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Speeding ticket fines increased FYI


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For all of you who like to exceed the speed limit I would like to let you know that I got an email last night at work and it stated that the Columbus municiple court judges have decided to raise traffic fines across the board.

This means over speed limit is now:

1-9 MPH = $110

10-19 MPH = $130

20 MPH + = $150

This also includes every traffic violation from ACDA, no ops, mechanical violations, registration etc..


Just thought you all might like to know!!!!!

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I got pulled over for doing 7 over! I wasn't even speeding was the gay thing, back home in bufu land. Now that was a stupid ass cop. Oh well, i went to their kangaraoo court and their judge wasn't any better. I make sure i go below the speed limit now, so the can't pull that crap on me.
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I got pulled over and I wasn't speeding. Funny thing was, it was in high traffic and the cop said I was doing 80 in a 65. Not possible. 'Nother funny thing was he didn't turn on his flashers until he was right behind me, seeing that I was driving a BMW 530i (dad's car).


Oh yea, for that 2nd part to make sense, I went to court a couple weeks back (ended up getting a continuance) but my lawyer said he talked to the cop, and all the cop said is he won't knock down the charges (so I can drive to work, school, etc.) because he thinks kids like me who drive expensive cars don't learn from speeding tickets.


EDIT: Do inform us if you find out about getting the ticket before and court afterwards, because it affects me. Thanks for the notice.

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Ive been pulled over twice in the Volvo already. Either the officers are just really cool with individuals concerned with thier (the officers) safty, or they both really liked my car (they both asked if i owned it... thought it was "borrowed" maybe???)


I usually pull WAAAAAAAY over, usually putting my passenger tires far into the grass if possible so the officer has plenty of room to walk. That and as soon as i stop, i usually put my key(s) on the dash in front of the wheel, take my wallet out of my pocket , hold it in one hand, and stick both hands out the window... easily visible to the officer... and keep them there for the duration of the "conversation".


Neither stop resulted in a ticket graemlins/thumb.gif

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Originally posted by 10xworse:

I got pulled over and I wasn't speeding. Funny thing was, it was in high traffic and the cop said I was doing 80 in a 65. Not possible. 'Nother funny thing was he didn't turn on his flashers until he was right behind me, seeing that I was driving a BMW 530i (dad's car).


Oh yea, for that 2nd part to make sense, I went to court a couple weeks back (ended up getting a continuance) but my lawyer said he talked to the cop, and all the cop said is he won't knock down the charges (so I can drive to work, school, etc.) because he thinks kids like me who drive expensive cars don't learn from speeding tickets.


EDIT: Do inform us if you find out about getting the ticket before and court afterwards, because it affects me. Thanks for the notice.

It normally is when the ticket was written, what was the punishment.
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Originally posted by copperhead:

Sawbider, who is one of the nicest posters I have seen on here, helps us out by informing as about a law change. Everyone on here starts bitching about cops.


WTF is wrong with you people?

I'm just mad because in my particular case, it seems that the cop is driving the prosecutor's decision to take a hardlined approach to me.


The fact is, I wasn't speeding. My lawyer quoted the cop as saying "Kids that drive cars like that (BMW) don't learn from speeding tickets. He needs a suspension."


I greatly appreciate Sawbinder's contributions to the boards and to our awareness of state and local law enforcement. It just infuriates me that yet again I get classified as a rich new money spoiled brat bastard because I was allowed to take my dad's BMW out on one of maybe 5 occasions in the year. I don't deny that I have an easy, privileged life, but that doesn't mean that I don't understand the value of a hard-earned dollar. Though I didn't buy my car, it is not mine. My parents aren't just giving it to me when I go to school. I pay for insurance, I pay for speeding tickets, and I pay for the lawyer. And now because of one cop who has a stick up his ass about teenagers who drive expensive cars, I may very well lose my job.


Nothing pisses me off more than when people think I've been confined to the upper crust of society for my entire life and that I have never seen someone take a hit of coke because their life is so miserable that drugs are the only thing that makes them happy. I'm not gonna say that I have it hard, but I'll be goddamned if someone accuses me of being ignorant to the plight of the blue-collar worker, or the drug addict, or the homeless person because of the way I appear.



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