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"I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok"


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Originally posted by Neo:

No, thoes movies are dumb.

Monte Python movies do not insult one's intelligence like many of the most successful comedic movies and television shows of our time.


The Zucker and Farely Brothers movies are as dumb as they come. Yes funny in parts, but overall incredibly predictable, cookie-cutter films littered with 7th grade bathroom humor.


Don't even get me started with Seinfeld. I found it too painful to watch, with the exception of the "King of the Castle" episode.

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Originally posted by copperhead:

I also find it humorous that Jesse mispelled "those" twice in a row. graemlins/lol.gif

Meh, I can't spell, but at least I'm consistent. graemlins/lol.gif


Actually, it's more that I'm slightly dyslexic and I must have forgotten to spell check those two post.

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