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old dirty bastard

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Originally posted by Old Dirty Bastard:

Will talk about that later I think you Michigan need to worry about your team making it in one piece til then.

i know not good grammar ;) just pickin on ya TJ.


Originally posted by Doug:

wait who lost today? ;)

at least we lost to a repubutal school. that would of been a major embarrasment for osu to lose to a non higher conferenced team.
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How in the hell can you Michigan fans talk shit when your team LOST today. Had they won, then you might have some room. BUT THEY FREAKING LOST to the unranked, lost last week, beat the hell out of you Irish.


As for OSU, damn did they play like crap today. This new QB needs to straighten up QUICK.

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Originally posted by stealthmonkey:

dude even if you guys won you were still imbarrasment. At least we pounded on miami. 43 to 10. That is the kinds of point spread we should of seen from osu.

OMG, you beat on one of the SMALL ohio teams!!


W E A K S A U C E ! ! ! ! !


If Miami OF OHIO was able to not hand michigan the ball in turnovers, that score would have been the other way around!


Santonio Holmes had 199 yards in the FIRST HALF!! Then he was out of the game injured for a bit. How many teams can pull that off?


ALSO - How come EVERY TEAM in the nation that plays us, plays their BEST GAME of the year against OSU? If other teams played against us like they do the rest of the year, then OSU could sleep through the games and still win!

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Guest Varioram
Originally posted by copperhead:

EVERY TEAM in the nation that plays us, plays their BEST GAME of the year against OSU[/QB]

This is true...Your right, Michigan will play their best against OSU as well...and will beat them so bad they will be having OSU leaving with their tails tucked so far under their ass you wont be able tell where their tail ends and their ass begins!
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Don't dismiss Marshall as a POS team. They have won the Mac10 a few years running now. As far as the coaches, Im not sure if they have coached against each other or not. Remeber Tressel is from Akron which *was* in the same Division as Marshall. They did their homework, its just a damn shame the QB for OSU couldn't put more points on the board. ND has a *history* (read: not since '93) of being a good team. Maybe this year they will suprise you.
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Originally posted by stealthmonkey:

dude even if you guys won you were still imbarrasment. At least we pounded on miami. 43 to 10. That is the kinds of point spread we should of seen from osu.

Winning games > Big point spreads half of the time
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Originally posted by stealthmonkey:

dude even if you guys won you were still imbarrasment. At least we pounded on miami. 43 to 10. That is the kinds of point spread we should of seen from osu.

Ummmm, if you haven't noticed, OSU doesn't run up the score board. It's not how they play. Notice how many close games they had in their UNDEFEATED 02-03 Championship WINNING season. The anti-OSU people always point out the lack of point spreads in games, always forgetting about the wins. As Steve said, winning is far more important than some big point spreads.


I swear, these Michigan people don't know when to quit. "Hi, we lost to a game we most definately should have won, but we'll talk trash to a team that won." You all should be eating humble pie and hoping for a better showing next week.


[ 12. September 2004, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: Nitrousbird ]

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Ohio State won. They had several very impressive performances ( 200 Yards in the first half, career-record 55 yard field goal with no time on the clock from the left hash to win the game). If They had a more experienced quarter back (His SECOND start ever in college was today) the score would have been U-G-L-Y. Zwick may have made mistakes, but he also showed unfathomable potential on the field.


Marshall isn't some bullshit MAC team. Ever Heard of Byron leftwich or Randy Moss? Both of them went there, and none of them are scrubs. Marshall is known for sports, dont try and downplay OSU's WIN when your team lost.


Michigan lost to.... wait for it.... Notre Dame. Notre Dame's Quarterback (Whom I played coach pitch with :D ) is a True Sophomore. I think it's funny that the fans of a team that gave a true sophomore and his slightly better than decent team their first win of the season, despite being heavily favored to win is trying to talk shit to a team that beat a highly respected, consistent football team in a good game. Some of you Michigan Fans just need to shut the fuck up and go back to reminiscing about the days when you could actually beat us, when we didn't have a real coach.


Prediction for this years game? Ohio State by 14.

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Besides 2 interceptions late in the game, Zwick did a wonderful job. When was the last time you heard of an OSU Quarterback throwing for 322 yards in a game? Bellisorry wouldn't have made those long passes, neither would Krenzel. Zwick is doing just fine there coaches. Give him time and he will mature.
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I can't even believe any Michigan fan would say anything about football this weekend. If I were one of them I'd go hide under a rock and try to strangle myself with my own two hands. Seriously, STFU.


Back on topic. Just like last week Zwick had some moments of brilliance, but that's all they were, moments. If he can be that good all of the time OSU will be unbeatable.


Oh, and I fucking hate watching games like that, I swear this team is going to be the death of me.

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

Ummmm, if you haven't noticed, OSU doesn't run up the score board. It's not how they play. Notice how many close games they had in their UNDEFEATED 02-03 Championship WINNING season. The anti-OSU people always point out the lack of point spreads in games, always forgetting about the wins. As Steve said, winning is far more important than some big point spreads.


I swear, these Michigan people don't know when to quit. "Hi, we lost to a game we most definately should have won, but we'll talk trash to a team that won." You all should be eating humble pie and hoping for a better showing next week.

I love agreeing with everything you say, it's a change of pace for me.


[ 12. September 2004, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: Nitrousbird ]

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