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Ford backs gays, christian group boycotts.


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Imagine what people that motivated could do if they put their energy, time and money into something positive like Ford is trying to do with this program. Like if they did missions programs or feed homeless people. What they are doing is only contributing negatively to our society. graemlins/nonono.gif
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Originally posted by Swirl Marks:

Besides, gay people don't drive Jags. If they really wanted to make money, they would go after VW and Saturn. ;)




---Marcey Evans, a spokeswoman for the company, said in an interview Wednesday that the AFA was misusing “diversity” by treating it as a code word for “homosexuality.” But “to Ford, diversity is a much broader definition than simply homosexuality,” she said. “Diversity is very important to Ford, and it goes beyond homosexuality.”---


sounds like a broken record.


i suport part of gay rights, like the right for to women to get in bed with me.

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Originally posted by Swirl Marks:

Besides, gay people don't drive Jags. If they really wanted to make money, they would go after VW and Saturn. ;)

or V6 mustangs. graemlins/thumb.gif


their saving america by destroying it economicaly? We should give these people Iceland to do what the please with it. They can just never leave, nor transmit from the island.

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Originally posted by The Stig:

or V6 mustangs. graemlins/thumb.gif


their saving america by destroying it economicaly? We should give these people Iceland to do what the please with it. They can just never leave, nor transmit from the island.

i think a scene out of "the one" would serve this better. send them through a wormhole onto a planet they cant get off of. that or put sharks with lasers on thier heads all around the island.
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Originally posted by Swirl Marks:

I am not impressed with the actions of GLAAD, and I would have been happier to see the money go to an organization with more ethical tactics and messages.

I'll admit I don't know anything about GLADD, their message or their tactics, although I've never heard anything bad about them like PETA.


Eric's got a point too.


I think it's easily arguable that what the AFA is doing is much more negative and destructive for what 'America is based one' and our growth economically and sociologically than what Ford is doing, which seems like they are at least trying to be positive.

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Well, I think it's definitely a step in the right direction, and I think that the groups who likely are causing the problems most likely haven't even looked into what GLAAD does. That is always a problem. Uninformed activists always cause problems.
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Isn't religion supposed to be about tolerance and kindness?
kindness, yes. tolerance, no. religion is supposed to be INtolerant, and thats why a lot of soft people cant abide by it.


glaad is pretty much useless. eli is correct. ford could have made a much bigger difference, and alienated themselves from a much smaller demographic had they chosen a different cause. bad business.

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everytime I see this country give millions in aid to some other poor country I wonder "why does the world hate us? Look how we're helping."

But then somebody goes and does something freakin retarded like this.

For one, why do we need charity organizations for who people prefer to have sex with? Yes Im talking about gays and straights, so dont think Im singling anyone out. And yes I know "theres more to it than that, bigot" but I dont care right now.

Theres a lot more problems in this world than wanting to marry your life partner, this isnt ancient barbaric times where people are bound and tortured until they denounce their devotion to their same sex partner. You arent put to death, or even put to jail, simply because you have a different belief in life.

BUT there are people dying in this world of disease and hunger, there are people in this world that would like to get an education, and there are people in this world that deserve help with clothing and housing. but all these things costs money, SO if these christian organizations and gay rights organizations really want to help, then stop worrying about yourselves and actually do it.

[/end rant]

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Originally posted by Orion:

kindness, yes. tolerance, no. religion is supposed to be INtolerant, and thats why a lot of soft people cant abide by it.

I hear it's the opiate of the masses.


As for calling it bad buisness....Its ford, would you expect anything less? tongue.gif

If they'd donated to the Bull Moose party, I bet there would be alot less bitching, you may have never heard about it.

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Guest buckeyefarmboy

I for one after reading this am proud to drive a chevy. orion is quite right religion is not about tolerance at all. The entire point of the christian faith is to follow the teachings of christ verbatum(sp)and try to bring other souls to the faith. that cannot be accomplished in any form by lowering the standards of the church to include gays or on the same token women as having leadership roles in the church. And as an aside diversity and tolerance have done nothing for this country but lower our standards as a whole.


now please try to come up with some new arguements i am tired of hearing the old worn out ones because in no way can they be backed up.

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you asked for it;

Originally posted by farmboy:

The entire point of the christian faith is to follow the teachings of christ verbatum.

So youfollow his words verbatum, such as;

"thou shalt elect leaders to decide who lives and who dies"

"if thou shalt feel threatened, feel free to kill whoever is threatening you, and I will sort them out."

"I hate gays, women are inferior"

"love thy fellow man, but only if they agree with you and your interpretation of what I say."

"It's ok to do pretty much whatever you want, as long as you're sorry and worship my dad."

"If some one leads a different lifestyle then you, kill them, shun them, do whatever you can to make their lives miserable...unless they convert, of course".

"Spread my word, and kill anyone who doesn't like it"


You and i both know Jesus never said, nor would ever say anthing like that. There's too many mother fuckers out there with "WWJD" on their fucking bracelets who have no fucking clue what J would D. Religion may not be about tolerance and love for your felow man, but but he was, dont metion the name Jesus in the same breath as organized religion. He tried to spread an idea, one that IMHO was a good one.


He didn't want women having leadership roles in the church? Cracka, there WAS no church when he was around, and he actualy kept a few women close to him, and had no problem with them spreading his word. Dont say you follow his teachings verbatum, no one does. Almost 6 centuries past before they were even written down. And if you keep a copy of King James bible, or the book of moron...er, Morman, you are herby forbidden from any theological discussion untill you read somethig that's based some what on truth and is not a purposefull mistranslation or fabrication.

