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  1. 1. Which system

    • PS3
    • XBox 360
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Yeah, you pay like $50 a year for LIVE (which isn't that bad for the service), but then if you want to receive additional content over live (i.e. movies, T.V shows, buy games, etc.) you have to use Microsoft Points...which cost money to get.

A note on the Red Ring of Death (RRoD): That really mainly plagued the older model 360's. The new version (has the HDMI output) should have fixed that issue. My first one RRoD'd and I got a brand new one with my Best Buy Service Plan. People who ship them off to Microsoft get refurbished model's and have a chance of experiencing the problem again. So far I've been very impressed by the newer version in terms of cooling and quietness in comparison to the older...

note: When I say "newer version" I'm referring to all the models of 360's (elite, pro, arcade...whatever they call them now). They updated them so they all (except maybe arcade) have HDMI output...not just the elites.

Like I said before, if you want it for purdy DVD's, go PS3 for Blu-Ray. If you want it for gaming, I'd say go Xbox360. 360 is known to be more "developer friendly," they update fairly often (both games, and console firmware), and you have oodles of content at your fingertips with LIVE. Oh, game demos are free...which is nice if you want to try a game before you buy without renting it. In terms of visual quality with games, honestly,

there is really next to no difference except how they handle lighting/shadowing. They both look excellent. Frame rates are great on both as well even though early on the 360 was better in that category.

So really, it comes down to your own personal opinion and what you're looking for. They both share many games and have a few of their own platform titles. Either way, there are many benefits to either system. I bought my Xbox360 on the PS3 launch day...that was the money I had saved up for a PS3! ...I've not regretted it once. Good luck! :p

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360, games are great, system is reliable (aside from rrod issues)

the rrod is just a heat issue anyway, so if you keep it cool, it's fine...

Not true. RROD happens even if it is cool. There is not enough air flow inside the system to support the heat generated from the chip set. If it were just an issue of keeping it cool, it would be a non issue.

That being said..I have both system. 360 has the bigger library..but PS3 has more upside long term. The PS3 games designed for the PS3 from the ground up are great. The ports suck. the architecture is too different, and developers are not willing to spend the $$ to get it right..at least they weren't. The PS3's #'s are much better now...and are closing the gap. This means $$ for developers.

If you want to game now, 360 is the choice. Live is still better than PSN, but the gap is closing. PS3 has better upside long term and has BluRay.

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I am on my 6th, yes 6th, 6th, 6th, 360, since February 11th of 2007. And now I have the three red lights and get to send it to Texas, so I will be on my 7th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Right, and once the war ended, everyone settled down with VHS. Sony had the better format (technology wise), but made bone head moves. This time, they got Hollywood behind BluRay...which was the difference. HD-DVD was a format best served for PC's. If the majority of Hollywood is supporting BluRay...and the majority of movies are going to be on BluRay...it was just a matter of time.

I've always heard it was because the porn industry went with VHS, that that format won.....Seriously ;)

I'll still believe it when I see it. Sony botched coming out with the PS3 on time, with several delays, and gave up a HUGE headstart to 360. Seems to me it's gonna be awhile before they can gain that marketshare back

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I have a 360 never had an ounce of trouble with it, and i leave it running for days at a time. Even though the PS3 has blu-ray i still suggest the 360. Better game selection, and with the upcoming price drop to $299...you cant beat it.

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I've always heard it was because the porn industry went with VHS, that that format won.....Seriously ;)

I'll still believe it when I see it. Sony botched coming out with the PS3 on time, with several delays, and gave up a HUGE headstart to 360. Seems to me it's gonna be awhile before they can gain that marketshare back

That porn thing was a bad rumor. Funny...but a rumor none the less.

Let me explain the #'s like this. The PS3 has sold just as well as the 360 did in the same time frame when the 360 was launched. Sony didn't give up the headstart...MS took it. They abandoned the Xbox before it was dead. Case in point? Look at PS2 sales...the thing is STILL going. The Xbox had a lot of life in it..MS just wanted to get ahead of the next gen cycle.

Another way to look at it..Sony has sold roughly the same amount of PS3's as MS did, WITH competition from two systems. MS had NO COMPETITION.

Did Sony make mistakes? Hells yeah they did. Actually, they were pretty damn arrogant. Things have changed though and they actually have learned from those mistakes. I still don't like how they treat 3rd party developers and their still somewhat reliance on proprietary tech, but things are changing.

Why do you think MS is dropping the 360's price? If it was selling so well, there would be no need. One word. Fear. The PS3 is catching up.

Here's data for the first 100 weeks. You can see the PS3 and 360 are neck and neck. Yes...this means Sony sold just as many as MS did in the same period.


I've been following this industry for decades now..it's all cyclical. I knew HD-DVD would die eventually. it didn't have the proper support behind it. I also knew PSn would not compare to Live yet. Live has been around since the original Xbox! What 6 or 7 years? Does anyone remember the problems when Live first came out?! no one want sto admit it..Live had issues too, and looked NOTHING like it does today. For Sony to offer a FREE network and get it to the point it is now, is pretty impressive.

