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A-Rod = cheat


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Originally posted by Republicant:

BoSox > Yankees. Fuck the Yankees.... way to lose three in a row for 200 million dollars a year, you effing toolboxes. :cool:

it come's as no surprise to me that your a Michigan fan.


to root on for a certain team out of pure spite is stupidity at it's highest level.


there's a reason yankee's are a dynasty.

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Originally posted by harry's94tsi:

it come's as no surprise to me that your a Michigan fan.


to root on for a certain team out of pure spite is stupidity at it's highest level.


there's a reason yankee's are a dynasty.

Dynasty? Dynasty?? How the fuck would the be a Dynasty?? You idea of a dynasty must be seriously mistaken. To be a dynasty you actually have to win the world series multiple times in a row. They have lost the last 2 times they have been there. You are a dumbass to even call them a dynasty becasuse they arent even close. They are a bought team that is good only by their payroll.
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Guest doggunracing
Originally posted by The DropTop:

care to fill someone who didn't watch the game in?

A-Rod hit a crapper between the mound and first. Pitcher gloved the ball and went to make the tag as A-Hole ran up the line. A-Wipe made an unconvincing arm swing/swipe at the glove of the pitcher. He knocked the ball out, and the first base umpire called him safe.


But, he was shielded from the contact by the first baseman, and after a conference, the umps called him out for interference.


The other change was a homer that was intially called a ground-rule double.

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Originally posted by Republicant:

..... read my sig, you effing douchebag, and eat my ass. I Love the Sox, because they are a bunch of hobo's that rule at baseball.



... Fuck Michigan, and anyone that comes from there. Ann Arbor is a Whore.

dude its cool the harry dude just doesnt get it, hes a yankees fan who doesnt even know what a real team is
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your right, im blinded by my own zealous fanatic loyalty for a team that "sucks"


answer this, out of the last 8 year's how many time's have the yankee's made the playoff's? won the WS? Beaten the sox? 2 year's doesn't make a dynasty (despite the fact that they did infact beat the team in question last season), but the last 8 most likely qualify for dynasty status.


i am NOT a yankee's fan simply b/c they are good, or even b/c they are the best. i have and will always be a yankee's fan no matter if they lose this series (which they won't) or if they go on to the WS. in actuality i would have prefered the Met's to go but i gave up all hope after 86'.


you don't have to agree with me, in fact i don't expect you to. but to deny the fact that the yankee's are a good team is ignorant.

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Put a Salary Cap on the league, then see how many series the Yankees can win. Sure it's easy to win all the time when your yearly payroll is 30 million more than anyone else's. It isn't like the yankees have great chemistry, or alot of heart, and the last three games prove that beyond a doubt. All the Yankees are are a bunch of allstars that just so happen to bat in the same half-inning and sit in the same dugout. The day the Yankees win their third straight playoff game after being down by three (two of which were won in extra innings) is the day a Dynasty is born. Fuck the Yankees, They make baseball suck.
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Originally posted by Republicant:

Put a Salary Cap on the league, then see how many series the Yankees can win.

werd, I'm an ohio state and browns fan, through bad and good. But i still dispise the yanks because they spend more than everyone else to win.


Praying for a miracle game 7.

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Originally posted by Republicant:

Put a Salary Cap on the league, then see how many series the Yankees can win. Sure it's easy to win all the time when your yearly payroll is 30 million more than anyone else's. It isn't like the yankees have great chemistry, or alot of heart, and the last three games prove that beyond a doubt. All the Yankees are are a bunch of allstars that just so happen to bat in the same half-inning and sit in the same dugout. The day the Yankees win their third straight playoff game after being down by three (two of which were won in extra innings) is the day a Dynasty is born. Fuck the Yankees, They make baseball suck.

very true. They arent a great team that isnt ignorant they buy their team. The best sport to see where great teams is the NFL where there is a SALARY CAP!! IF your draft picks dont work out and they suck you are fucked. You just cant sign anyone in the league to come ina nd fill the gap. The Yankees give baseball a horrible name. I love to see the yankees lose because you can buy all the allstars in the world but you cant buy heart. Thats what the Bo Sox have and thats why they are going to win the series.
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Originally posted by Republicant:

Put a Salary Cap on the league, then see how many series the Yankees can win. Sure it's easy to win all the time when your yearly payroll is 30 million more than anyone else's. It isn't like the yankees have great chemistry, or alot of heart, and the last three games prove that beyond a doubt. All the Yankees are are a bunch of allstars that just so happen to bat in the same half-inning and sit in the same dugout. The day the Yankees win their third straight playoff game after being down by three (two of which were won in extra innings) is the day a Dynasty is born. Fuck the Yankees, They make baseball suck.

I agree with what you said frat boy :D They should not benifit from being in the best market like they are. I'm sure the union would bitch a fit if they capped salaries.


Reminds me of the 97 Marlins that beat the Indians graemlins/doh.gif That was a ringer team if I ever saw one. One and done...garage sale the next year. Last year's Marlin team was well managed though.





