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Columbus Police Academy?

Guest busteryhyman

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Never been through CPD's... but I can tell you what I know from a tour of the old facility on McKinley ave. I was given... From what I saw, it is an *extremely* physically intensive training academy, more so than most. I wasn't allowed to peek in the classrooms, but the physical regimens are very strict. Lots of tactical training, obstacle course work, etc. Anyone on here who knows me knows I'd never have made it, so I gave up on the CPD. Thankfully, the FCSO doesn't expect nearly as much (physically)... and that's where I will be headed. I turned down an offer there a few years ago when I learned that I'd be working Corrections in the jail for 5-8 years before I'd get out on the streets. Now, I don't care about that, or the pay cut I'd be taking - just get me the hell out of the parts business!! smile.gif
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Originally posted by SlowZ06:

Never been through CPD's... but I can tell you what I know from a tour of the old facility on McKinley ave. I was given... From what I saw, it is an *extremely* physically intensive training academy, more so than most. I wasn't allowed to peek in the classrooms, but the physical regimens are very strict. Lots of tactical training, obstacle course work, etc. Anyone on here who knows me knows I'd never have made it, so I gave up on the CPD. Thankfully, the FCSO doesn't expect nearly as much (physically)... and that's where I will be headed. I turned down an offer there a few years ago when I learned that I'd be working Corrections in the jail for 5-8 years before I'd get out on the streets. Now, I don't care about that, or the pay cut I'd be taking - just get me the hell out of the parts business!! smile.gif

It's all relative I guess, but I've heard it's easy.. I know that compared to the Highway Patrol Academy it's a walk in the park. Have you seen some of those out of shape slobs that CPD has flopping around?
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Originally posted by SamZman:

It's all relative I guess, but I've heard it's easy.. I know that compared to the Highway Patrol Academy it's a walk in the park. Have you seen some of those out of shape slobs that CPD has flopping around?

LOL... I'm an out of shape slob... probably why I thought it was difficult! :D I've also heard the OHP is extremely difficult... including pushing a fully equipped cruiser 60 feet in around ten seconds or so; irrespective of whether you are male or female.
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