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Good PS2 games?

Guest infamous me 235

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Guest infamous me 235
What are some good PS2 games out right now? Im tired of MVP 2005, winning the World Series 5 out of 6 years in owner mode on All-Star. Trading it in soon for a new game, which one though http://forums.offtopic.com/images/smilies/ohnoes.gif
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GTA: San Andreas. I've been playing it since Xmas. Granted, I only get to play it once every week or so, but it keeps me entertained. I haven't played any of the other GTA's, so I don't know how they compare.


The game I played before that was Prince of Persia, the first one. I loved that game. I got the second one, but hated it, and quit playing it after it got to be too frustrating. Guess I'm not too much of a "gamer."

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Guest infamous me 235

Im not buying any more GTA games. I end up just killing eevrybody and eventually getting bored with it. trading it in, then buying it again, trad erit back in... idk, im retarded.


idk what games are even out



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I just beat Ace Combat 05 on normal mode. Going through it again in Ace mode. I, being a huge fan of all things flight, loooooove this game. The storyline is awesome, as are the cut scenes. The planes absolutely kick ass. It is slightly better than Ace Combat 04, which also kicks ass (I have yet to beat the last level on it).
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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by Tater:

I just beat Ace Combat 05 on normal mode. Going through it again in Ace mode. I, being a huge fan of all things flight, loooooove this game. The storyline is awesome, as are the cut scenes. The planes absolutely kick ass. It is slightly better than Ace Combat 04, which also kicks ass (I have yet to beat the last level on it).

Hmmm, more info
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