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just so everyone knows

Guest Ranger_Man

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Guest Ranger_Man

in about a month i will be moving to austin, texas.


about a month ago my dad, dodge man on here, got laid off from his job of 10 years. he semi-searched for a job here in cbus but found nothing that suited his qualifications and expertise. so the search continued elsewhere and he eventually got offered a job in austin. hence my moving as well because i will be damned if i get left here in ohio. texas>>>>>ohio.


at any rate i thought that you should hear it from the source rather than in the rumors people like to gossip about.


this is also why i have not been out much lately. working 40+ hours a week and getting a house ready for sale takes up pretty much all of my time.

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Guest Ranger_Man

everyone that i have talked to has said the same things:


texas university in downtown austin has 50,000 students. 35,000 are good looking women and another 7,000 are palatable women smile.gif .


there are mountains just west of austin. mountains mean curvy roads. curvy roads mean good cruises smile.gif .


texas world speedway is just a hop away from austin. 2.9 mile road courses are the shizzle.


there are tons of cheap old cars in amazing condition down in texas. one of them will be my daily driver. old cars that are carburated(sp) are so easy to work on and thats how a "beater" should be.

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Originally posted by Beer Guy:

everyone that i have talked to has said the same things:


texas university in downtown austin has 50,000 students. 35,000 are good looking women and another 7,000 are palatable women smile.gif .


there are mountains just west of austin. mountains mean curvy roads. curvy roads mean good cruises smile.gif .


texas world speedway is just a hop away from austin. 2.9 mile road courses are the shizzle.


there are tons of cheap old cars in amazing condition down in texas. one of them will be my daily driver. old cars that are carburated(sp) are so easy to work on and thats how a "beater" should be.

PLUS...it is the "Live Music Capital" of the world!!! Always good times to be had!
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Guest Ranger_Man
Originally posted by Hoop-D:

PLUS...it is the "Live Music Capital" of the world!!! Always good times to be had!

really? i did not know that. that is cool though. a little live music never hurt no one! :cool:
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Originally posted by Beer Guy:

really? i did not know that. that is cool though. a little live music never hurt no one! :cool:

Except a bunch of punks at woodstock, and that girl that got hit in the face when axle rose threw his mike stand, and....


I bet you will like your life better there in say 5 months when the snow comes back to us.

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Guest stevil
Wow man, have fun out there. graemlins/thumb.gif Big car scene in Texas. Stay in touch on here. We'll have to have a meet somewhere with good beer before you go. ;)
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Guest Ranger_Man

some of you are welcome to come visit any time you wish. others of you are welcome to stay out of the state :eek:tongue.gif .


kenny, you can come visit graemlins/gone.gif


there will definately be a last hurra(sp) somewhere nice steve.

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Guest RJ1074
Originally posted by Driver:

Look out, redheaded white boy movin to the desert. tongue.gif

what mountains? The pecos?

buy lots of sun screen!!! tongue.gif ... and if you get a chance, check out the world horse show.. its amazing, $50,000 horses and they have underground air conditioned tunnles to keep them cool! :eek: hot chicks ride horses too graemlins/thumb.gif
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