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i agree A-rod was shady in his action's. in reality he should've just put his shoulder into Arroyo b/c he was in the baseline anyway, but apparently that's not the focus of this thread anymore.


yankee's have the best player's b/c the best player's want to be yankee's. True they offer, and pay what the best player's deserve but put in the same position what would you do? My point is their the best for a reason. for the same reason gary payton and karl malone went to LA, all the money any team gives you isn't worth it unless you are at the top with a ring to show for it.


And who said you have to win the WS IN A ROW to be considered a dynasty? but no matter. it's not like they haven't won 4 championship's from 96'-2000. and made at LEAST a post season appearance since 95.


yeah yankee's can't be a dynasty with a record like that.


btw... it's not like boston has a small payroll either. second in payroll right behind NY.

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Originally posted by harry's94tsi:

i agree A-rod was shady in his action's. in reality he should've just put his shoulder into Arroyo b/c he was in the baseline anyway, but apparently that's not the focus of this thread anymore.


No he wasnt, he was outside the base path, reaching to tag him out. A-rod loves the cock.



The Yankees have the best players because they offer players more money than anyone else can, and they have a whole bench full of players like that. Someone else offers those players more money, they're the fuck out of new york, period. Only exceptions I can think of in this case are Jeter and Posada (who is one ugly motherfucker, by the way).

Originally posted by harry's94tsi:


And who said you have to win the WS IN A ROW to be considered a dynasty? but no matter. it's not like they haven't won 4 championship's from 96'-2000. and made at LEAST a post season appearance since 95.


btw... it's not like boston has a small payroll either. second in payroll right behind NY.

Cool. The Yankees have made a bunch of post season appearances/won a bunch of titles for a billion years in a row... thats both exciting and impressive, considering it's like regular teams playing an all-star team every year.


Also, Being second in the payroll doesn't mean shit when you're behind by 30 million dollars. Cap that shit at 150/year, then see who starts winning championships... sure wouldn't be the the Yanks.

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It's odd that so many people in Columbus dislike the Yankees so much. With the Clippers being in Columbus and as much as the Steinbrenner family has done for OSU, it's made me a fan since the mid 80's. I've watched Mattingly, Jeter, Williams, and all the other farm team stars come up from the Clippers and then on to the Yanks.
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Cap it at 150? How about 80 so the small market teams like Cincy and Cleveland have a chance.Baseball players salaries are out of hand and its all the Yankees fault.If someone wants to sign somebody good there is always the threat of them signing with the Yanks for more money.Screw them they've ruined my favorite sport.
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Originally posted by Blowzilla:

It's odd that so many people in Columbus dislike the Yankees so much. With the Clippers being in Columbus and as much as the Steinbrenner family has done for OSU, it's made me a fan since the mid 80's. I've watched Mattingly, Jeter, Williams, and all the other farm team stars come up from the Clippers and then on to the Yanks.

i agree, but i hate the yankees.



salary, and hockey, both need salary caps.

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Guest Ranger_Man
Originally posted by harry's94tsi:

True they offer, and pay what the best player's deserve

teachers deserve that money. firefighters and real cops deserve that money. people that play a game for a living do not deserve that much money. instead of being paid a ridiculous amount of money, they should be thankful that thier day to day job allows them to be on a patch of grass that most people can only see on tv.
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Originally posted by The Pikey:

Reminds me of the 97 Marlins that beat the Indians graemlins/doh.gif That was a ringer team if I ever saw one. One and done...garage sale the next year. Last year's Marlin team was well managed though.





actually the strike shortend 95 team that lost to Atlanta in the strike shortend season was even more of a dissapointment. were on pace to win 112 games. to get beat up on by arguably one of the best starting rotations that baseball has ever seen.


Side note: in the WS Albert belle took Greg maddox yard. Maddox had not given up a home run off a right handed hitter that whole season unntill that point.

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Originally posted by mesteno:

actually the strike shortend 95 team that lost to Atlanta in the strike shortend season was even more of a dissapointment. were on pace to win 112 games. to get beat up on by arguably one of the best starting rotations that baseball has ever seen.


Side note: in the WS Albert belle took Greg maddox yard. Maddox had not given up a home run off a right handed hitter that whole season unntill that point.

But that team didn't lose in the bottom of the 9th, up one run, of game 7 :(





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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by The Pikey:

But that team didn't lose in the bottom of the 9th, up one run, of game 7 :(





graemlins/cry.gif Fuck Jose Mesa for squandering our best chance at a ring in over 50 years, and fuck Larry Dolan for gutting what was once a contender.
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My thoughts:


1. A-Rod wasn't cheating. He was playing dirty, there's a difference. And he did get caught. It's no different then pretending that you caught a pass in the nfl when you really didn't.


2. The yankees aren't evil because they have a high pay roll. Under the current system, they have the right to spend all the money they can to win. Who wouldn't want an owner that thought like that owning their team?


3. Yes the yankees are a dynasty. Albeit a long term one. Sorry but 26 world series titles qualifies in my book.


4. I'm not a yankees fan, and if they win tonight I will root for whoever is playing them in the WS. I just can't root for boston. I'm sorry but a lot of their fans have just really gotten on my nerves in the past.


[ 20. October 2004, 03:35 PM: Message edited by: burgels™ ]

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