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Computer Games

Guest StrtRcr09

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Guest StrtRcr09
Hey I am getting a very nice computer built for me here very shortly and I would like to know everyone's opinions on some computer games to play. I want to know the funnest games to play, and the ones that are good for playing online. Also, on these games, is it better to play with a controller or the keyboard/mouse? Thanks
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Battlefield Vietnam also. You will be addicted. I use both the keyboard/mouse and a controller. I use the Keyboard/mouse to do all ground activities and the joystick to fly planes and helocopters.
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Guest StrtRcr09
Hmm so I'm guessing these are war games? And what about Halo and Halo 2? I don't really know if there's a Halo and Halo 2 for PC. And how about Doom 3?
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Doom 3 was really good, I liked it. Halo is great for multiplater (halo 2 is X-box only) Half-life 2 is awesome, Chronicles of Riddick: escape from Butcher Bay is an AWESOME game (hint, it's only $20), Farcry was also really good (refreshing after playing Doom3), and so far Starwars: Republic Commando is really cool. Being able to command a squad of commandos is pretty neat.


All the above mentioned games are first person shooter.


If you like real-time stratgey games, War Hammer: Dawn of War is excellent, as is War Craft III.


BTW, you'll need a fairly beefy computer to play any of the FPS games listed above, don't cheap out on the vid card.

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Guest StrtRcr09

Well I currently play Diablo 2 occasionally(sp?). I've heard so many mixed opinions on Doom 3 that I don't know if I want to get it or not.


I think I'm going to have to get Halo cuz I like Halo 2 online for xbox. Same with Escape from butcher bay.


I'm not really into strategy games so I don't know if this Battlefield is strategy or what not.


Oh and btw, I will be getting a beefy comp to play these on. I have $1500 to spend on this comp so it's gotta be elite.

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Originally posted by ¬.¬:

Oh and btw, I will be getting a beefy comp to play these on. I have $1500 to spend on this comp so it's gotta be elite.

Who is building it for you? Me and another guy on here build them as a side business. We only charge $50 for assembly. You buy the parts (we'll even help you buy them), and we'll put it together and get it up and running.


For $1,500, you could have the best of everything.


Games I would recommend...


Grand Prix Legends (old game but has been reskinned/retextured).

Battlefield 1942

Battlefield 1942 (Desert Combat mod)

Battlefield Vietnam

Half-Life 2

Counter Strike: Source (My current addiction)

Battlefield 2 (soon out)


[ 04. June 2005, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: Maro ]

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look at all you "first-person shoot'em up weenies".

yes, some of the games mentioned above are fun to play, but they are all very similar. a couple games i would mention:


Fallout (there are 3 of them, classic game)

Final Fantasy XI (if you want an online game that can take up every minute of your day)

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

If you build a top line system and then even so much as hook up a gamepad to it, I will drive over there and take it away and drive over it. Repeatedly.


Warhammer: Dawn of War


Call of duty

Halflife2, Counterstrike Source


what he said. except that i will drive over your hands as well.
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Guest Rane

www.steampowered.com all there games for fps.


lineage 2 for rpg, the only rpg your not going to accomplish everything in a month, and that doesn't blow once you hit max level.


Warcraft 3 for strategy


racing games sux on the pc.


thats all

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Rane apparently is on the drugs because lineage2 is a huge ass time sink with not nearly enough pay out.


Hands down mmorpg that's kicking the markets ass right now is World of Warcraft (Wow). If you like rpg's, ffxi and WoW are your top picks.


If you like FPS, go for Halo since you like halo for xbox. Check out www.steampowered.com for getting half-life 2 silver package or what not so you can get counter-strike source as well. Prettiest and most versitile fps engine out there right now. Doom3 has way too many requirements and very very little multiplayability to even be considered in the running.


What other types of games are you into? There's a huge market out there man.



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Guest StrtRcr09

Mowgli: So I should use the keyboard/mouse, and no controller?


Maro: My dad's co-workers are helping me put it together. They'll get the hardware from a company that they order stuff from for work. And since I'm spending $1500 on it, I plan to get the best of the best in hardware.


Veritas: I'm into shooting games and some fantasy games. Strategy games are not really what I'm looking for.

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I like an older game, called Red Alert 2:Yuris Revenge its a strategy. We also started playing Age of Empires.. For anyone that does play these types of games, is Warcraft like thse games?


I am looking for newer updated games of this nature, but cant find anything so far that impresses me.

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Originally posted by Mrs. CentralOhioSubarus:

I like an older game, called Red Alert 2:Yuris Revenge its a strategy. We also started playing Age of Empires.. For anyone that does play these types of games, is Warcraft like thse games?


I am looking for newer updated games of this nature, but cant find anything so far that impresses me.

Try Warhammer: Dawn of War. It's a badass stratgey game, beautiful graphics. Best I've seen in a RTS game to date. The dreadnaughts are some hardcore muthafuckas.
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BF1942 Desert Combat Mod + 400 Watt sound system > *, and also = your neighbors thinking you are literally shooting an ak-47 in your house.


halflife 2 is possibly the most advanced engine I have ever see in a game, and the physics are literally unparalleled. GTA: San Andreas is out on PC now and that should be good. The GTA mod community is amazing, and the ability to change models/skins in the game to be real cars is so cool. Instead of getting in a "cheetah" you can get in a Ford GT40 with a fully 3d desgined interior and 3d wheels, etc. Its a kick.

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Originally posted by ¬.¬:

Mowgli: So I should use the keyboard/mouse, and no controller?

Yup - for FPS and rpgs and such.


I don't do driving games on the PC (bought the XBox and PS2 for those) so I can't recommend a wheel...


If you're going to do any flight sims get a decent stick. Really ups the enjoyment of them. Heck even hybrid games like Joint Ops are more fun with a stick than the keyboard/mouse if you're doing pilot duty. If you want and have the desk space for a stick/throttle combo go with anything from Saitek in the "xNN" line. Since the x36 they've had the best controllers/ dollar out there. I have the x45 USB. There's the x52 out now I think. If you want just a single joystick go for the Cyborg 3D Gold USB, also from Saitek.


I forgot - if you're into flying:

Comanche vs Havoc

X-Wing Alliance


Pacific Fighters

European Air War

Wings Over Vietnam

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