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old dirty bastard

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I'd say mental. Physical is something that can heal over time (and some argue mental heals over time as well). There may be a physical scar, but you may not remember what the pain felt like (other than it hurt like a son of a bitch). Mental pain can be described to a T. I bet if anyone has mental scaring, they can tell you exactly what it is from and how it made them feel. Often times, mental pain changes a person comletely, even if it is only for a period of time.


Of course.. all of your perspective depends on how well of a pain tolerance you have, and how good of a mental tolerance (self-esteem) you have as well.


Just a tad of my .02

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Originally posted by Regulate:

Mental. I hate those damned ice cream headaches.

Does that count as mental?


I used to get migraines everyday a few years ago and they used to knock me out, I wouldn't be able to do anything. So I would have to say physical pain over mental pain.

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mental. "it only hurts untill the pain goes away."


Imagine being a young man, recently married. And recently passed the national registry exam for EMT. After 2-3 weeks of your marriage, get a call of a car over-turned on a rural road. Arrive to see the car upside down. As you begin to extricate, see a ring on a young womans finger that looks like the one you put on your wifes finger 3 weeks ago. To find out, it is your wife, and she is dead.


Thats something you wont forget about in a week, month or even a year. A person would carry that with them for the rest of their life. I can honestly say in the carreer field i am in, it is more mental than anything.


In many cases, a fireman is closer to the men in there crew than they're there wives. You have to rely on your partner, if shit hits the fan, and your life is on the line, you have to know they will pull you out of there. I can write paragraphs and paragraphs about this, frankly, i dont think anyone gives a shit, so i wont waste my time typing it!


[ 20. January 2005, 10:48 PM: Message edited by: ttemper ]

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you really can't say without making examples of instances.


but for the sake of the argument, i'd have to go with physical mostly...if you've had "extreme" physical pain(we're talking, splintered bones, severed limbs, burned beyond recognition...then yea, it hurts a shit load more than a bad break-up or something gay like that.


now when it comes to a loved one or friend dying, some kind of traumatic incident...then i don't know where physical and mental would be...i guess it would be more mental.

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Originally posted by The Old Dirty Bastard:

Here is a question for all Which is the hardest to deal w/ physical pain or mental pain?

What a seemingly simple but excruiatingly difficult question to answer. Thanks for posing it; I'm interested to read more responses.


For the record, I'm feeling obligated to point out that "pain" is largely a psychological, and phenomenological, construct; my interpretation, or "feeling," of pain is probably different that T.J.'s, and T.J.'s is probably different than Jen's, though we may all have the exact same ankle sprain. Thus, with so many different bases and starting points, disagreements will surely ensue.


Also, if you'd like, consider a phenomenon that could be considered a mixture of both physical and mental pain: phantom limb pain. Individuals that have had a limb (an arm, a leg) amputated (either by accident or by surgery for, say, cancer) often experience severe, burning pain in the limb that they no longer have. The "phantom limbs" often continue to emanate substantial pain for years after the limb has been amputated. Weird, huh?

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Phantom pain is one of those weird things. But i would say one could be just as bad as another. The human body also has defense mechanisms to cover itself should one or the other get to bad, ie: going into shock or blacking out/ repressing a memory thats to painfull. as of right now i would have to go with physical pain though. As my grandfather can barely move due to the deposits that are surrounding his spinal cord and basically stabbing his nerves whenever he moves, I cant imagine the shear amount of shit hes in but then again i dont know what it would be like to have someone say die in my arms because of something i fucked up. nor do i have any experience in discussing such issues with another that has that problem.


I remember a friend of mine tellin me of a teacher he had that had amputated legs. said one day while the teacher was lecturing to the class and he just stopped, when one student finally asked him what was wrong his reply was that his feet hurt. That would definitely be creepy.

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Guest fast cutie
Originally posted by Drunkendubber:

Phantom pain is one of those weird things. But i would say one could be just as bad as another. The human body also has defense mechanisms to cover itself should one or the other get to bad, ie: going into shock or blacking out/ repressing a memory thats to painfull. as of right now i would have to go with physical pain though. As my grandfather can barely move due to the deposits that are surrounding his spinal cord and basically stabbing his nerves whenever he moves, I cant imagine the shear amount of shit hes in but then again i dont know what it would be like to have someone say die in my arms because of something i fucked up. nor do i have any experience in discussing such issues with another that has that problem.


I remember a friend of mine tellin me of a teacher he had that had amputated legs. said one day while the teacher was lecturing to the class and he just stopped, when one student finally asked him what was wrong his reply was that his feet hurt. That would definitely be creepy.

I would normally say mental pain, but after reading this, I agree. My dad has Phantom pains in his arm that he lost from vietnam. The nerves are in shock from being cut and it feels like his hand is in HORRIBLE pain, but he has no hand, so theres nothing they can do about it. I wouldnt wish that on anyone
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Guest GSRchick714
I would say mental/emotional pain. If something happens, thats all you can think about and it just hurts so bad to think about it. But if you're hurt phsically, you can do certain things to make it better such as medication, massages, surgery, etc.
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I would have to say mental pain. Because take the guy who had a nail in his mouth a couple days ago. He did not know he had a nail in his head because at the time of impact he felt no pain.


But it is a very tough thing to try to choose, if you go to an extreme on either point you get pain you don't want to even imagine.



3rd degree burns over 50% of body


Finding your most beloved family member/friend dead as told in ttemper story


I don't want to choose!

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I think what we are finding out in this thread is actually what has happened to our members in the past. If they have been subjected to physical pain but not mental, obviously they would prefer "mental pain", since the comparison in their mind is of two different situations. As DJ has pointed out in conversations before, the worst thing that has happened in your life is your basis to compare all other experiences in your life. The worst thing that has ever happened to one might be much less than has happened to someone else, but they felt the same pain or emotions since they cannot fathom suffering as badly until it happens to them.
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Depends what kind of physical this is. Is it like, simultaneously having railroad spikes driven into your spinal cord as your nipples are being soldered together and your toenails are slowly being torn off and you're being alternately doused with boiling and near-freezing water while a man named Chloe staples your testicles to your perenium and shoves ravenous chipmunks into your stomach through your navel and you are given a frontal lobotomy by way of maggots eating away at your brain?


Because I can't think of anything much more painful than that.

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Originally posted by 10xworse:

Depends what kind of physical this is. Is it like, simultaneously having railroad spikes driven into your spinal cord as your nipples are being soldered together and your toenails are slowly being torn off and you're being alternately doused with boiling and near-freezing water while a man named Chloe staples your testicles to your perenium and shoves ravenous chipmunks into your stomach through your navel and you are given a frontal lobotomy by way of maggots eating away at your brain?


Because I can't think of anything much more painful than that.

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