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Howard Stern to Satellite..


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wow, does this mean I'll actually get to listen to MUSIC on the Blitz in the morning??


I don't understand why anyone listens to Stern, he's not funny. He just repeats the news every once in a while and has sound effects in the background.

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If he goes to satellite and since satellite is kinda like cable in the sense that you pay for it, will you hear him swear? Do they regulate language on those satellite radio channels? I'm sure that would make the whole show that much more enjoyable... ;)
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Originally posted by Wease:

If he goes to satellite and since satellite is kinda like cable in the sense that you pay for it, will you hear him swear? Do they regulate language on those satellite radio channels? I'm sure that would make the whole show that much more enjoyable... ;)

Yeah, he said he can say the F word and C word that he loves to use whenever he wants on satellite. There are no rules on there. The show will be more interesting.
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Originally posted by copperhead:

wow, does this mean I'll actually get to listen to MUSIC on the Blitz in the morning??

God one can only hope. My 4 stations I listen to get cut down to 2 in the morning because of shity talk radio.


Originally posted by Inspeckta:

I don't understand why the sky is blue, but it is. Whatever turns you on, dude!



There is a short explanation as to why the sky is blue. There is no rational explanation in any science that could explain why people listen to shity talk radio.

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Originally posted by mesteno:

wrong dude, 99.7 plays late 80's early 90's stuff up till noon now.

But that's the same 8 old stuff too. :(


I don't see anything about it on Stern's site yet. Since I have Wed. and Thurs. off every week, I only listen on Mon, Tues, and Fri, and missed today's show. People, if you are that desperate to listen to the same shit over and over, just record a couple CD's of what the Blitz plays and put them on repeat....that's what the Blitz does. :rolleyes:


What sat. system is Stern going to go with. For those folks relating XM to Clear Channel, Stern clearly stated more than once that XM is no longer associated with Clear Channel (remember, he HATES Clear Channel and is in a lawsuit with them over them not paying out his contract they are legally required to). Which ever service he goes to will definately be an incentive on which one I get around X-mas time, as I have been planning to get a service and no longer deal with the stupid radio anymore.

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

People, if you are that desperate to listen to the same shit over and over, just record a couple CD's of what the Blitz plays and put them on repeat....that's what the Blitz does. :rolleyes:


What sat. system is Stern going to go with. For those folks relating XM to Clear Channel, Stern clearly stated more than once that XM is no longer associated with Clear Channel (remember, he HATES Clear Channel and is in a lawsuit with them over them not paying out his contract they are legally required to). Which ever service he goes to will definately be an incentive on which one I get around X-mas time, as I have been planning to get a service and no longer deal with the stupid radio anymore.

People at work said this morning said that he announced over the air that he will be going with SIRIS. You saying that it will sway your purchase is exactly why they were talking about it, a few people put in buys on their online trading stuff this morning before they opened the market up.


I listen to the Blitz when 101.1 or 107.1 have a song on I don't care for or are in a commercial.

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Originally posted by SpaceGhost:

Sirius is only $100 For equipment and $500 for a LIFTTIME membership(No billes ever). I will be buying one soon plus sirius has every NFL game. F Clear Channel and XM Radio!

actually you shouldnt be saying F XM because its about 3 times bigger then Sirius. Sirius bought the NFL rights as more so their last gasp of life. The company only has about 750K subscribers as to 3.1 million to XM. In just a couple of years XM will have the rights to the NFL. Who listens to it when you can watch it anyways. Also Sirius is at 13.95 a month and XM. is at 9.95 a month. I sell this shit every day and XM is clearly the better one to go with. With more varities in new cars and more direct connects with after market cd players.
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There is a short explanation as to why the sky is blue. There is no rational explanation in any science that could explain why people listen to shity talk radio. [/QB]

Don't want trouble with you again.
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Im getting XM, I hate the radio. If you really pay atention it is the same songs, they just jumble up the order ever so often.


My dad has XM and I love it we take trips all over the country to race and we can go 20 hours withought hearing the same song once, and whats nice about XM is they dont just play the hit songs from the bands CD they play others.

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Originally posted by NurkVinny:

He's been yapping about the sat. radio move for months. Blah blah blah.



