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problems holding relationships because they cant take hearing about cars..

Guest nixon

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Guest nixon
Does anyone else have problems holding relationships because they hate hearing about cars? I'm told all i talk about is cars and every girl hates me for it.. lol i guess its a obsession.
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Guest tbirdchick
i've dated a few guys that were sick of me talking about cars all the time. i feel if they seriously think it's annoying then they aren't for me. i agree with SamZman she doesn't have to be hard core into it but if she can tolerate it and respect your intrest it should be all good.
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to quote Wu Tang Finacial:

You need to diversify yo'all mutha fucking portfolio, biach!
she doenst have to like it, just tolerate it. Its not possible to tolerate it if that is all you talk about. So, the shortcomings arent on behalf of the girls you date. Ya need some other intrests. Its not good to be obsessed with just one thing anyways. ;)
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Originally posted by tbirdchick:

i've dated a few guys that were sick of me talking about cars all the time. i feel if they seriously think it's annoying then they aren't for me. i agree with SamZman she doesn't have to be hard core into it but if she can tolerate it and respect your intrest it should be all good.

will you marry me? J/K... maybe


they always seem to thinks its an obsession untill you aren't dating them anymore then their car is busted and suddenly your thier best friend again. true story many times over.

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Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

sounds pretty selfish to me, tell them you don't want to listen to shopping tales of intrigue, or their slutty friend

Have her bring her slutty friend over...you cant talk with your mouth full
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Originally posted by BLACK ITR GUY:

thats what i did and she still says i get a little over the top at times but ohh well it cant be to bad its almost been a year and a half now.[/QB]

Black itr guy, stop lying. we know you're not into girls. And what about cars do you talk about? that type-R? that's no car, it's a toy.

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by Ricochet:

My big-tittied girlfriend likes cars and always wants to learn more about them, so no.

+1 on that with me too.
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Guest nixon

here's some things she told me i left out of the post..


"i know exactly what i want.. and i dont want a guy who only thinks about cars"


"its just frustrating when i try to talk to you about anything thats not cars and all you say is ok.. and then go on about cars.."


"thats all you care about is cars.. you wouldnt even know if i dumped you or have any remorse what so ever.. you dont care"


"if i dumped you, you wouldn't even care. you'd go have sex with your car"


"you know i care about you.. but i cant take it when all i hear about is cars.. maybe if i knew about cars it would be interesting, but i dont.. and you know that"


i told her girls come and go but cars dont lol... oh well

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Guest stvbreal

One word.......hookers.


Relationships are far fetched. Just have fun. You will have lots of girls in you time but your car will love you more than any chick will, and won't give you any lip.

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hmm sounds like your life is one tracked focused on cars. is that what your life consists only of.

if all you worry about is material things then something is wrong.

id never boar anyone with a conversation they are not interested.

the key to a good relationship wether a friend or lover is to conversate in things both you are interested.

another thing is to consider dont just boar them talking about you, that boars them as well wether its your car, your muscles, your money, your coolness etc.


focus on the things that matter.


i tell you some men are so ignorant when it comes to woman. maybe thats why some many guys like mindless woman.


talk with them not to them, be slow to speek eager to listen. Most woman love to talk about goals and future plans in life. if your only living or thinking about for today, you will always have problems

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My wife tells me the same thing. Although I wouldn't call me love for cars and obsession. Its a hobby just like her shopping. She understands that and she enjoys cars shows and races with me as I take her shopping. Its a two way street. I agree with dramaqueen, don't be so selfish. Its ok to love cars and always want to talk about them, but what about her? if you care about her at all you will shut up and listen sometimes, its the least you could. Or you could just find a girl that loves cars too!!


in one of her quotes you put she said she dosen't like talking about cars because she dosen't know about them, why can't you teach her? Explain to her how they work and why you love them, maybe she will come around.

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