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Movie Review: Van Helsing


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Summary: Hugh Jackman plays Van Helsing, virtually the most wanted criminal/murderer in Europe. He works for a secret agency of monks who "use" him to vanquish evil wherever it arises. The most recent assignment is to help the last remaining family members of a specific family tree to kill Dracula, who the family has been unsuccessfully attempting to do for the past four centuries. The underlying reason is to make good on a deal that the first member of the family made with St. Peter to get into Heaven. Kate Beckensale and her brother are the last two.


Pros: Kate is hot as fuck, Dracula's three brides are hot as fuck, pretty sweet special effects, the guy who plays Dracula is pretty fuckin cool, and the fight scenes especially the ending one are awesome.


Cons: Some of the scenes are dramatically overdone (meaning many of the hits/falls the characters took should have killed them) and no bewbies.


Overall: I was expecting 4 stars, and I was satisfied, so it's probably right around there. Probably worth checking out while in the theater if not for the special effects and fight scenes, then for Kate...'cause she's hot. smile.gif

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I disagree.


The film should be called Van Helstink.


Apparently everyone in 1887 has super gymnastic ability, the accuracy of a laser guided bomb in a perfect world, and the amazing ability to never...EVER...get hurt. Way...WAAAAY...over done.


I can dumb myself down for a lot of movies but this movie just sucked.


I had high hopes for this one. Dracula, his wives, Frankenstein, Warewolf...lots of promise. On the bright side...Troy opens next weekend.

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Originally posted by Slowica GT:

I disagree.

Yeah all that stuff made a movie with frankenstien, Mr. Hyde, Dracula, and werewolf in it way to unrealistic. :rolleyes:


the movie rocked, The red headed vampire chick was equally as hot as the heroin, I would become undead to bang her :D It is a PG-13 movie so there is plenty of te[/b]h cleavage though.

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Originally posted by Slo Pony:

Yeah all that stuff made a movie with frankenstien, Mr. Hyde, Dracula, and werewolf in it way to unrealistic. :rolleyes:



Give me a break. You couldn't honestly tell me at some point in the movie that you didn't think, "Ok, this is getting a little rediculous."


It's fine that they took creative liberties with physics, gravity, etc... But at least keep it within the realm of possibility. Maybe a couple of those crazy falls, flips, swings, with a perfect dismount could've kept things interesting, but when everyone can do it without hesitation, it get's a little repetative and kills whatever little excitement was built up.

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Originally posted by Slowica GT:


. . . at least keep it within the realm of possibility.

frankenstien, Mr. Hyde, Dracula, and werewolf = not possible, get over it and watch a documenary already.
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Suspension of disbelief is your friend, I can't believe some people who bitch about things in movies being unrealistic. Yet you say in another thread that you liked the first F&F and your also a Michigan fan. Why am I even trying to convince you to enjoy a good movie every now and then? If I wanted a real to life movie I'd go out and create some of my own drama and figure out what I think life is instead of living vicariously through movies or trying to gather the meaning of life from a movie! I like very unrealistic movies.


Van Helsing is supposed to be a Super Hero!!! I'll once AGAIN bring up the classic heroin, please go research it and get a clue (Hint: one of the qualities is some super human capability).

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Originally posted by Slowica GT:

Apparently everyone in 1887 has super gymnastic ability, the accuracy of a laser guided bomb in a perfect world, and the amazing ability to never...EVER...get hurt. Way...WAAAAY...over done.







Van Helsing doesn't really show any kind of "gymnastic ability" until he gets bit by the Werewolf, which them makes sense (in a realm of strange fake creatures).






And everyone meaning Van Helsing, Kate, and the fake characters? Compared to the mob of hundreds out to kill Frankenstein, I'd say very few had abilities. And amazing accuracy? Van Helsing himself missed a shitload of times with that amazing rapid fire crossbow. Don't know quite what else you mean (since I already cited the falls that should've killed them), but you're entitled to your opinion.

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That's right. Super hero's can defy the laws of physics and gravity. My mistake. What was I thinking. At least the Matrix makes it "believable" when it's tied into the story. And the Lord of the Rings remark is just stupid.


When I said, "realm of possibility" I was referring to the laws of physics and gravity. Trust me, I full understand that Dracula, werewolves, and Frankenstein are all make-believe and not possible.


However...Van Helsing DID show gymnastic abilities. Let's not forget jumping from horse to horse during the carriage sequence. How about shooting the wire from the castle to the tree? What was that? A good 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile I'm guessing. How about shooting Mr. Hyde while falling from the top of Notre Dame?


But whatever...I didn't like it. Apparently I'm in the minority. No biggie.


In closing...I AM NOT A MICHIGAN FAN and the rapid fire crossbow was cool.

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Not trying to fault your opinion or anything, it's just good to have discussions like this IMO. Yes, those shots were a little extreme, but in a movie about a hero who kills supernatural creatures for a living, why can't he have a bit of extreme luck. 'Cause that shit could happen, you'd just have to be the luckiest motherfucker to walk the Earth. smile.gif
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Guest Rane
Hey neo piss. I was talking to the guy bashing the movie, not saying I didn't like it because it wasn't real. Realistic movies are only cool to an extent but how entertaining is it to watch stuff you see everyday.
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God damn I love this board. Where else can you read about people argueing over who has the better opinion of a movie? Fucking great shit here man.


My two cents of the movie: All in all, I'll watch it again. I probably wouldn't buy the DVD, but I'll definitely go watch it again when it hits the dollar theatre.

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Originally posted by Ricochet:

Man, you guys are arguing over how non-realistic a movie is that already deals with make believe characters? graemlins/nonono.gif


I saw it tonight and some of the lines were pretty lame, some bad acting (sometimes horribly annoying - the three hot vamps), but was somewhat entertaining for what it is. I do agree though, some of those people should have died in many instances while being thrown around and falling 20 stories, but who cares. It's just a movie.

Yep. NEWSFLASH.. movies are fake. It's called entertainment.


Remember Spider Man (the movie). Damn, I wish I could spit webs out of my wrists by doing the "shocker" (somewhat) and go from building to building. smile.gif .

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Guest sphen02
kate beckinsale made that movie. i think its kinda dumb when people run out of ideas for movies to the extent where they have to start bringing back classic characeters and changing the story behind them. i thought the concept of the movie was fuckin stupid, but it was entertaining that much is for sure, and kate beckinsale is so incredibly fuckin hot it helps out alot graemlins/leghump.gif
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