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Beer Review: Breckenridge Oatmeal Stout

Guest Ranger_Man

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Guest Ranger_Man

Hailing from Denver, not Breckenridge, comes an oatmeal stout. I bought this at Central Market for $6.50 or so since they have picked up this brand. I saw all the new boxes and thought to myself, “Self, if they have the inclination to screw something up, what would it be?” Then I saw it: a nice looking 6 pack of oatmeal stout. This stuff had better be good.


Bottle: Tall, dark and not so handsome immediately comes to mind. There is a picture of a crescent moon grinch wearing a winter hat, a white beard, and a red shirt. So basically, take the grinch from “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”, make his head a crescent moon and you would have this picture. Surrounding this picture is the words, “Oatmeal Stout.” Underneath is a brief description that reads, “A tall, dark, and dreamy stout worth of the title.” The problem with this is that I, for the life of me, can’t find the title that this beer holds.


Pour: Tall and dark sure fit the bill as far as the looks are concerned. The head of the beer starts off meager and kind of piddles away into bleak nothingness. The beer smells of burnt malt and to my astonishment, has a small hint of burnt hair. That, my loyal readers, is a first in my book and not something that has good forebodings. Carbonation is indiscernible through the darkness of the beer.


Taste: Normally it takes me a good 3 to 5 swallows to get a firm grasp on the entire taste of the beer; this beer only took me 1 swallow to size it up. The two present tastes are burnt malt and carbonation, except I am being generous there since carbonation is more of a mouthfeel than a taste. Other than that, the beer has a heavy feel and that is all that is there.


Overall: Personally, I would be embarrassed to put my name on this beer. This kind of bland trash is to be expected from one of the big beer makers here in America, not a small operation that is supposed to be comprised of beer enthusiasts. Honestly, if you see someone buying anything from Breckenridge Brewery you need to stop them and help that confused soul find something else. I am quite angered right now and the only thing saving me from driving to Colorado and telling these people that they suck is the fact that I have a supposedly damn good stout in my fridge.



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