Like I said, I own both. I'm not a fanboy. But I'm a fan of accurate information.

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I am on my 6th, yes 6th, 6th, 6th, 360, since February 11th of 2007. And now I have the three red lights and get to send it to Texas, so I will be on my 7th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



What's their turn around time?

We've had the 3 lights of death once in the last year & half......'Course I just jinxed us by saying that!! :rolleyes: Turnaround was quite impressive. I have no complaints with MS on that. Checked our unit last night for that yellow sticker on the back by the UPC code, since ours is only 18 months old, but didn't see it.

My gripe now is with Harmonix. We got the kids RockBand this past Christmas. Drums went bad within 2 months. We called them.....They shipped us a box to send them back in....We had new drum kit within couple weeks at no expense to us. At the time, I thought "WOW....Great product support!"

Drums are doing the same thing again now.....3-4 months later.....but this time they won't fix them. They say our choices are to pay them for repair, buy new pair, or shop around & see if we can find used pair cheaper. NICE tech support/Customer service. :mad: The fact that they are now just selling the drum kits by themselves in stores tells you they know there's a problem. I guess they just decided to try & make money off their crappy product, rather than standing by it & making it right as it should've been to begin with!

When I took them in to ship, the UPS guy asked me as soon as I walked through the door with my sealed box "What'cha got there......RockBand drums???" I asked him how he knew that, and he said they'd been getting a LOT of them in lately, so he knew the box well.

Same thing when we got them back a couple weeks later. I happened to be home when the FedEx guy delivered. As I was signing for them, same conversation "What'cha got......RockBand drums???" He'd been delivering quite a few of them as well, and knew the box, just like UPS.

So if the product is that defective that the shipping guys know what's in unmarked boxes........I'd say there's a definite problem that needs to be addressed. Just because we were the guinea pigs and bought one of the first systems to hit the shelves doesn't mean I feel like putting up with their buggy product & poor support!! :nono:

Think I'll break this out to it's own thread, so as not to hijack any further ;)

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We've had the 3 lights of death once in the last year & half......'Course I just jinxed us by saying that!! :rolleyes: Turnaround was quite impressive. I have no complaints with MS on that. Checked our unit last night for that yellow sticker on the back by the UPC code, since ours is only 18 months old, but didn't see it.

My gripe now is with Harmonix. We got the kids RockBand this past Christmas. Drums went bad within 2 months. We called them.....They shipped us a box to send them back in....We had new drum kit within couple weeks at no expense to us. At the time, I thought "WOW....Great product support!"

Drums are doing the same thing again now.....3-4 months later.....but this time they won't fix them. They say our choices are to pay them for repair, buy new pair, or shop around & see if we can find used pair cheaper. NICE tech support/Customer service. :mad: The fact that they are now just selling the drum kits by themselves in stores tells you they know there's a problem. I guess they just decided to try & make money off their crappy product, rather than standing by it & making it right as it should've been to begin with!

When I took them in to ship, the UPS guy asked me as soon as I walked through the door with my sealed box "What'cha got there......RockBand drums???" I asked him how he knew that, and he said they'd been getting a LOT of them in lately, so he knew the box well.

Same thing when we got them back a couple weeks later. I happened to be home when the FedEx guy delivered. As I was signing for them, same conversation "What'cha got......RockBand drums???" He'd been delivering quite a few of them as well, and knew the box, just like UPS.

So if the product is that defective that the shipping guys know what's in unmarked boxes........I'd say there's a definite problem that needs to be addressed. Just because we were the guinea pigs and bought one of the first systems to hit the shelves doesn't mean I feel like putting up with their buggy product & poor support!! :nono:

Think I'll break this out to it's own thread, so as not to hijack any further ;)

Good stuff here...I was thinking about buying a set too.

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NO QUESTION about it.... PS3 Its a computer, blu ray player and gaming system... THE BETTER gaming system. :bow: Never had a problem with mine and lots of my friends have had to send the 360 to get fixed. Almost all my friends that have them actually.

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  • 11 months later...

now if gaming was like it used to be were u had specific types of games only available on certain system. Only game I really got into ps2/xbox era was the Ninja Gaiden series which was only available on the Xbox. Now the they allow Sony to use them Im gonna have to vote PS3 10x better looking than on Xbox 360 and the 360 sounds like a jet about to go off and they break to much but the online play they say on 360 is a lil better than PS3 but only for now. But when I game its mainly on computer nothing beats a computer :-P

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Alright so I need to buy a DVD player for the new house to go with the entertainment system

I've basically decided that I may as well buy either the XBox 360 or the PS3. That way it serves the dual function of DVD's and pass the time playing games.

So DVD abilities aside, b/c they both play DVDs (yes PS3 has Blu-ray), which one has better games and more functionality?

Thoughts, opinions?

XBOX is the way to go. Better games and more of them. PS2 had the edge inthe last gen but its clear who has it now. I love my xbox and the control is the best setup ever. XBOXLIVE is worth every penny make sure you get it.

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