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Beer Review: Abbey Affligem Noel Christmas Ale

Guest Ranger_Man

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Guest Ranger_Man

Yes, it is another Christmas Ale. The reason why I picked this up is because Christmas ales are seasonal, and therefore, offered but once a year. That means I have only one or two months to fit all of this years Christmas Ales into my beer drinking calendar. I picked this up at Central Market for around 7 bucks; which, as far as Belgian beers go, is a fair price.


Bottle: The bottle is quite large and quite brown. While holding in 750ml of Christmas ale, the bottle is decorated rather festively. Both the top and bottom labels are covered with little Santas. The bottom label has the beer name in the middle, which is surrounded by all kinds of things associated with Christmas. These include: two people singing carols, three snowmen caroling in a winter scene, two bells, and the words, “Happy Xmas.” The left side of the bottle says, “For the season we offer you our best wishes and an especially delicious ale. Rich and dark like our dubbel. Sumptuous and smooth like Tripel. Enjoy!” It also informs me that the beer is 9% ABV and it is indeed a product of Belgium. The right side of the main label has some kind of warning and it also tells me to, “Pour slowly into a wide mouth glass. Serve at cellar temperature (44-48 degrees F).”


Pour: The beer smells strongly of candied or caramel apples and cloves and maybe a hint of cinnamon. The beer looks exactly like an unfiltered apple cider. The head lasts only until you glance away because by the time you look back, the head thief has already swung by and swiped that sucker clean off of your beer. There is minimal lace that stays on top of the beer and none of it clings to the glass which leaves you looking at an unfiltered apple cider. There is quite a bit of carbonation present.


Taste: Right away, the beer tastes like an unfiltered apple cider that has been carbonated. However, further testing reveals that much like the Transformers, there is more than meets the eye, or tongue. After the cider beginnings, the taste of a maltier version of a Belgian dubbel begins to emerge. Citrus flavors mixed with a complex array of spices greet the palate like a crack of a whip. I find myself drinking this beer slower than normal as it just seems almost wine like in both flavor and texture. There is no real defining flavor that stands out more than the rest. Like a good symphony, all of the flavors play together. Nothing really stands out amongst the crowd and everyone mingles together.


Overall: As far as beer is concerned, this one is quite tasty. As far as Christmas beer is concerned, this one leaves holes that others fill. This beer really has nothing that reminds me of Christmas, which is what I expect from something called, “Christmas beer”. However, like I said, the beer is still quite good, I just think it could use a name change.



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Nice review lad, I think the seemingly misleading label has it's roots in the traditional european christmass.


While us cheeky americans prefer to down gallons of that filthy cum-esqe eggnog the Germans and presumably Belgians guzzle a much more enticing (and intoxicating) drink.


Glüwein is a wierdass spiced wine served hot... oddly enough it's quite good. It also contains most of the seemingly misplace christmass ale flavors.


6 inch cinnamon

3 blades mace

4 cloves

1 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1 sprig mint

2 tablespoons sugar

1/2 lemon juice and rind

1 bottle red wine

1/2 cup port

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Guest Ranger_Man

That beer absolutely kicked my ass last night. Now 9% ABV does not usually phase me much, however this beer was different. Today i found out why; on the side of the cork, is the date 6/03, also known as june of 2003. So, the beer was bottled a year and a half ago and has been aging since then. Therefore, those sneaky Belgians tricked me into believing that it was only 9% alcohol, when evidently, it was much higher. I think what probably happened is that this beer was meant to be consumed last Christmas, not this one.



That Gluwein sounds kind of tasty. I might have to try that. Are you from Europe?

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Originally posted by Beer Guy:

That beer absolutely kicked my ass....



That Gluwein sounds kind of tasty. I might have to try that. Are you from Europe?

One of my aunts is married to a german guy so whenever we got together for christmass/new years all the old school german food and drink would show up. Deffinately have a go at it.
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