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jefferson township cops are pricks

Guest Redracerx

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Guest Redracerx
we were out tunning the ecu in the supra tonight,minding our own buisness going the speed limit and all, we were out on west broad street heading into jefferson township not doing anything wrong- a corvette pulls up next to us and drives through town with us... what do ya know a cop starts to follow us for a good 15 mins.. a few mind later we see another cop start following us.. a few mins later both the cops pulls us over, the corvette and us, the cop was like im going to write you up for flying through town, we reply back " we were not speading or breaking any laws " cop said well ill get you for rapid acceleration.. we reply with " there were no red lights through the whole town its after midnight " then the cop asks for everyones id in the car, "whiteknight" "owned" and myself.. eventually we give the cop our ids.. he comes back to the car and tells "owned" hes under arrest for bad tags, and hes going to hook his car, so we get into this big battle with the jefferson cop not to take the car, at least let it sit on the street, or let us take it home, no luck whatso ever, " owned ends up in handcufs in the back of a cop car, ... finally a hour or so later a tow truck driver showes up,, i get out of the car they had me wait in and i say you cant put that car on that truck your going to have to drive it home for me or let me drive it for you, long story short he drove it to the impound, and come to find out .. the tags were off of "owned"'s civic.. were actually working on that car in the garrage so we just grabbed the wrong tag..... but anyways when we get back to the station. the cop realised he fucked up by arresting "owned " for the tags its a m5.. and the cop was threatnig him telling him if hes not good hes going to take him to jail, HARRASMENT!!! ABUSE OF POWER !!!! anyways we have to get up all extra early in the morning to go get the supra i dont want that car sitting in some bum fuck middle of no where impound lot, fuck that... honestlly guys we love to go fast and all but tonight that was just some bullshit if you ask me and the guys from ftp motorsports.... i lost most respect for cops tonight... have a good night guys cya
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THIS POST WAS SUSPOSD TO BE BY ME... WHITEKNIGHT KEEPS FORGETTING TO SIGN OUT ON MY LAPTOP !!! ...............we were out tunning the ecu in the supra tonight,minding our own buisness going the speed limit and all, we were out on west broad street heading into jefferson township not doing anything wrong- a corvette pulls up next to us and drives through town with us... what do ya know a cop starts to follow us for a good 15 mins.. a few mind later we see another cop start following us.. a few mins later both the cops pulls us over, the corvette and us, the cop was like im going to write you up for flying through town, we reply back " we were not speading or breaking any laws " cop said well ill get you for rapid acceleration.. we reply with " there were no red lights through the whole town its after midnight " then the cop asks for everyones id in the car, "whiteknight" "owned" and myself.. eventually we give the cop our ids.. he comes back to the car and tells "owned" hes under arrest for bad tags, and hes going to hook his car, so we get into this big battle with the jefferson cop not to take the car, at least let it sit on the street, or let us take it home, no luck whatso ever, " owned ends up in handcufs in the back of a cop car, ... finally a hour or so later a tow truck driver showes up,, i get out of the car they had me wait in and i say you cant put that car on that truck your going to have to drive it home for me or let me drive it for you, long story short he drove it to the impound, and come to find out .. the tags were off of "owned"'s civic.. were actually working on that car in the garrage so we just grabbed the wrong tag..... but anyways when we get back to the station. the cop realised he fucked up by arresting "owned " for the tags its a m5.. and the cop was threatnig him telling him if hes not good hes going to take him to jail, HARRASMENT!!! ABUSE OF POWER !!!! anyways we have to get up all extra early in the morning to go get the supra i dont want that car sitting in some bum fuck middle of no where impound lot, fuck that... honestlly guys we love to go fast and all but tonight that was just some bullshit if you ask me and the guys from ftp motorsports.... i lost most respect for cops tonight... have a good night guys cya
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now i think that what happened is bullshit not that the police did there job on the fictitious tag thing but the whole you are going to jail threats smart ass comments. i just went through this shit again a couple months ago and had some young ass punk cop look at my licence and tell me that im going to jail that i will never drive a commercial vehicle again that he was going to take my licence all because i was drag racing a 64 4dr six cly all stock nova against a 406 nova ill admit i was present for the race but not actually racing along with a few other cars. my problem is not the laws them selfs but the ones that are sworn to up hold the laws and make a personal crusade to be assholes and act far better than any one else. i mean he was talking shit like a punk would, and to make it worse to a commercial driver i know the laws concerning my licence and the concequences that go with it.

