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The Draft will Start in June 2005


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You know, I looked through all the posts on this topic again, and I have a conclusion.

First though I will say this; Bush IS a bad President, not just because he got us into Iraq(Aphganistan I will happily say was neccessary, though the administration had more than it's fair share of bad war-policy there' too.), but because of what he is doing to our country. He has given tax cuts to the top 5% of earners, encouraged companies to move tech-jobs overseas, written horribly damaging enviromental policy, pissed off half of the globe with his foreign policies, etc, etc...

Meanwhile for you Kerrey-bashers, look closer at his record. What the republicans aretouting as wishy-washy-ness is John Kerrey voting his conscience. LOOK at the bills he voted against, then LOOK at what was attached to them in the way of pork and slime. CONSIDER that no GOOD bill ever makes it through Congress without all kinds of utter SHIT attached as riders and amendments.



That said, my conclusion is this; not meaning any dis-respect to anyone, the author of this topic, the administrators, or the members who replied to this; but I think this topic should be ERASED. It is generating too much hostility, and I think that some of the disagreements contained here-in are best left ALONE. This site is about cars and going way too fast, let's keep it that way.

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SOrry but Kerry is a socialist. That just doesn't fly. He wants everything the same for everyone.

You could say more than wishy washy. He talks about gas saving this and that, yet he has a but of SUV's and a jet. He talks about taxing the people who make more money, yet he married a woman who inherited a couple million (Billion?) dollars. He votes for or against something, then a couple weeks later, he stance on the subject is completely different. He brags about the medals he earned in the military, yet when he came back from 'Nam he completely turned hippy and was against everything. Yet now he talks about how he proudly served the U.S. and earned all these medals and is a war hero. Bullshit.

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Whoa whoa, chill guys. "I" myself did not vote him in. I'm only 19, so yes, I'm dumb and ignorant. I am registered however, and I will vote. If I have to fight, I will. However, I in no way support this war. The gas prices thing was just stupid, a mindless rant, i'm sorry. Anyway, how am I protecting my country when we're fighting for who knows what. This isn't a war against terrorism, saddam's caught, there's no bombs. We're policing other countries, that my point of view, as dumb as you may think me. Start the e-thug graemlins/popcorn.gif
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Originally posted by Keyword:

The mis-information in that was amazing.


First off, the current president takes the economy of the President before him. When Clinton was leaving office, the economy was already in a downturn. Clinton just rode out 8 years of a good economy with NO CRISIS. Clinton did not have a 9/11 happen!

2. The war in Iraq is part of the war on Terror, it is the U.S. going on the offensive. Saddam was a psycho. Plus, with the U.S. being able to have bases and such in a portion of the world that is so unstable is a big plus. It is a good idea.

3. Korea's nukes could maybe, MAYBE hit Japan. They are nothing to worry about.

4. One of your Democrats is the one that proposed the bill [/QB]

First off, Bush DID inherit a down-turn, then he turned it into the beginnings of a recession, BEFORE 9/11

2. So what if Saddam was a psycho, the only threat he posed was to his own people, and while I could see taking him out for THAT alone, Bush pulled intelligence from BAD sources, and came up with the WMD theory. Saddam wasn't going anywhere that would threaten us or our allies. There was NO terrorist threat what-so-ever in Iraq, Al-Quaida didn't like him any more than we did. And our presence in the region has de-stabilized it MORE.


And, if N. Korea DID happen to hit S. Korea or (not likely I'd say) Japan, then we have a full-blown war WITH A NUCLEAR POWER!!!

4. Don't EVER say, one of MY Democrats. I vote my conscience, and it just so happens that the Democrats share more of my views than Republicans do. I am a registered Independent, not that I would ever vote for a lunatic like Perot, or a fuck-up like Nader.

BTW is everyone who posted here a registered voter? If not, then get your ass to a library or city hall and do it, then you have the right to post your political opinions. Otherwise, SHUT THE HELL UP.(this obviously does not apply to those under 18, or non-citizens)

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Originally posted by Keyword:

He brags about the medals he earned in the military, yet when he came back from 'Nam he completely turned hippy and was against everything. Yet now he talks about how he proudly served the U.S. and earned all these medals and is a war hero. Bullshit.

He signed up to do a job. He did it. He didn't want to, but did anyway. After he was done, he voiced his complaints about what he thought was wrong. In his situation, where he disagreed with what was going on, what he did was perfectly commendable. I have been to the middle east, while serving in our military, and I can tell you *I* believe we have no reason to be in Iraq. When did you serve again?
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I'm done with this topic, I will not post again, I encourage everyone here to leave this topic alone, and although I have defended my positions, I sincerely hope that no-one here believes I was attacking them personally, or has taken offense at my position.

I will repeat:

TO THE ADMINISTRATORS: please please ERASE this topic, it is too heated, and is starting to get personal for some people.

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Originally posted by GonneVille:

TO THE ADMINISTRATORS: please please ERASE this topic, it is too heated, and is starting to get personal for some people.

Dude, chill. It's an election year and this is politics. In the United States we sure as hell don't censor political discussion. Enjoy the fact that you're an American and that you are entitled to participate in this thread. graemlins/thumb.gif


Even though you are totally wrong about everything. tongue.gifgraemlins/nutkick.gif

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Originally posted by GonneVille:

OK first off, I will FIGHT and KILL and DIE for the safety of this country. BUT THE WAR IN IRAQ IS NOT ABOUT THE SAFETY OF OUR FUCKING COUNTRY AND WE SHOULD NOT BE THERE anyone who thinks that Iraq was legitimately part of the "War on Terror" is a fucking moron and I will say that to their face! We should be worrying about North Korea, they've been talking a LOT of shit, and Bush is pulling troops from there to go to Iraq!

Tell that to my face. Were you there in that country, part of OIF? I'm guessing a big NO on that one. Don't worry about North Korea, they talk shit, but 2nd ID is there in full force. Reason why SOME of 2nd ID is going, is because we need people over there to let other soldiers pull out. Once again you can have an opinion, but make it an educated one. All you know is what you hear on the news or read, but when you experience it is different. Enough said from me, maybe I'll let Sgt.Lust aka Lustalbert tell you some more too.

****-Once again this is all in discussion, just enjoy hearing a civilians perspective. So please keep informing me Mr.Bush or the white devil to you. tongue.gif

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n.korea isnt going to do anything. why? china. would china like to see the americans take it in the butt? personally, yes, politically, no. if you honestly think that china would just sit on its thumbs while n.korea nuked ANYTHING, you are mistaken. there IS a 500 lb. gorilla in asia, but not in the middle east.
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Originally posted by GonneVille:

I'm done with this topic, I will not post again, I encourage everyone here to leave this topic alone, and although I have defended my positions, I sincerely hope that no-one here believes I was attacking them personally, or has taken offense at my position.

I will repeat:

TO THE ADMINISTRATORS: please please ERASE this topic, it is too heated, and is starting to get personal for some people.

Shut up you stupid ass noob graemlins/nutkick.gif
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