Personaly, I dont beleive there is a god, so I obviously dont beleive Jesus was his son. But Jesus did exist, the Romans did crucify him (hooray Roman record keeping), and I for one beleive he was a good dude with a good message, minus the god parts. But hey, back then you had to tell people that if you wanted them to listen.

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Originally posted by farmboy:

that cannot be accomplished in any form by lowering the standards of the church to include gays or on the same token women as having leadership roles in the church.

So how does what Ford or Chevy does have anything to do with your religion? I'm sure if you were a die hard ford guy, this wouldn't affect your viewpoint of them at all. So it is in fact your argument that is flawed.


Ford donating money to a group when a member of that group buys a car has NOTHING to do with you or your religion. People need to mind their own business sometimes.


You really think that it's a productive thing for this group to boycott Ford for what they are doing when they could be feeding homeless people or building churches or houses for people who can't afford them?


Do you even realize what kind of positive acts for humanity a group like this could accomplish with the manpower, effort, tenacity, and the financial backing they have?

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Originally posted by farmboy:

I for one after reading this am proud to drive a chevy. orion is quite right religion is not about tolerance at all. The entire point of the christian faith is to follow the teachings of christ verbatum(sp)and try to bring other souls to the faith. that cannot be accomplished in any form by lowering the standards of the church to include gays or on the same token women as having leadership roles in the church. And as an aside diversity and tolerance have done nothing for this country but lower our standards as a whole.


now please try to come up with some new arguements i am tired of hearing the old worn out ones because in no way can they be backed up.

Ignorance breeds ignorance. I was a Jehovah's Witness, sometime ago. As far as following the rules to a T 90% of the time, I don't think you can get more strict. No where in the bible does it say to harass someone who's not of the same faith and or ideal as you are. It says to go preaching to all those around you, do you personally go spreading the word of god(being that if you believe in the bible it is)? Do you personally tell your friends/neighbors/co-workers off hours about the bible and his kingdom? I can point out quite a few scriptures where it says you're supposed to go and do that, and I can pretty much bank you more than likely don't.


Not to mention the fact your view point up there, COMPLETELY goes against what God/Jesus put forth back in the bible anyways. Are you familiar with the land owner and his two sons? One went away did a bunch of wrong doing, came back and was let back into the fold by his father with open arms. How the hell would you expect someone if they were gay and did feel like changing to the christian faith to ever be accepted then? By what you just said everyone should be condemend who's currently sinning now.


Your views are ignorant, dated and sorely misplaced.



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Guest rperry74
Originally posted by The Stig:

you asked for it;

[qb] And if you keep a copy of King James bible, or the book of moron...er, Morman, you are herby forbidden from any theological discussion untill you read somethig that's based some what on truth and is not a purposefull mistranslation or fabrication.

So, then the question is, what is the truth? Scientology, Karbala. All of that is junk. Since I, and nearly a third of the worlds population, seem to be misguided, you tell me what I should be reading that will tell me what the truth is. The truth is, you can't. And the reason is because you have no faith. I am going to spare you the scriptures and what not, but if YOU don't believe in anything other than there is no God, then how can you honestly expect to have any credibility. I am tolerant of others beliefs, go do your buddy if you want cause I am not going to hell over it, but I take it kind of personally to be told that I have no room to discuss anything based on my Bible. I could go on, but theres my 2 cents for now. And this isn't about you directly, I just have heard this before and not said anything, so now I want to know.
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Originally posted by Veritas:

Et equitas. T.c.

Born and raise Catholic, read the bible almost twice, then translated about half of it from latin. I've also got some of the Quaran and Tora under my belt. Some people just like being angry, they think it gives them purpose in life.
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Originally posted by BigBald1:

So, then the question is, what is the truth? Scientology, Karbala. All of that is junk. Since I, and nearly a third of the worlds population, seem to be misguided, you tell me what I should be reading that will tell me what the truth is. The truth is, you can't.

Way to pay attention cap'n. I cited those two specificaly becaus they are specificaly bullshit. I dint say the Bible in general was. King james commisioned the "revised translation" for a reason, and it wasn't for the good of man. It was deliberately mistranslated in many parts to better suit the way he wanted to rule. This is not speculation, this is documented fact, though not one you'll find in christian publications. And the book of Morman....c'mon, have you read it? If you want to beleive in them fine, nothing but love for ya. Just dont come to Geography class with a copy of Freidmans "The World is Flat" thinking you're going to prove something.

So, if you don't follow the King James verison, or the book or Mormon, c'mon in, enjoy the conversation. graemlins/thumb.gif

To say I "dont beleive in anything other then there is no god" is far from the truth. I beleive in alot of things, such as right and wrong, and the fact that they are not static and unchanging. I beleive in alot, but every one of my beliefs exists for a reason, not just "it was writen in this old book here". And for some reason, I still have faith in mankind. Everyone has the capacity for great good and great evil. most people act, thinking that they are doing some kind of good for some one, some where. Many have a misguided veiw. We all beleive different things. DJ knows I love'm, I love hearing him talk, and I'm wait in great anticipation for his responce to all this. You can only learn from talking to intellegent people. Sensless bable and arguing only makes you dumber.

But hey, we're getting off topic here, back to Gays, Ford, and Christianity. smile.gif


[ 07. June 2005, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: The Stig ]

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