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Hey guys and gals. I have been thinking about bikes for a long time and really want to get one but I have no idea about where to start. I can tell you I've never been on one.. so no, never driven one either. I have been on dirt bikes (little Yamaha 80 back in the day) but that's it. I recently was involved in a bad car accident so I'm nervous about other drivers... not sure If I make a good candidate for a rider but I'm trying to learn.

Any ideas for a first time rider? And a small girl? I know I'd want something used but no idea on anything else...

Go easy on me!!

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i was told to not get the 250 because i'll out grow it and want something bigger... is that something i'd really grow out of? or not want?

So you're saying size matters to you?!? rofl.gif

Like WhoDey said.....Take the MSF first. That'll give you basic riding skills since you've never even been on a bike. It ain't like ridin' a bicycle. Then you can see if it's for you, plus they use smaller bikes there, so you'll get a feel for those as well.

You can always trade up once you outgrow the 250. I always here great things about Suzuki's SV650 as a starter bike too. Enough power & great handling

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i'm 5'6 125lbs... i dont want a bike that's like 400lbs hehe

ok.. i'll look up this MSF course thingie.. thanks everyone!

Oh you aren't that short! I thought you were talking like 5 foot... My g/f is about the same size and she handles her ex500 pretty well...although it is a bit heavy.

Like everyone else said, check out the MSF course http://www.motorcycle.ohio.gov/brc.htm you might have a tough time getting in this summer because the classes book up fast but you can always just show up and hope there is an opening.

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