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want a supra (ebay)

street pilot

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Do we have to have a bogus supra auction post once every six months? I mean I am never one to say repost, but sheesh. As long as you have been here i would assume you have seen this same exact thing even with the mulitple listings before.


(begin rant)


Maybe if people posted things that are NEW instead of dumb shit this place may be more like the place it once was. In times past if people posted stupid shit they would get their heads lobbed off.


I don't mean to go off on your post or you but what does several mean for a car? List who you are, what you have, don't post stupid shit, and stop trying to be so damn clever all the time. Your profile is just an example, I'm not saying that you do this I am just saying this in general.


I have felt like CR has changed alot from what it used to be for a long while now and it seems to continue to be that way. it was once a place where you could find alot of fast cars and people who knew the deal. There are still fast cars here but the waters have been muddied by SOOO many cars that are not racing cars of any form. I realize this has become more of a "racing" web site more than a "street racing" web forum and that is fine. But when your racing car is a truck, corolla, tercel, escort, probe, you get the idea you should be elsewhere. There is nothing wrong with the cars listed above but not on a racing web site.


I know i will get bashed for saying this shit but i just want to say it becasue i have felt it for a while.


Innocuous, again i'm not trying to bash you i am just using your post as an example if my rant. If i pissed you off sorry. But it is the CR way of days gone by.


(end rant)


Waits to get flamed.....

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I posted this in the parking lot which is reserved for general, sometimes pointless, sometimes informative, sometimes annoying topics. (or so I thought)


Message boards such as these are structured so that you can view the topic before you actually open the post. Notice the two key words in my topic, "supra" and "ebay." I did that for a reason, most people on here probably wont open this because they know it is stupid and pointless, not to mention repetitive. You should have seen this and kept scolling to the next topic.


I found this slightly humorous, because this ebayer is selling 4 identical cars. If you dont, fine. No need to bitch about my profile at this point... Sorry you wasted your time reading my post, even though you knew what it was going to be about. graemlins/nutkick.gif


As for "several" in my profile. (why the fuck am I or should I have to be explaining this to you?)


I used to have a vehicle listed (that I raced with :eek: ), but I sold it. I was in the middle of a few cars, so I put several. I Haven't updated it yet. I Didn't know it would offend anyone. Come to think of it, you are the first person to bitch about it. graemlins/gives.gif


Move this to the kitchen, I'm ready. graemlins/jerkit.gif

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Originally posted by Innocuous:

most people on here probably wont open this because they know it is stupid and pointless, not to mention repetitive. You should have seen this and kept scolling to the next topic.

If you knew it was stupid don't post it. An off topic area is just that off topic. Not a stupid waste of bandwith area. Plus it was automotive related so it was posted in the wrong section to begin with.


And in my opinion save the off topic stuff for somewhere else(as in a different web bulliten board). But that's just MY opinion.


As for "several" in my profile. (why the fuck am I or should I have to be explaining this to you?)

As stated in my post this is in NO way a personal attack. Just an example of what my rant was about. I feel there are too many people here that try to be too clever for their own good. I feel it gays the forum up in general. If i hit too close to home sorry, if so that is something you need to deal with on your own not with me.


And as far as moving this to the Kitchen I dissagree. Most the threads in there are pointless. Once it goes in there most thought seems to be lost. There is nothing out of line in this thread that warrants it to go in there. If you want to disscuss it further I'm sure we can do so in a mature adult fashion, and still get our points across.


Again, this is not intended to be a personal attack on you even though you feel it is.

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boo hoo someones got there panties on too tight. posts have a topic heading so you can decide before you open it if you want to read it or not. I always like to see the scammers on ebay its good for a laugh.... every time


if your here for street racing... this probably isn't the place to be anymore.

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