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Guest Rane

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Late wednesday night ( january 13th ) a friend of mine for about 5 years was shot and killed in an apartment on the east side of Columbus. Down the street from my house. Jack was a really good friend of mine. So if you could after reading this give him a moment of silence it would be appreciated. Details can be found at the link i will give later on in the Email. But God rest his soul and lord forgive him of his sins and wash them away. Jack was killed on his 18th birthday. So lord thank you and Jack Rest In Peace Bro we love you! Details



E-mail, since I know both the person who wrote it and the person who died I will post it here. BTW if your going to make post like any of those faggots who replied on the page with the story save it. This kid just turned 18, it was the 15 year olds idea who begged Jack to do it. Jack told him "I'm 18 I'm a grown man now I gotta get my life together I have a kid on the way." however he was talked into doing it. Unarmed he kicked in the door and was shot to death. The 15 year old with the gun shot at the guy and ran.


[ 19. January 2005, 12:36 AM: Message edited by: Rane ]

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So, your friend busted down a door and shot at the person inside? How would anyone not agree with the "faggots" on that page? graemlins/wtf.gif


However, I am sad FOR YOU because it was your friend. You shouldn't hang out with people like that. Unless of corse it was a misunderstanding. If that's the case then you should post the "real" story.

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Guest busteryhyman
My friend was one of the workers in the group home your friend was in. She's sharing your grief right now, so don't listen to what anyone says about your friend.
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The kid with Jack is the one who had the gun and shot at the guy...The kid also talked him into going in the first place.


Peer Pressure>* Its just so odd to look at the world. It seemed like just the other day he was chillin at the movies talking to girls with us, and its weird my girlfriend was telling me how all her old friends just kinda drifted away and got there own lifes. Those are kids that started on the right path in the world. When I look at my friends who started from the bottom most of them are going to jail or dying...

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Originally posted by Rane:

Yea, the innocent drug dealing barber. Jack was unarmed.

who said he was a drug dealer?


Jack still broke into someone's house... unarmed or not, if you break into my house especially with a buddy who is armed... I won't descriminate... I'm shotting at whoever I have an open shot at.


sorry if this offends you, but Jack is an adult... we all make descisions in life and have to deal with the consiquiences or our actions... If you tell me to go break into someone's house, I don't care how much you peer preasure me, I'm gonna tell you to take a flying leap.


Honestly, I feel bad for Jack's friends and family as well as the gentleman who shot Jack.... You guys are the ones who have to live with what happened... (A loss of a friend as well as living with the fact of taking someone's life) Killing someone in self defense or not isn't easy and I bet that guy is going to have a hard time for the rest of his life knowing that he ended someone's life... especially in his own living room.


Again, I'm sorry for your loss... but there is cause and effect for everything that you do...


Newton's law: "what comes up, must come down" as well as "for every action there is a equal and oposite reaction"


Sorry if this is offensive to you, but who knows... maybe his death will help some of his friends clean up their lives.

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Yea, not blaming the guy who shot him. I'm scared for the 15 year old though.


Oh, and the guy was in the drug game. I live right by Kimberly square, nothings a secret. Everyone knows who's moving what your either buying it moving it yourself or not bothering with it, thats how no one important finds out.


Anyways for the record I'm not bothering with it smile.gif .

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Originally posted by Rane:

Yea, not blaming the guy who shot him. I'm scared for the 15 year old though.


Oh, and the guy was in the drug game. I live right by Kimberly square, nothings a secret. Everyone knows who's moving what your either buying it moving it yourself or not bothering with it, thats how no one important finds out.


Anyways for the record I'm not bothering with it smile.gif .

Umm, isnt there cops on this board? Guess what, somebody important is going to find now. Wow imagine if the dealer read your posts......


Anyways, thats sad to hear, but Im sure there is alot of missing info.

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I hope someone does find out, not my problem. And so what if he does read it. Even if he did find out who I was, we're all well protected around here.


I am more worried about the 15 year olds future then the guy who shot Jack. That kid needs to go on witness protection or something.


So if anoyne knows him, just trust me on this one and have him move away or hide him for awhile.

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First, let me express my sincere condolences to his family and friends for the loss!




Originally posted by Rane:

Yea, not blaming the guy who shot him. I'm scared for the 15 year old though.


That kid needs to go on witness protection or something.


So if anoyne knows him, just trust me on this one and have him move away or hide him for awhile.

Are you talking about the 15 year old who had the gun and fired a shot grazing Jameson Spence? The one who "begged him to do it"? "The kid with Jack is the one who had the gun and shot at the guy...The kid also talked him into going in the first place."?????



If so, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?? Worried about his future??


THEY, meaning both your friend and the 15 year old, kicked in the door of an apartment,making no difference in who did the "kicking", AND one of them was armed. Both of them are guilty of "breaking and entering with intent". I will go out on a limb and say the 15 year old was not licensed to carry a firearm. Think about it for a minute. If you break into an apartment with a gun in your possession, the law is not going to find that you shot back in self defense.


This "kid's" future belongs in an adult prison getting violated by the entire cell block. From your description he's a manipulative, gun carrying, felon who deserve's to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


If this is not the 15 year old you reference, my apologies.


[ 19. January 2005, 02:04 PM: Message edited by: Rotarded ]

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The article said that Jack recieved multiple gunshot wounds? I believe that the law will not be entirely in favor of the homeowner (sadly), I believe anything above one shot is no longer considered self defense. This alleged "drug dealer" may be getting into some shit after all.




I wonder how Jack was convinced by a 15 year old to go do something so stupid. The little kid has fucked up something hard, B&E, robbery, attempted murder, maybe even getting Jack's death pinned on him as a manslaughter. Death penelty? Don't think so, not for a kid so young. Military school would do wonders for that kid, I think.

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Your lowlife friend got what he deserved. Peer pressure is not greater then all if you were raised correctly and know how to be an adult.


I feel no pity for him or the 15YO involved and I hope the PO PO raids all your houses since you are all moving or selling rock, crack, speed, dope, and PCP.






Stupid fucking people.

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I didn't exactly try to defend him. He was wrong and lost his life right before he was going to clean it up.


I'm not worried about the 15 year olds future in jail. Or future in life, alot of people don't like that kid now all I'm saying.


And yes, Jack got shot first in the chest twice, neck once and leg.


Untill anyone here would have been man enough to throw insults in Jacks face just save it. Obviously he died and there is no one to blame but him. But does anyone really deserve to die? Without a second chance, I'm some cases I would say yes in this case maybe the kid with the gun but I don't see how anyone really deserves to die.


And actually, instead of commenting on how bad of a person he was or rather or not you would say that to his face. Go find another kid like him and be a role model.

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