i am not saying tha tall police officers are bad but there sure a lot of them that are on a serious power trip. hell i was arrested for disordly conduct in front of my shop in westerville because i had a sherrif that didnt belive that i belonged there and thought that i was steeling shit. i had the keys to my shop and even showed him my lease. he pulled up being a prick and that put me on defence because i have costomers that pick up there cars late, so if i am being treated this way so will they. funny thing is since the charges were dropped i have never seen him since so WTF looks like his bubble was busted.

owell for the officers that do there job well my hat goes off to you thanks for what you do. but for the the power trippers graemlins/finger.gif

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it wasnt me that didnt pay rent, whiteknight posted that by mistake on my name thats why he reposted it on his name, as i originally posted this on his name because he was loggin it auto by mistake, its all good.... and

Great Googley.. the car has not been driven in over 8 months we tooks the tags off and put them in a pile with all of our other tags, cause when we originally took them off we were going to get custom tags when the new kit was complete, we just grabbed the wrong tag when we put them back on .. OOPS !

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Guest Redracerx
Originally posted by Great Googley Moogley:

maybe you should be more worried about paying your rent insend of trying to tune your car. Also why did you have the tags off the supra in the frist place?

First of all the car is our friends, the rent has nothing to do with this story. If you wanna be a little kid and try to talk shit, do it in the DJ's Kitchen.


I am an adult and I do take all responsibilty for my actions. Also, I am not ashamed to ask for help when I really need it. Only real men can do that.

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Originally posted by Jon:

You guys fly around 270 in that Supra at 100+mph. Karma's a bitch quit whining.

Great point. Reminds me of the the internship that I completed at a federal prison. In there guys would whine constantly about being caught for this and that - and, of course, NO ONE is ever guilty of the thing that got them put in prison. So, when they'd start in with their whining about having such-and-such time to go and so on, a great way to shut them up was to ask, "Okay, so, how much time would you be doing if you got caught for all the things that you didn't get caught doing?"
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Guest Redracerx
Originally posted by SpR:

the cop was like im going to write you up for flying through town, we reply back " we were not speading or breaking any laws " cop said well ill get you for rapid acceleration.. we reply with " there were no red lights through the whole town its after midnight " then the cop asks for everyones id in the car, "whiteknight" "owned" and myself.. eventually we give the cop our ids.. he comes back to the car and tells "owned" hes under arrest for bad tags

We werer pulle dover for bullshit reasons, 0wned was arrested under false pretenses, and the cop was a complete asshole to everyone in the car.


We were trying to question what he was saying and he just kept getting meaner and nastier to us until he told us to get out of the car.


Then after we accepted the fact that the car was going to be towed, the cop wouldn't even let 0wned get the mileage out of his car because they couldn,t tow it with out damaging it.


And now I just found out that the impound lot where its being held is charging 0wned $168 to get the car ouot and they left the lot unattended but said it was secure because it was locked up with a chain.


That is why SpR was fuming about everything that happened.

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ok, let me attempt this...



spr, owned, and white knight go for a little tuning cruise in a car that, unbeknownst to them, has incorrect tags on it. they drive through jefferson township, and eventually, a vette rolls up next to them and paces them for a while. after a while they begin to get tailed by a cop, who eventually pulls them and the vette over.


at this point, the vette is totally forgotten.


the cop runs their tags, see that its not for the right car, and impound the car, and arrest the owner of the tags used on the car.


somewhere in here, some guy who drives a modified bmw realizes he cant pay his rent. *pancake bunny*


after this, lots of alleged police abuse of power takes place, which seems to consist mostly of the police telling the kids to "be good or youre going to jail."


to the principles involved, i have this to say...


if youre grammatical ability is any indication of your level of intelligence, the cop got mean because he was frustrated as hell trying to understand what you were babbling incoherently.


i really hope you didnt expect pity from cr.

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