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Need help thinking of a name of something..


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Those groups of people that meet up in a certain place at a certain time and do something seemingly pointless then leave. Like they will meet at a mall food court then all at the same time clap 3 times then leave. What is that called? I've been trying to think of it for weeks and its bugging me.



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Originally posted by rl:

Those groups of people that meet up in a certain place at a certain time and do something seemingly pointless then leave. Like they will meet at a mall food court then all at the same time clap 3 times then leave. What is that called? I've been trying to think of it for weeks and its bugging me.





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Originally posted by rl:

Those groups of people that meet up in a certain place at a certain time and do something seemingly pointless then leave. Like they will meet at a mall food court then all at the same time clap 3 times then leave. What is that called? I've been trying to think of it for weeks and its bugging me.



I would call them a bunch of fucking weirdos, but that's just me.... I've never heard of that before, so I'm not sure what they call themselves.
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Originally posted by Republicant:

Whats the point behind it... why do they do it?

To make you ask why they do it.


Some people say its a study of phenomenology, others say its just to fuck with people. You make of it what you will I suppose.

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