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Revenge of the Sith

Guest 04GreyGT

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Guest 04GreyGT

Star Wars Episode 3 was the most worthless pile of dog shit I've ever had the misfortune of watching.


I don't know what to bitch about first, the shitty acting, the shitty dialouge, the shitty characters, or the shitty use of "special" effects.


I say "special" because the effects start to lose their "specialness" when they're used in every god damn scene. Wow, more weird ass alien critters that make annoying sounds, and the droid army would be sweet if they weren't total pussies. They should have made the droids more like the terminator...a whole army of Schwarzeneggar's...that would be sweet.


Why did all the Jedi except for Yoda, Anakin, Mace Windu, Kenobi, and Darth Sidius completely suck ass? Like when the 4 Jedi go to arrest Palpatine, and he whips out a light saber and cuts through the first three in about 2 seconds flat. What the hell, Windu can take Sidius alone, but these other 3 pussies can't manage to live more than 1 second into the fight....it's 4 on 1 for christs sake.........STUPID.


The acting is too shitty to comment on, I'll bust a blood vessel just thinking about the fact that I spent 6 fucking bucks to watch this train wreck of a movie.


I'm sure all the Star Wars fans are up in arms....face it guys, Star Wars is stupid.

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Originally posted by 04GreyGT:

What the hell, Windu can take Sidius alone, but these other 3 pussies can't manage to live more than 1 second into the fight....it's 4 on 1 for christs sake.........STUPID.

graemlins/thatfunny.gif yeah, I was wondering about that too.. yoda sensed he was about to be attacked, but all the other jedi that died b/c of "order 66" just got slapped down like bitches graemlins/slap.gif (if anyone asks, tell them you fell)
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Fortunately, since I am no longer 8 years old, I don't base my life on Star Wars and fantasy land. I saw the movie and enjoyed it; I was entertained. I'm sorry you took the movie too seriously and didn't like it... graemlins/gives.gif
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the main problem was, it was writen and directed by george lucas, a man far past his prime. The most important scene of the flick, the making of Andro'Vader, was the worst scene ever witht he worst line ever. Darth says "Noooo", I cannot beleive that made it to print.
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I liked it. I remember seeing the original episodes (IV, V, & VI) in the theatre when I was just a young'en. I will say that the original three were better because they were ahead of their time and while I thought Revenge of the Sith was pretty kick a$$ it wasn't innovative. I don't care for the droid comedy. Like when they fall over and make a dying noise....kinda gay if you ask me.


Otherwise I say thumbsup.

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Guest 04GreyGT

As far as everyone saying it was good.....WHY??? Give me one good reason that you thought the movie was good, you liked the story? You liked the acting? What did you like?


The fact is, I paid 6 dollars expecting to be entertained, I wasn't entertained, the movie sucked. I sat there thinking, damn, this is lame.

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Guest 420GSXR1000

havent seen it yet NEED too....


..but i think, acting or not, it will complete the story it started when i was 8 or whatever....i havent been too happy with any of the "new" episodes 1&2....but its the story im into i guess


SGT...i agree 4 5 &6 were ahead of their time (and awesome, except for the "enhanced" vers), and the new episodes are just computers doing the work, which all movies have nowadays....


my 2 cents

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