is a bteer game out there, they are not bound to pit the big ten against the pac ten anymore.


more than likely, the wolverines will go to the roses, which is cool. its the way it should be.


why do i think youre stupid, geoff? because you have no sense of history. last year, you may not remeber, you were all over how huge it was that your team beat mine. as a matter of fact, having known you for some time, i have a better sense than anybody on here of your "christian science" view of michigan/ohio state. "if michigan wins, it was epic, and we totally ruined the buckeyes season. if michigan loses, thats ok, because this game isnt even as big as mich/ mich st."


take your idiotic myopia and drown your sorrows in some other mans lap, you cockeyed fuck.

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That was a pretty harsh comment dude, did I miss something over the past year? I've been noticing a trend, at least for the past few years. The home team wins. Michigan made a lot of stupid mistakes this game, and had they not, it would have been a MUCH closer game. I still don't know whether they would have won or not. Congratulations OSU
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yoor avatar says it all, my freind. geoff needs a little beating every now and then. reminds him where he fits into the scheme of things. besides, im right. so right, in fact, that it was affecting my ability to speak english. typos much? sheesh. redface.gif
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lets not get all pissy tongue.gif


its football.. who the hell cares.. its not a life altering situation.


I think 70% of the fans on either side dont give a crap about the game at all, they'de rather get wasted, act like retards, burn cars, get in fights and be arrested.


I read so many dumb ass away messages today, and like always... people waking up at 6am to get hammered, and stumble to campus and probably not rememeber the game anyways..


"If you aren't down on campus partying it up and getting drunk you are WRONG... "


"who got the partying started at 6am!?

tailgating by riverwatch FRONT ROW BABY..kegs and eggs.."


"waking up at 5:30 by ***** cookin us breakfast, and then partyin our asses off all day!!!! "


All messages from some people I know... I notice, not one of them has anything to do with a "football game", but rather, an afterparty.


Maybe Im just too old at 21. Ide rather sit at home and watch the game rather than head to campus and deal with a bunch of drunken asses. Not to mention worry about my car getting smashed or tampered with if the home team lost.


Needless to say.. I'll be one of the prick cops arresting the drunken irresponsible people in the future.

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People ho don't like football shouldnt post in football fan's threads saying they take it too seriously. You telling me that isn't going to change my love for the Buckeyes one fucking bit, so go race your really nice motorcycle or something. tongue.gif


There Geoff is, right on cue. Before MIchigan gets upset by the buckeyes:"pfsch, OSU sucks, easy win. Braelynn is going to rape you guys, and I <3 cock"


After OSU wins by more than a touchdown:"OmFg that game didnt matter anyway we had a better season, and OSU still sucks!!"... Newsflash: All that shit you bitches talked about us losing to Northwestern and Purdue an Iowa doesnt mean shit anymore, because you lost to a team that was what, 6-4? Get over yourselves, Michigan choked. 35-7? Eat my ass.

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

Today's OSU/Michigan game AGAIN reinforced a common theme. No matter how EITHER team played for the season, it means nothing on that game day. Either team could loose every game that seaon, and still come to beat the other team for just that one win for the season. This is exactly why the Michigan/OSU game is so compelling nation wide.


That said.....Michigan favored by 5 didn't seem to work out too well for them. :D I was hoping for an OSU win, and figured OSU had a 75% chance of pulling it off (home game + the only way to salvage this season at all). But for OSU's offense to actually show up for the first time this year, and to beat the crap out of Michigan....now THAT is something to be impressed with. :D

The only time ever I'll agree with this dumb ass whistle.
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Originally posted by stealthmonkey:

marks right this site is fucking waste of time. I am going somewhere else where there are more educated people.

did you goto college geoff, what kind of iq scores did you get, act, sat????


Oh and fuck michigan. And last four years tressal is 3 and 1 right???

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Originally posted by stealthmonkey:

marks right this site is fucking waste of time. I am going somewhere else where there are more educated people.

This coming from the only other human besides Jessica Simpson, who didn't know if Chicken of the Sea was Tuna or Chicken.


True Story, Damon's on 161 Oct. 2003. Ask Mark (Supraglue).


P.S. I have a college degree Geoff, do you??

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