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Half life 2 question..


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Ok.. I've never asked for anyone's help before in a game, but this is driving me UP the WALL!!!


I have no idea where at in the game this is. I can give you the best surroundings and detail...


After the evil doctor dude goes in the portal and I get to go chase him. I climb up this huge tower thing (with platforms, etc). Two ships come out of the portal and I kill them. What's next? The chick is saying "go after him".. but HOW? WTF? Anywhere I try to jump, I just fall 1000+ feet to my death. There's two ramps it looks like on each end. My gravity gun moves them, but that's about it.


Help? It's driving me fucking nuts.

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> So...Buck...I think a non"spoiler" review of the game is in order. I haven't played/bought it yet, but I'm planning to. So, as someone who has played/beaten it, I think it is your duty to provide us with a critical analysis of pros and cons. I'm very interested to hear how it turned out, after all this time and waiting.


I am, quite possibly, the biggest Half-Life 1 fan ever (SP mode), so HL2 had damned well live up to the name and hype.

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Played it. Finished it.


Probably the only FPS I've finished in a couple years. And I buy them all... and usually lose interest 1/2-way thru. That should tell you something.


Halflife 2 is as good as Halflife 1 was. Spectacular ending IMO. Not because of pyrontechnics, but just for having the balls to do what they did. I won't say more without spoiling.


Play it all the way thru.



BTW- did anyone else see in the news Valve kicked quite a few HL2 players off steam recently for having cracked/pirated copies?

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