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Plastic Surgery....

Guest Ssexychick97

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Originally posted by B DUBS:

Plastic surgery is a joke, its for insecure people that need to be fake.

i beg to differ, in most cases i would agree with that. But when a woman is fat her entire life and this is the only way that she can become skiny again and have higher self esteem then i am for it. I have never gotten any plastic surgery nor do i think i will. But the root of it is for good to help people.
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Guest 10secondMouse
Originally posted by Ssexychick97:

This is a stupid question but does anyone know of any good plastic surgeons in columbus cuz there is only one good one here in dayton and i'm tired of him. anyone have any suggestions??

Omghi2u, butt secks? Seriously though, take the thousands of dollars you are spending and go see a shrink!
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Guest 00Smurf

Even if your not an attention whore. Their all right, a car board really isnt the place to ask about plastic surgery, especially if its an addiction for you.


Besides, how many guys did you actually think would seriously inform you of a doctor? without it being a psych ofcourse.

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Guest stevil
Originally posted by blinkkilla182:i beg to differ, in most cases i would agree with that. But when a woman is fat her entire life and this is the only way that she can become skiny again and have higher self esteem then i am for it. I have never gotten any plastic surgery nor do i think i will. But the root of it is for good to help people.
I agree. What's the difference between having braces, laser eye surgery, or plastic surgery? It's all the same, and it's about self improvement. There are many procedures for all sorts of things, it's not just boob jobs and such. Used to fix birth defects and scars too.


So many people are judgemental based on looks (one nipple lower than the other and she's kicked out of bed! :D ). But then we criticize someone for wanting to look better? Who cares if someone wants to improve themselves?


Now, being addicted to plastic surgery doesn't sound good. It's good to fix problems, but don't go overboard and rely on it to fix every little imperfection.

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Originally posted by Akula:

Since I have had laser eye surgery I have removed a handicap from my life. I wouldn't compare a procedure that changes almost ever aspect of your life with one that makes you look different and feel better.

Laser eye surgery didn't make you look different?


Haha, I made a stupid funny. I crack myself up.

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Originally posted by Akula:

Since I have had laser eye surgery I have removed a handicap from my life. I wouldn't compare a procedure that changes almost ever aspect of your life with one that makes you look different and feel better.

+1, I wore contacts for the most part anyways. The biggest thing for me with my laser eye surgery is not having to wear contacts that dry out while I'm skiing, or bother me when sweat drips into my eyes while I'm running. Waking up in the morning and being able to see is a huge thing too. It is a very fine line though.


I agree with almost everyone in this thread though, you should probably see a shrink, especially if you are able to admit that you have an addiction to it. I hope the doctor that you saw before was more than just a surgeon. A huge part of being a doctor, imho, and in the opinions of a few of my friends who are in med school, is being able to treat the patient as a person. Procedures like this have huge, permanent, psychological implications that need to be fully explored on a person-to-person basis before anything is done. Unfortunately not all people, doctors and patients, think that way. I'm fine with the way I look, but if I were going to have anything done like this I would think long and hard, and if I were still considering it at that point, I would go see a professional to speak with them about how it might effect me to make sure I'm looking at the situation clearly.

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Originally posted by blinkkilla182:

i beg to differ, in most cases i would agree with that. But when a woman is fat her entire life and this is the only way that she can become skiny again and have higher self esteem then i am for it. I have never gotten any plastic surgery nor do i think i will. But the root of it is for good to help people.

some people excersise to loose weight and eat Healthy. I will admit there are some extreme cases, but 90% of these "fat worthles sacks of crap" are just lazy and cram burger king down there throat. ( And of course i see plastic surgery is fine, for say someone whose face was mauled by a dog, or got in a bad car accident, some time of freak accident )
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Originally posted by Republicant:

Why? graemlins/puke.gif:D

I'd rather be ugly than look like a nazi. So glad I grew out of my blond hair. graemlins/grin2.gif Although I don't consider myself ugly, I'm VERY glad you do or else I might be afraid you'd come onto me. graemlins/gay.gif Plus when you're as well endowed as I am, it doesn't matter as much what you look like. I'm sure you really wanted to know that. graemlins/puke.gif
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Ssexychick97:

I get plastic surgery because it boosts my confidence, and its addicting. Once you get one procedure there is always room for improvement somewhere else on your body. I guess you could say I'm in the process of doing my own extreme makeover on myself.

No amount of plastic surgery will rid you of insecurity. Michael Jackson has that same state of mind, and look at him. I highly suggest you seek help from someone, whether it be a close friend or a trained professional, to try to break the cycle of addiction. Because one day, once your addiction leads you to perform modifications that are aesthetically decrepit, you'll look in the mirror, and regret what you have become. It also might help to think of your own happiness outside of the context of other people's opinions.
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Originally posted by Turd Ferguson:

why get plastic surgery, if you cant change something about yourself a natural way , like diet or exercise, then it ain't meant to be changed

Dont forget Cocaine and meth, great non addictive weight loss programs. graemlins/thumb.gifgraemlins/thumb.gif


Hey, does anyone have 100$ and a straw I can borrow?

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Guest PiNk 240 GirL

i would never ever get plastic surgury unless i was in a freak accident or injured beyond belief.


comming from a girls standpoint, more power to any girl (or even guy) who wants plastic surgury, but i dont see the point of it. why change something god gave u just so u can feel good about urself?

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Plastic surgery is good for correcting defects (like cleft lip, for example) and injuries (scars from car accident, for example). If using it in place of proper diet and exercise, then you have problems. It sounds like this girl has problems. She should take the stairs at work, maybe hit the gym and turn off Oprah.


Braces/orthodontics is to correct a deformity/defect. It is not surgery, and it functionally makes you able to chew and speak properly. Lasik, while a surgery, is, again, to correct a defect and restore proper functioning.


What good is a good-looking girl if she is all fake? That's like getting a Lamborghini kit car on a Fiero chassis instead of the real thing!

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Originally posted by Tony:

What good is a good-looking girl if she is all fake? That's like getting a Lamborghini kit car on a Fiero chassis instead of the real thing!

I beg to differ with this comment.


"Fake" silicone or saline boobs are one thing, but to say brow lift, nose job, and other surgeries are akin to inferior internals is quite another.


I would even go as far as saying that a person who has "enhanced" themselves can have a nicer personality and better values due to the lower self esteem they have rid themselves of, than a "princess" who has grown up desiring to be, and usually is, the center of attention, using attractiveness to manipulate.

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