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Originally posted by Venomss:

No, I read it, and I ignored it. It's really not that difficult to ignore you. Besides, responding to you is pointless: you already know it all.

Uhh...But you aren't ignoring me...


I don't pretend to know it all.


Here's what I know:</font>

  • 1.Altezzas on a Mustang are gay.</font>
  • 2.I know what Bimmer means.</font>
  • 3.I haven't pissed off anywhere NEAR the amount of people on this board as you have.</font>
  • 4.People with the word "ego" under their avatar are compensating for something, especially those that pay unattractive hookers to pose on their car. Oh, wait...Was that your mom?</font>

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Originally posted by Mensan:

Uhh...But you aren't ignoring me...


I don't pretend to know it all.


Here's what I know:</font>

  • 1.Altezzas on a Mustang are gay.</font>
  • 2.I know what Bimmer means.</font>
  • 3.I haven't pissed off anywhere NEAR the amount of people on this board as you have.</font>
  • 4.People with the word "ego" under their avatar are compensating for something, especially those that pay unattractive hookers to pose on their car. Oh, wait...Was that your mom?</font>


venomss, take your ball and go home.

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Originally posted by Mensan:

Uhh...But you aren't ignoring me...

Right. I was, now I'm not. God, you're a genius.


Originally posted by Mensan:

Here's what I know:</font>

  • 1.Altezzas on a Mustang are gay.</font>
  • 2.I know what Bimmer means.</font>
  • 3.I haven't pissed off anywhere NEAR the amount of people on this board as you have.</font>
  • 4.People with the word "ego" under their avatar are compensating for something, especially those that pay unattractive hookers to pose on their car. Oh, wait...Was that your mom?</font>

1. It's your opinion. We don't share it. This might be a difficult concept for you to grasp, given your narcissism.


2. I imagine you think this qualifies as an insult. To me, it shows that you're an elitist ass. So I didn't know what "bimmer" meant. Big deal. You'd be amazed at the amount of stuff I don't know. Part of the reason why I'm here is to lurk enough to learn about cars. Problem is, I'm often sidetracked by pricks like you.


3. I didn't realize this was a popularity contest. The way I see it, someone will always be pissed at you for something or some reason. That's life. I won't attempt to manage impressions around here. Stop with the high school nonsense already.


4. This coming from someone who's screnname is Mensan? Hypocrite. And please tell me you didn't just use the "...your mom..." insult. Wow, your creativity must have been spent crafting the previous part of your post.

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You'd be amazed at the amount of stuff I don't know.
actually, no, i wouldnt. :rolleyes:


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In closing, i'd like to say: (check all that apply)

[ ] You need to seek psychiatric help

[X] Take your gibberish somewhere else

[X] *plonk*

[ ] Most of the above

[ ] All of the above

[ ] Some of the above, not including All of the above

[ ] You are so clueless that I didn't even bother filling in this form

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Originally posted by Mensan:

I'll spell it out for you:




Let me know if you need help with the big words.

I agree, Venomss if a fucking retard. He needs schooled like Jack Pee.


Getting back on topic to the whole IQ thing... me r smurt.


Thank you for recently taking the IQ Test, your score was: 161

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Guest FuelforFire
Originally posted by Venomss:

Uh, wrong. Please don't speak on this subject again. Ever.

Yeah you do. Don't be so quick to be right my friend. My mom is a teacher and she GIVES these tests every year. The disguise the tests with different names.


I'm not even bullshitting you. C.A.T. test...."California Achievement Test" was a test given to us....rumor has it that it was the IQ test...I took it in 7th grade

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This test is funny.


100 is average, by DEFINITION. Yet, everyone here is 130+ (yeah right). The test is obviously bullshit. I'd believe it if everyone were posting in the 85-87 range... graemlins/finger.gif:D


Besides, IQ is no longer used clinically, hasn't been for years. The measure used is basic cognitive ability "g." Look up the definition of IQ, it's fairly retarded. (Pun intended? I'm not sure ;) )

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The IQ tests aren't a measure of intelligence or how smart someone is. IQ tests are designed to measure your ability to learn. Just because someone has a high IQ, doesn't make them smarter then anyone else. It just means they have the ability to learn something faster and to be able to comprehend things easier. That is all.
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Originally posted by 100 RWHP:

This test is funny.


100 is average, by DEFINITION. Yet, everyone here is 130+ (yeah right). The test is obviously bullshit. I'd believe it if everyone were posting in the 85-87 range... graemlins/finger.gif:D


Besides, IQ is no longer used clinically, hasn't been for years. The measure used is basic cognitive ability "g." Look up the definition of IQ, it's fairly retarded. (Pun intended? I'm not sure ;) )

C'mon Alex graemlins/slap.gif It's the Internet. A place where we (men) all have a 9 inch penis(minimum), genius level IQ(even though I could fill a book with the misspelled words in this thread), and date super models on a regular basis :cool:





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Originally posted by The Pikey:

C'mon Alex graemlins/slap.gif It's the Internet. A place where we (men) all have a 9 inch penis(minimum), genius level IQ(even though I could fill a book with the misspelled words in this thread), and date super models on a regular basis :cool:

My penis is only 3.5 inches... but most chicks like it that wide. I'm not a genius. I'm insane. I crossed that fine line. As for super models, only if your mom is one.



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Originally posted by The Pikey:

C'mon Alex graemlins/slap.gif It's the Internet. A place where we (men) all have a 9 inch penis(minimum), genius level IQ(even though I could fill a book with the misspelled words in this thread), and date super models on a regular basis :cool:





Scot has spoken the truth. smile.gif
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