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Movie Review: SAW

Mr. Jones

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Me and Toni saw SAW Tonight.


IMO, the best "suspense/fright" film in a long while. The film took soo many twists and turns and while everything comes together in the bitter end, theres noway anyone could guess the outcome barring psychic powers.


On the scale of freaky 9.9/10

Fright 8/10


Overall 8.5/10


graemlins/thumb.gif A Must See

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Originally posted by Ricochet:

I was going to see it tonight but heard it sucked. Guess I'll go see it now though

Yes you have to. It got good ratings from the critics - which usually means - IMO - that it's pretty damn good. smile.gif
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I was too tired to post a normal review of it after I saw it Saturday night, so I'll just throw it in here.


Summary: Two guys, Lawrence and Adam, awake mysteriously in what appears to be some sort of ancient rundown bathroom, finding themselves chained to pipes on opposite sides of the room with a dead guy laying in the middle of the room. They both a cassette tapes describing in some detail what their "mission" is to complete to survive. However, many unforeseen events occur in the midst, changing the entire perspective of the situation.


Pros: Amazing plot twists and a great "fuck-with-your-head" feel the entire movie.


Cons: Lots of flashbacks may be slightly difficult to follow and a few clear instances of the cliche "stupid-decisions-because-it's-a-horror-flick".


Overall: 5/5. Expecting it to be a typical horror movie, I was quite impressed. I didn't feel it had the "horror" that The Grudge had, but the mental suspense was abundant and it was a much better plot/movie overall. And along with what Shawn said, nobody will EVER see the end coming. I don't care how good any of you folks have been at seeing the outcome a mile away, but this movie will end your streak.

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by deftapcubus:

i saw this saturday night and definitely shit a brick at the end smile.gif

Well said. Saw this movie with my girlfriend saturday night. Awesome fucking movie
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