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Underage Drinking. Busted *Update


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Originally posted by Zeitgeist:

Don't tell the neighbors you called the fuzz. For all you know, you were the FOURTH neighbor to call the cops!

They know it was me. I filled out a statement. smile.gif


I feel fine with things now, other than wondering which night one of these kids or their friends will take out their frustrations over being retards on my house.

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I'm guessing we have a minor in the thread.

actually, im 25 :D


im just saying though, its stupid to call the cops for something as trivial as playing loud music on a saturday night...


if it were me, i would have gone down there and politley told them "look, i know whats going on here, and i dont really care that you are having a party, but can you please try to keep it down, because we can hear you down the street, and i know you are trying to have a good time and all, but someone may call the cops" that should shut them up easily.


i look at it this way: those kids are just having a party, drinking some beers playing their music loud. ive done it, youve done it, EVERYONE HAS DONE IT when they were a teenager.


now they got an underage drinking charge on them, which they will probably get out of it or get it expunged later, but it could come back to fuck them later in life. i mean i dont want to fuck up some kids life just because he was playing his music loud. i would MUCH rather prefer to go talk to him and give him the speech i said above. if you are nice about it, then they should keep it down.


and they will be able to find out who called the cops either way. if you go talk to them before, or just call straight up.



i dunno... just my .02


i just dont think i would ever call the cops for a situation that i could easily handle myself.

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Originally posted by Stroker Ace:

im just saying though, its stupid to call the cops for something as trivial as playing loud music on a saturday night...

Trivial? Other than me, everyone on my street is either 60+ or has kids under 10. This wasn't semi-loud rock music that you could barely make out. This was VERY deep bass music coming from at LEAST 12's, with their fucking windows open.

I turned on 2 fans to drown out the music. Didn't help. I turned the tv way up. Didn't help. Picture trying to sleep with a car with a 750w+, 2 12-inch sub system parked in your driveway. That is the volume of music we're talking about here.


Doesn't matter. Done deal. When I called the cops to bitch, I was calling to report LOUD fucking music. I had no idea the kids could be that dumb, and have no regrets about them getting nailed. If I knew before I called that it was some hot 17 year old chicks and a couple zit-faced guys trying to get a piece, I would "handled it myself" as you say.

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Originally posted by Stroker Ace:

actually, im 25 :D

Then maybe it's time to grow the fuck up and act like it. The little fucks made a choice to break the law and disturb the neighborhood in the process. They got caught doing it. They will pay the price for doing it. If their parents had taught them some sort of good judgement, this post wouldn't even be here. So fuck cutting em a break, if the parents aren't going to teach right and wrong by themselves, the judicial system and law enforcement can give them a crash course.


As far as "handling it yourself" just how is that suppost to work. Go bang on the door and tell a bunch of drunk teenage guys showin off to their G/F's to turn it down, there's a good way to get told to fuck off. Just how do you figure that if these little punks have no more respect for the neighbors than to play music at rock concert levels at 1:30 in the morning that they are going to somehow be respectful of a request to turn it down. The respect thing got dropped and broken as the pumped at 1:30 in the morning. Remember that to get respect, you need to show respect, last time I checked, pumping the bass at 1:30 in the morning is not showing respect to the neighbors.


As far as the payback thing. Sams club sells security camera sets pretty cheap. Get one and watch your shit. If the "payback" comes, have it on tape so that you can burn their asses.

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Guest FBody Addict
Originally posted by desperado:

Then maybe it's time to grow the fuck up and act like it. The little fucks made a choice to break the law and disturb the neighborhood in the process. They got caught doing it. They will pay the price for doing it. If their parents had taught them some sort of good judgement, this post wouldn't even be here. So fuck cutting em a break, if the parents aren't going to teach right and wrong by themselves, the judicial system and law enforcement can give them a crash course.


As far as "handling it yourself" just how is that suppost to work. Go bang on the door and tell a bunch of drunk teenage guys showin off to their G/F's to turn it down, there's a good way to get told to fuck off. Just how do you figure that if these little punks have no more respect for the neighbors than to play music at rock concert levels at 1:30 in the morning that they are going to somehow be respectful of a request to turn it down. The respect thing got dropped and broken as the pumped at 1:30 in the morning. Remember that to get respect, you need to show respect, last time I checked, pumping the bass at 1:30 in the morning is not showing respect to the neighbors.


As far as the payback thing. Sams club sells security camera sets pretty cheap. Get one and watch your shit. If the "payback" comes, have it on tape so that you can burn their asses.

i wouldn't debate underage drinking, or legal drinking with this guy, he has told me stories and has made it perfectly clear he doesn't like it
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i understand where the kids are coming from. and i understand where the poster is coming from. i can see both sides of the coin.


Just how do you figure that if these little punks have no more respect for the neighbors than to play music at rock concert levels at 1:30 in the morning that they are going to somehow be respectful of a request to turn it down.
i just think that they dont want the cops to show up. so if they get a little warning that they are fuckin up and get concerned that the cops may show up, then they will keep it down. maybe they didnt realize exactly how loud their music was. i mean sure, they knew it was playing loud, but maybe they werent aware that the bass could be heard down the block. but yeah man, if those kids were dicks to me when i went down there, then OF CORUSE the cops are going to be called. ya know... im just trying to give em a heads up and let them know, before the shit goes down. thats all im saying.


im not trying to debate the merits of drinking, or flame anyone or anything. sorry if i came off the wrong way in the other posts.


the original poster asked if we would have done the same thing. i said i wouldnt have.

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Do something stupid in a neighborhood = speak with the police.


There is a dude in my neighborhood that drives his quadrunner at like 40mph down the middle of the road, he will be either talking to a neighbor, the police, or removing a car trunk from his chin the next time. If you live next to people you have to respect them respecting you or pay a consequence. This is especially true if you are messing with the safety/well-being of someone's children.

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