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Support me, my friends, and my coworkers! Prevent lay-offs!


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It has recently come to my attention that business at the East Broad street Lowe's has dropped to the point where management has no choice but to seriosuly consider laying off a fair amount of people. This would effect several of my friends, and possibly me (although I'm not sure, because I'm more of an Uber-vendor than a Lowe's employee).

I'm not asking any of you to go out and buy $3000 worth of lumber, or patio stone. I'm simply asking that if you need any of the items that a Lowe's (or any home-improvement store for that matter) would carry, you take the extra minor effort to drive to this store and help out a bit.


Now, I am also NOT saying that Lowe's is in financial trouble or anything, just that business is unusually low for this particular store.

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I'm sorry, but I hate going to Lowe's. I can never find anyone to help me and if I do find someone, they can't answer my questions. When I was building a custom deck for my house, I went to Lowe's and had them do a deck design for me on their computer. The design looked aweful. Their program couldn't put the corners of the deck together.


Just out of curiousity, I went to Carter Lumber, and the guy I worked with there was VERY knowledgable and did the design for me on their system and it was awesome. The picturs looked exactly like how I wanted my deck to look.


After I got the frame of my deck built, I went to Lowe's to get just 1 board. I asked for a 2x6 decking board. The guy handed me the board and I went on my way. After I test fitted that board and mounted it, I realized that it was a 5/4 decking board. I was sooooo pissed. I was already at the point of no return, so I had to finish with 5/4 decking boards.


I'm at the point with Lowe's, that I will never go there for their assistance. I will only go there if I know exactly what I'm looking for and I can find it myself.


I've had so many bad experiences with them and I don't go there unless I have to.


FYI... this hasn't happened at the store you speak of, so I'm not dogging your store or the people you work with, just the one that I go to. I've never been to that one and it is clear on the opposite side of town from me.

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Originally posted by Republicant:

Hey Sully, thanks for the productive post. Well done. :rolleyes:

I agree 110% with Sully; throw at least a LITTLE training towards the Lowe's reps, and the situation may improve.


Also, it's up to the management of the failing store to fix their own dismal situation, not members of a racing board.


Having said that though, DropTop, I hope things work out for you.

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I have noticed that when you go to Lowes there isn't anyone around. This is a result of the staff getting less hours to work, thus I don't want to shop there and so management sees less people in the store and cuts hours more.


I go to homedepot and there is someone in every department and they know where stuff is that isn't in their department.

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Guest nevarmore
Originally posted by Gurkha:

prevent lay offs, dont vote republican graemlins/thumb.gif

Ya, because the unions and minimum wage increases backed by the democrats will do wonders for the hourly emplyoees at Lowes.
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