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I received an email with a second chance offer from a seller on ebay. Everything looks legitimate, but I knew the email address was one that came from a different address than the seller used. I took some screen shots to show how well this was set up.


Pic one , this is the email in my inbox. All links actually lead to ebay pages.


Pic two , you can clearly see the address at the top of the page.


Pic three , where you can see another thing in the address that tipped me off to something being amiss.


HOW TO AVOID BEING RIPPED OFF: Anytime you have a second chance offer, contact the seller through the original auction, even if they send an email to your inbox. Do NOT reply to them with your email "reply" button.

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

make sure to report it to ebay.

That was the first thing I did. I happen to know the owner of the item up for auction. I asked the guy through email if he was the seller, and I asked him his username. He had no problem lying.
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