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I'm hungover


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Guest Elinar Longsight
Considering Anthony NEVER drinks, I am not surprised he has a hang-over. Seems like everyone had a blast last night over at Mike/Jason/Adam's home. ;)tongue.gif
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Guest SweeeetSilvia
Originally posted by Regulate:

I don't anymore. But last night was an exception.

quit your bitchin' pussy. now come over- drink some everclear and get rid of that hangover. graemlins/slap.gif
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I drank very heavily last night. Pre-gamed with a few beers and 7 shots worth of Bacarrdi Razzberry Rum mixed with Red Bull. Went out, lost count of the beer I consumed. Then went over to someone elses for an after-hours thingy......I found it is possible to make Everclear Jello shots, while using a significant amount of Everclear in them. THAT is what put me on my ass.


Luckily, I'm not too hung over. Of course I didn't wake up until 4PM! I'm surprised I don't have a hangover, since I didn't have any water before bed. I'm just dehydrated and a bit worn out (and for some reason my hip and knee hurt).

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I was cool this morning, felt worse yesterday, but it sucked donkey nutz waking up at 9 am, ughhh. But thanks to the Adam, Jason, and Mike for the invite, hella good time.


Anthony and jason were gettin close, and jason broke the couch after gettin ripped a new one, ROFL

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Jason tried to steal my bagel, so I bag-tagged him with a bag of bagels. He proceeded to try and tackle me, so I put him down hard on the floor and into a headlock he couldn't break. After he finally agreed to a truce, he got up because while I had him headlocked, Justin gave him a wedgie from hell. Jason then tackled Justin with a flying leap from across the living room and they both land on the couch by the sliding door, breaking the legs on it. Jason then got owned by Justin graemlins/grin2.gif


Oh, and Marc sat on Mike's laptop graemlins/doh.gif

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