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jesus fucking christ (long rant)


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sorry, I know I don't post a lot, but I need to vent about a certain inanimate object...


My buddy and I were dropping the engine in the 7 tonight, and it's a bitch to get it to hook up to the tranny. So we started with some really long bolts, then tightened those, and then removed the bolts one at a time for progressively shorter bolts. Well, we got all the way down to the stock bolts, and we were tightening one of the bolts when POP!, one of the bolts gave out. At first I thought that the bolt had snapped in half, which would have really pissed me off, because we would have had to take the engine back out, and I would have had to remove the broken piece of bolt and retap the engine block. But that would have been the good situation. The bad situation that actually happened was that we BROKE THE FUCKING ENGINE BLOCK. graemlins/doh.gif There is a flange that goes around the back of the rear rotor housing where it attaches to the transmission that has all the threaded bolt holes in it and a piece tore off the engine and fell down in between the transmission and the engine. Not into the clutch housing, mind you, but it got wedged in between the engine and transmission. So now I have to take the engine and transmission back apart just to the get the piece out and see how big it is. My options at this point are 1)ignore the one bolt that I can no longer connect since it is relatively close to another one, 2) try and JB weld the piece back on (which always dangerous) 3) pay a shop to actually weld it back on 4) by a new rear rotor housing altogether and disassemble and reassemble the motor, ignoring the fact that I just paid $3500 to have this one ported and assembled by Pineapple. Gahhhh!! Sometimes I hate this car so fucking much! I haven't driven it since last August! FUCK YOU CAR!!! graemlins/finger.gif


EDIT: I just realized I put this in the rong forum. Sorry, I've hada little to drink> But I'm going to watch Futurama now.

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Well, I called the engine builder today (Pineapple Racing) and they told me that it is actually somewhat common for that bolt to break out and to just assemble the engine without that bolt. So I am much more relieved today than I was last night. But I still have to take the engine and transmission apart to remove the piece that broke off, and that's a lot more time consuming than it sounds like! But at least its not a major operation.
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Dont mean to be rude but, Ive always been taught NEVER use bolts to pull engine/tranny together, under any reason you do that because as you found out, it puts everything under a bind and cant take the pressure. Sorry about what happend but hope everything turns out right for you and your car...





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The way the engine/tranni mate together you get it to a certain point and you just litterally DONT have the leverage to pull the two together any longer, and it's not a huge space im talking something like milimeter (at least when i did mine). Sorry to hear bro:(



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Originally posted by DanThEMan:

Dont mean to be rude but, Ive always been taught NEVER use bolts to pull engine/tranny together, under any reason you do that because as you found out, it puts everything under a bind and cant take the pressure. Sorry about what happend but hope everything turns out right for you and your car...





+1000000000000000000000000000000 don't do this... if it doesn't smoothly go together, there's a reason for it... a bunch of moving parts being shoved together is never a good thing.
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