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Publishing Question

Guest Crankshaft

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Guest Crankshaft
<font color ="midnightblue"> So I have the basis for a book down, and I need to talk to a publisher or someone of the sort to help me get started. Does anyone know of a publisher I could talk to, or at least where I could start looking? So far I've only found BookSurge Publishing, which just allows the author to publish the book by themselves. I'd rather not have those costs on my shoulders if it doesn't sell, so I'd like to find an established publisher to help me get off the ground. If you have any previous experience with this, I'd love to hear about it.
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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> Thanks Akula, I'll look into that a bit more. I have one book that's similar to that, but we'll see if this one has any more tips in it.


Marc - I don't want to reveal too much, but it has to do with my travels around the world. A good reference point would be something like Michael Criton's "Travels", and the stories of James Herriot. A great deal of fascinating and intriguing adventures have happened along the way, so I figure at the very least, it won't be a boring read. Many people who know me and know about the things that have happened have already encouraged me to write it, so I'm hoping that their enthusiasm will also be found in others once they read it. smile.gif And I'm sure others have tried it before, but hey: I'm 19; my perspective is probably going to be a little different than theirs. Here's to hoping! :cool:

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