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I am considering LASIK. I cant remember the person on CR that had it done this past summer. I would like to know how the procedure turned out. Are all side effects gone?


I have about 20 friends that had the procedure done and they are happy with it. Of course there are some issues(driving at night, etc). Most of my friends went to TLC and the other three went to Dr. Robin Beran. I have been doing a lot of research concerning this and would like to know if anyone on CR had a 'bad' experience. I have appointments with Dr. Robin Beran and TLC on Tuesday for an overview.


Everyone says their procedures was excellent, but I have concerns with dry eye and the degree of ghosting and starbursts. I have some of these issues wearing contacts, if the starbursts are not any worse, no problem. I have worn glasses and contacts since I was 15 and now 20 years later I considering the 'big' move.





[ 25. October 2004, 07:40 PM: Message edited by: Just a Cruiser ]

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I had it done about 2 years ago. It is the best thing I ever have ever done to improve my quality of life.


Here is the deal, you have to find the right laser for your problem. They aren't all the same, and no one is the right laser for every person. Go to the FDA's website and look at the different lasers and then get an evaluation to figure out your particular problems.


You need a good pupil map to figure out how big your pupils are. If you know someone that gets halos at night it is because they didn't get a good match with the laser and their pupil size and the laser didn't burn in out to the edge of the pupil.


I had mine done on the east side because he had the Baush and Laumb laser that was the best fit for me. A friend had his done in Cincy because they had a LADAR that was the best fit for him.


My eyes are very dry now, but if I keep myself hydrated it doesn't bother me. It is if I go a long time without a good amount of water I notice it.


My final vision correction is 20/15, it is pretty cool being able to see right away when I wake up.

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Originally posted by Akula:

Here is the deal, you have to find the right laser for your problem. They aren't all the same, and no one is the right laser for every person. Go to the FDA's website and look at the different lasers and then get an evaluation to figure out your particular problems.

Wow, I didn't know about all that stuff. I went to Bloomberg in Newark, they have an office in Reynoldsburg as well, but all surgeries are done in Newark. I didn't research anything online, probably should have but oh well. I just went by word of mouth, most people I talked to reccomended Bloomberg.


They measured my pupils and all that, and they determined that I could have the surgery done, but I wasn't a candidate for one certain procedure, I forget what it was. I've heard that lighter colored eyes usually have larger pupils, and may be out of range. Bloomberg had two machines, I had mine done on the cheaper "Nidek EC-5000 scanning slit laser with Tri-arc aiming beam", my prescription was $1K. They also had a "VISX Star S4 with 3D ACTIVETRAK" which cost $3K no matter the prescription.


My vision now isn't 20/20. I notice things are a little fuzzy with alot of contrast, mainly when reading things far and away. Seems like some days are better than others. I see starbursts, maybe because of the larger pupils. Starbursts aren't as bad as they were right after the surgery, but it doesn't bother me, I've worn glasses since I was about 8 years old. My eyes do feel dry after I wake up in the mornings, maybe my hydration affects the day to day performance of my eyes.


I have astigmatism, so I knew having perfect vision might not be possible, and that it might change again later on. That's why I'm happy with my vision as it is now. I could go back and get it redone, I have free corrections for life. But I can see 100% better than before, can drive and everything. Very happy with the results.

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My advice, HoosierDaddy aside, is do not go to Bloomberg. They were the place with the doctor there that got sued for doing operations while intoxicated, and the staff was covering for him. Also, whereas the TLC procedure ~$3000+, you routinely hear Bloomberg runs those deals where its "~$300 per eye"(!) Um okaaay... Never chase bargains on your eyes man is my opinion.


Anyhow - my wife, my sister and my father all have had it done. I actually watched my wife's procedure. All three say it was the best thing they ever chose to do for themselves. All went to TLC (where Tiger Woods went if that matters to you - people where money is no object choose the best...). No haloing or starburst from any of them, no re-lasering at the 6 month checkup either. Dad's has been 4 years now, sister 2, wife one. Wife and dad had a pretty big astygmatism too, which was corrected. No dryness problems among them that they tell me.

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I had it done a little over 2 years ago, I was actully one of the youngest people to ever have it done, at least at Bloomburg, so they say, I really dont know for sure. I love it though, I had a few problems at 1st, starburst were really bad for bout 2 months, road signs at night gave off huge glares, it was really annoying and lights in the distance, starbust bad but it gradually went away and now my vision is kick ass.


its been corrected to 20/17 or so the last time I had it checked which is cool and Akula stated, its bad ass to wake up and see. If you can tolerate a few days of itching in your eyes and kinda gritty for a while its not bad at all and it just takes time to heal, like anything. I definatly recommend it if you have vision problems.


Oh, and I work in a brick plant with tons of dust and debris, I wear safety glasses but just glasses and I have no troubles, my eyes never itch and very very rarely dry out and there is a ton of dust every single day. good luck with it all man

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