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X-wife gets owned..


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ha so i almost figured it all out....the guy who rated them out is the Ron Gary guy, he said because his gf was complaining about it for a long time, so is his gf ICE, which would be Sharee's sister or what? can anyone finish this for me


and what exactly is a PPO? is it the same thing as a restraining order? and why the hell would you need something like that over a little internet fun?

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Originally posted by 1QWKEVO:

ha so i almost figured it all out....the guy who rated them out is the Ron Gary guy

No, that guy said he didn't; he made a post like that just to f' with everyone; to quote:




If your gonna delete the post, then I'll tell you I was just phucking around to get everyone all pissed off. Ive done it in a couple other posts just to see everyone get all fired up. I'd never snitch in the first place, let alone spend 20 bucks to do it...it sucks that someone narced, and I hope you do find out who really did it.


And Sharee, your a pole smoking whore who got a small taste of what was coming to ya. Id have done much much worse.

But seriously, that dirty whore looks like a 30-something guy dressed in drag. $10 says she has a penis in her pants, and it is attached to "her."
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Here ya go DJ. I copied it from page 30. Someone did some cliff notes smile.gif .


X screwed over wreckless...

Wreckless found X's profile on Yahoo dating site...

Wreckless got idea to screw with X...

Wreckless screwed with X for quite awhile...

Wreckless and ClubGP had some really good laughs...

X got OWN3D!!!

Sister of X found out about the whole she-bang... (no pun intended!)

Wreckless is now getting rid of entire thread due to agreement with X and X's sister for reasons unbenownst to any of us...

Wreckless is the guy who started the thread (obviously). Then the x's sister found out about it.. told her sister. and blah blah.
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