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Polygraph?? any expierence?


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Hey guys, after a long long wait and tons of paperwork I have recieved my interview process papers for the Columbus Fire Dept. I was informed on Wednesday that I will have to take a Polygraph (aka lie detector) test on the 14th of September. To be honest, which im sure is with most people that have ever takin one, it is killin my nerves already and its still a few weeks away. So I was just curious of what all is involved, if anybody has ever had to take one and what im kinda looking at. How long does one usually take, all yes/no answers, I am just kind of at a loss and really dont know what to expect with the whole thing. Any help anybody has got would be great. Thanks a ton in advance guys....
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well hello evilgtp!

I am a firefighter, too.

I have not taken a polygraph, but have had advice from several columbus firefighters.



From what I heard, they ask the same question twice, just worded different...so be aware of that. I dont really know any specifics besides that. Next time I run into one of the columbus boys at the gym, ill ask him. pm me with your aim name, and ill give you more info when i get it...

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When I was in the police academy I heard they ask you question before the test and then base some of the questions on your answers during the test and I also heard there yes/no question but that is just what I heard. If you want to know more about the test I think there is a link on officer.com that tells you info about the test.
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I have had to take polygraph's while I was applying to Police departments. The best advice I can give you is not to think about your answers. Think of something that you like or that makes you happy. Think of the same thing while you answer every question. I did that and I passed every one. Also don't be nervous.
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I had to take a polygraph to get on Columbus Police Dept. The polygraph goes off of 2 things heart rate and blood pressure. For the CPD test they asked me all of the questions first, they were all yes or no. Then they hooked me up to the polygraph machine and asked the same questions again and some they changed around and asked twice. They look for a rise in your heart rate or your blood pressure or if you take to long to answer. If you have to think about an answer then you might be lying.

Just be truthful relax and try not to think to much about it right now all you are going to do is make yourself a nervous wreck. They are not that bad unless you have a lot to hide or lie to try and hide things. Don't lie they will find out that is for sure. :D

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EVILGTP98 use this site at your own risk, I honestly wouldn't look at this site or a site like it. Find an object in the room, and focus your vision at that point, don't look away from it. Anything from a clock, to a spot in the paint.




I am only giving this site as a reference (and for others to see what you are up against), do not go to that antipoly site, and think you know how to "beat the box." Polygraphers are trained in detecting countermeasures. Using countermeasures at best will get inconclusive results, which is a failure in the hiring process, and unlikely because you will probably be caught.

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Well I really have no reason to lie, at least for most of the questions I think they would commonly ask, I think its just the point of the whole thing and messin with your nerves. Thanks for all the help guys. appreciate it a ton
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