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Who else has to enter the real world tommorow?


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I am referring to graduation at Ohio State.. I've had a good run, now its time to suck it up and get a real job. :cool: (i know.. more like :( )


Either way, congrats to the class of 2005.


EDIT: might as well include your major and future plans as well. Welding engineering here, I know there are a few others on this board that know the joys of this major ;) I am currently interviewing for jobs, all of which are out of Columbus, btw..


[ 11. June 2005, 04:15 PM: Message edited by: Morgan ]

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Originally posted by racinbird:

I agree, depending on what field you are going into

If you're going into food preparation or production line work, then yeah. I'm damn succesful for some one with no degree, and I'm still making about $15,000 less then a degree holder in my feild would make. I'm comparing first year entry level salaries. A freind of mine spend his college career bitching about this and that, and now he's got a summer internship making more then I do. College is overated? Only if you're fine with a $35,000 a year cap. There are a few acceptions, but the thing about acceptions is, chances are you won't be one. You'll be much better off with a degree or certification in your feild then without, there's no argument.
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Originally posted by vitaminCJ:

Hmm...first time I have ever heard that. Maybe you are referring purely to the educational part?



Well...yeah smile.gif

I'll be going to "college" until I'm 30 :D

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Originally posted by Morgan:

Thanks all, its officially over.. i'm surprised that out of 7,500 graduates today there aren't others on here. :cool:


..and college has proven to be worthwhile to me in many ways.

they are still in a coma from the pub crawl.


For all those graduates, congrats. Boy do i have an offer for you to help pay back those student loans. just hit me up and we'll talk......

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Originally posted by SHIEF:

College is overrated....true story. Because I failed to research the pay scales of the industries available for study. I have now graduated and am making less money!



Excuses, excuses!

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Originally posted by SHIEF:

Nothin like graduating from college to go on to that 25 thou a year job.

Try again.


Congrats Morgan. Welcome to the club. Now get off your ass and get a job or else the Protege will be faster then you soon.

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Originally posted by Mallard:

Try again.


Congrats Morgan. Welcome to the club. Now get off your ass and get a job or else the Protege will be faster then you soon.

Wasn't talking about him graemlins/slap.gif
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