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Internet Explorer problem


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Hey guys, for some reason my IE wont work anymore. I can connect to AIM and download music off of Ares/use the browser in Ares, but when I try to open AIM or Netscape, it tells me the page cannot be displayed. Any ideas as to what might have happened and how I might be able to fix it? TIA
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Guest HooberSi
Originally posted by copperhead:





format c:


Little drastic. Could try a re-install of your IE. Or even a virus scan.


Mozilla is all I use though.

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People always blaming IE. :rolleyes: Notice he can't surf with Firefox and Nutscrape?? That = no a browser related problem..


I'm unsure if AIM uses a straight IP to connect or relies on your DNS server.


That said, go to start -> run -> command, click ok. In the command prompt box type: ping yahoo.com


If you get "Ping request can not find host yahoo.com" then type: ping


If you get replies, that will very clearly tell you this is a DNS problem. Check your TCP/IP settings (local area connection under network settings) and make sure it is either set for server assigned or that the correct DNS server IP addresses are entered.


I'd bet it is a DNS issue. Otherwise, it could be a number of other things; I'd guestimate more likely some sort of spyware preventing browsing by any browser. I'd definately have someone bring over a updated copy of Ad Aware SE and Spybot and try running that.

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This might sound stupid, but I've seen this work on an odd problem similar to this before:


- Uninstall/reinstall NIC driver


If that doesn't work, and it is a PCI NIC


- Move NIC to new PCI slot.


If you have a spare NIC laying around, install it into an open slot.


It's a long shot, but worth a try. Also, will any mail clients work (OE, Outlook, Eudora, etc.)??


I have come across this problem once due to some bad PC Company installed Firewall software. If you have any Firewall or anti-virus software, instead of just disabling it, un-install it. I've only seen it once, but I had a customer with some off-brand Firewall program causing a no-browsing issue even when disabled.

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Originally posted by Mr. 2:

If you can check the program list on your firewall, make sure IE is added and allowed to access the internet.

Bingo, somehow IE got added a second time and all connections were blocked. Everything works now. Thanks everyone, especially Alex and Joe for all your help.
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