Yeah now you have to hear about it every day for 15 months. No one beats a topic into the ground like him.
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Originally posted by Wease:

If he goes to satellite and since satellite is kinda like cable in the sense that you pay for it, will you hear him swear? Do they regulate language on those satellite radio channels? I'm sure that would make the whole show that much more enjoyable... ;)

That'd be nice. I might acually pay for radio then. he's got 18 months or so before his 5 year contract starts on satilite. He gets 3 channels to program. Should be interesting.
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Guest Ranger_Man
Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

But that's the same 8 old stuff too. :(


I don't see anything about it on Stern's site yet. Since I have Wed. and Thurs. off every week, I only listen on Mon, Tues, and Fri, and missed today's show. People, if you are that desperate to listen to the same shit over and over, just record a couple CD's of what the Blitz plays and put them on repeat....that's what the Blitz does. :rolleyes:


What sat. system is Stern going to go with. For those folks relating XM to Clear Channel, Stern clearly stated more than once that XM is no longer associated with Clear Channel (remember, he HATES Clear Channel and is in a lawsuit with them over them not paying out his contract they are legally required to). Which ever service he goes to will definately be an incentive on which one I get around X-mas time, as I have been planning to get a service and no longer deal with the stupid radio anymore.

you talk about how the radio station plays the same stuff over and over, but do you realize that stern has had the same act for 5+ years now? the only thing that is different is the people who call in. i used to listen to him because he used to be funny. its a shame that he sucks now.
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Here is the article off of his webpage:


Howard finally made the big announcement he had been promising to make all day at around 8:20am. He started by talking about how much he loved doing radio and that he got into for that love and not to make money. But he ended up creating the most innovative and popular radio show in history and pointed out that even now, with all the government troubles, the show is generating its largest ratings ever. But radio as we know it is being obliterated by censorship, and that for the last 10 years really Howard hasn't been able to do the show he's wanted. He is always in meetings about censorship or getting the button hit on him which ruins the show and it just stopped being fun after awhile. Plus the President has a bill on his desk that would allow him to fine individual broadcasters that will be law once he signs it. So Howard gave serious thought about retiring from radio all together and doing something else. But then he got approached to do something spectacular, something new and innovative and it excited Howard so much he feels as if he's been completely invigorated by it. He went back and forth and weighed his options and said he was incredibly impressed by how far Satellite radio had come and how far it can go. So, two days ago, he signed a five year deal with Sirius Satellite Radio starting on January 1st, 2006, right after his contract with Viacom runs out. Howard said that this was not Viacom's fault, that they bad been more than great to him and had stuck up for him when Clear Channel backed down but that he had grown as much as he could in the present situation. He just couldn't sign another five year deal here and work under these restrictions that may become worse in the next few years.




Howard said everyone except his agent and some Sirius executives were hearing this news for the first time. Even his own parents didn't know. Robin and Tom Chiusano didn't know either. No one knew. Howard said that is because you can't talk about things like that or else you open yourself up to possible charges about insider trading. That is why he couldn't hire a server the other night at his apartment when he was celebrating this deal because they might have over heard what he was talking about. Robin said that she was so happy for Howard because he really did seem to have his creative fires lit and seemed excited by radio again. Gary agreed and said he was really happy also. Howard said he hoped his radio crew would follow him there. He said the move is just not about being able to curse but about being able to talk about your thoughts without having a censorship button hit on you. He said he's excited about the chance to build satellite radio up from the ground and his goal is to eventually destroy AM/FM radio. Howard said he would work tirelessly, not just on his own show but on Sirius as a whole to make it the biggest radio network and crush all the competition. He said it's a personal mission for him to make everyone of Clear Channel's stations worthless. He announced that on top of his own show, Howard will have three Sirius channels to program himself, and he hinted that he would be hiring some radio guys to do their shows on those channels, even guys he's had beefs with before in the past. Howard ultimately blamed the necessity of the move on the FCC's insane crack down on so-called indecency since the Super Bowl. Howard pointed that he has already signed the contract so there is no turning back. In 15 months he will be leaving terrestrial radio forever.




Howard said another reason he made this deal with Sirius is so he could continue his career on his own terms. He didn't want to retire for a year and then come back to satellite, that would be lame. And if satellite was ever going to become a relevant force in radio, instead of the basically college radio it is now, it would take a giant star to get the ball rolling. So Howard, the single biggest star in radio history, is voluntarily leaving his show to begin anew on Satellite. Howard talked about how much he believed in the technology of satellite radio and in the Sirius company. Howard crowed that by him voluntarily leaving this radio format for one where the government can't touch him he wins! Screw you to all the religious groups who try to pressure stations to drop him! They can't touch him on satellite. And screw you to the FCC who also has no power over satellite. Howard finished by thanking his audience for supporting him all these years and hoping that they will follow him to Sirius, where aside from the normal satellite charges they will not have to buy a premium package to listen to him or anything like that.

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