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Bill Bader + Norwalk >*


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I went to the World Nationals in August and it got rained out. So the date moved to October 9th and Norwalk setup for the show and billed it as bigger and better than ever. I went up there and the facility wasn't quite setup for the crowd, the number of people that showed up clearly was overwhelming the staff.


After a top alcohol car went down the track, the chase vehicle (golf cart) went after the car. In his celebration, a 70 year old man fell off of the golf cart. The paramedics went over, along with the entire safety crew and a trauma doctor. While they where working on him, someone made the decision to start Top Fuel. This seemed odd to me, I mean, if I wanted the entire saftey crew in place for one event, it would be Top Fuel.


Monday comes around and I send and email to Norwalk to voice my concerns about the safety and the fact that they where clearly being over run by the number of people that showed up. I expected no one would ever read the email, let alone reply.


Today my phone rings and it is Bill Bader, JR. This is the guy that owns Norwalk. He wanted to call me to let me know that even he was surprised by the turnout and give me the skinny on the old guy. Aparently he didn't suffer that great of an injury and the trauma doctor told Bill Bader, SR (President of IHRA) that they could resume racing. So, with a falling track temp and an interest in providing the best show possible, Bill Sr. told them to run TF.


Just goes to show you, unless you know the whole story you cannot make an informed decision.


I absolutely love Norwalk Raceway and if you dragrace and haven't been up there, GO!, NOW! For Bill JR to call me just to make sure I knew everything was ok with that guy, and to make sure I wasn't turned off of Norwalk, really says something about that track.


He also gave me his email address and told me to get in touch anytime I want.


Sorry for the long post, this kind of thing doesn't happen much. Check out the post in the at the track section about NHRA track prep. Trails = slippery.

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