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Lessons in Life.

Guest 00Smurf

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Guest 00Smurf

Life is a big lesson. With lots of lessons to be learned. Hopefully you learn, your lessons early. And dont repeat your mistakes. Take it from someone who knows, has been there and is still going through it. life is too short to waste on stupid, an ignornt actions. its not worth it people, trust me, its not. Alot of this wont mean anything to anybody, and most it will go in one ear and out the other.


Dont thorw your life away. Please dont, trust in god and have him lead ou down th right path. If you dont believe in god, then at least use the bible and some of its lessons as a basis for our own life. All it can do is help you. Your life will turn out so much easier and more prosperous.


Those of you that may have current problems, no matter what they are. I encourage you to seek out help before it is too late.


I hope some of this has reached some of you. And it will better your lives. I dont wish it upon anyone to go through what i have. If you have kids Please express the importance of morally right life, and to except the reponibilities of their actions and to deal with them. Dont run from your problems it will only make it worse.


You might wonder why i am writing this. Not that my lie i difficult enough as it is. I just made it worse. ONe thing i have definatly learned if you ar caught speeding, pull over. i dont care what you think , or that you think you can get away. If you run think of all the people whos lf you ill edager or change if anything happens. Its just not worth it. What would have been just a speeding ticket is now a whole lot worse. I got away, but when i got home the enormity of what i had done hit me and i collapsed shaking. I could have been responsible for the death of someone. I've affected my life enough and i have to deal with that. Its not my right nor do i want to bring pain on anyone else. Most of it is blacked out because i was so scared, but once i started i just couldnt stop. I truned myself in 30 mins after i got home. called them and told them where i was. They came and impouned my car. And took me to franklin county. They couldnt belive that i had ran just form a speeding tickett. I couldnt either, thats just not liek me. but never the less i am being a man and am accepting the consequences of my actions. i as only charged with a misdemenor, but i was lucky, soemone was watching out for me whn it was going on by that fact that i got home safely and didnt hurt anyone. I am ver hankful for that. The only reason i got a misdemanor, well a couple was that i turned myself in and did the right thing,


I'v made the resolution that i wont be behind the wheel of a car for a long time. I'm checking myself into a hospial to check for mental illness and get help. There's got to be somethign wrong with me, to wrecklessly endanger so many lives. I've lost my mind. Just stop people, trying to run from your problems only makes them worse.


Learn from my mistakes, so you dont have to repeat them.


i hope i've reached some of you.

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Guest doggunracing
Man, that's crazy. I wouldn't say you have a mental problem, getting scared and running is a natural 'fight or flight' reaction. Of course it's not a great idea when it's from the police, but you obviously realize that now. Having turned yourself in, you realize the wrongdoing and that in itself should be a positive sign that you wouldn't do it again. Good luck man.
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Guest GSRchick714

Wow thats nuts. Good job on turning yourself in though, thats very mature and respectable.

You don't have a mental problem though, I'm sure. I've known people to run from the cops before when caught speeding and yes, its really stupid BUT its not a choice only mentally ill people make. Don't worry about it, you did the right thing. graemlins/thumb.gif

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If you look at anyone that has a difficult life they can point to everything but themselves to identify the difficulties. Everyone is out to get them and no one is willing to help them, or so they think. It seems to be you made an error in judgement and realized you had. I commend you on being a man and turning yourself in and our laws have shown you the path is more easily travelled if you do the right thing.


If you want to see a shrink you can, go ahead, they will probably tell you that you aren't crazy. You probably should re-evaluate your mindset when driving and probably should step away from it for a while.


If more people would own up to their problems as you have, we would have a better world. People make mistakes and running from the cops is a big one, but it can be learned from and the outcome is not insurmountable.

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I got away once in a situation in which I shouldn't have. No details here, but lets just say I have no idea why I wasn't caught. the incedent gives me chills to this day.

That, among other things, ranks highly on the "never again" list.


After reading that, I'm proud to know you, Nick. decent human beings seem to be in short supply, you're a better man then I.

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I'll just go ahead and say that if I ever run and get away from the cops, there's no way I'd turn myself in. Just being honest.


I wonder what % of runners actually get away. Of course when you watch Cops and other police chase shows, they always catch them. But I know a number of people who have successfully ran and never got caught. Not that I suggest doing so, and I've never done it nor plan on it.

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

I'll just go ahead and say that if I ever run and get away from the cops, there's no way I'd turn myself in. Just being honest.


I wonder what % of runners actually get away. Of course when you watch Cops and other police chase shows, they always catch them. But I know a number of people who have successfully ran and never got caught. Not that I suggest doing so, and I've never done it nor plan on it.

I dont suggest it either, but for the sake of statistics, i know a sexy specimine of a man who has run 6-7 times and has not been caught. It's all about choosing your battles, and choosing them away from other people.
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Guest 00Smurf
i dont know if i am nessisarilly(sp?) good. just trying to correct my life and get it back on track. gotta start somewhere and i was definatly in the wrong in that situation. ah well lesson learned. I was in for 11days, in the hospital. They put me on like 4 different kinds f meds so we shall see how it works out.
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Originally posted by 00Smurf:

i dont know if i am nessisarilly(sp?) good. just trying to correct my life and get it back on track. gotta start somewhere and i was definatly in the wrong in that situation. ah well lesson learned. I was in for 11days, in the hospital. They put me on like 4 different kinds f meds so we shall see how it works out.

Fuck that. I've been there with family, and I think it's all a crock. seriosuly, you're not crazy.
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