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New banner on top


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If all of you have noticed, there's a rotating Javascript sponsor banner located at the top of the board.


I'm looking for any bugs or issues that anyone experiences. I've thoroughly tested it on all of my PCs for slowdown, bogging, etc. I've also had several CR members test it for the same problems, along with browser window compatibility (hence the Design Forum popping up again).


So, report any bugs or PC-related issues you expewrience with it. And a little about the banner...


The sponsors located on the banner and on CR advertise for free. I do not charge them any money or get free parts, etc. for letting them use CR to advertise. The only thing I ask them for is to extend their services and a discount to CR members. Remember, CR is here for everyone.


Thanks smile.gif

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Originally posted by Formulate:

The sponsors located on the banner and on CR advertise for free. I do not charge them any money or get free parts, etc. for letting them use CR to advertise. The only thing I ask them for is to extend their services and a discount to CR members. Remember, CR is here for everyone.


Thanks smile.gif

If only other local forums wound be as understanding, I comment you for not trying make a personal $ on these ads!


Keep up the good work!

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You can click on the sponsor in the banner and will open up another window to their website smile.gif I need to see about having the mouse icon change when hovered over the banner to let people know it can be clicked.


Mike, I have the same thing happen with the PC I'm on now. I have to click the main window to scroll once the Java loads. However, the PC in the living room doesn't do that. It scrolls all the time even after the Java loads. I'll see more into what the difference between the PCs are.


As for the Java itself and Windows, either you have Java installed or you don't. Sorry about that redface.gif

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Originally posted by Master Chief:

Quantum Racing's addy comes up as quantum-racing.com.com. Not sure if that's the kind of thing you were looking for but figured I'd let you know. smile.gif

Oops. Thanks for letting me know.


BTW, I've added the property to where when you hover over the banner, it brings up the pointer icon with the mouse. But it seems to only work intermittantly.


Integrating UBB code and regular java/HTML code is the suck :D

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Its cool and everything, but I hate a bunch of shiat at the top of web pages... This new banner bumps everything down another inch or so, ya know.


However, it wouldnt even be noticable if you could move the regular CR banner up beside it, since they would fit like that.... I think it would look cleaner a well. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Gas, Grass, or Ass:

I'm not on the banner?

You don't have a website to link to. I could link a pic to your email or something, but I'd still need a pic for your business.


As for the banner on top, I'm still trying to work something out with that smile.gif

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am i the only one that doesn't like it?


no offense Anthony, i do commend it as a good 'idea' but it just looks gaudy and annoying to me. this is the first site i log onto during my day, because it's simple and clean...if it must be there, then i will adjust....if you EVER bring pop-ups and ad-ware onto this site...i think i will have to kick your ass :D

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Ok, I've made some code changes. It's still Java-based, but no longer an applet. More of a passive code.


The banner still rotates, but it only does so when the page is refreshed or redirected. Basically, you'll see a new picture when you go to a new page or refresh the current one.


In addition, the banner now has a pointer finger to show you that it's a weblink, and it has alternative text (the words that pop up when you hover the mouse icon over it).


So anyways, this takes care of the scrolling problem, page loading problems, etc. all in one hit. The only lingering issue is those that don't have Java, and that more on the user end than my end.



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