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Something that always pisses me off.

Guest infamous me 235

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Guest infamous me 235

Now this may be a simple answer but, when you make root beer floats, why does is foam so fucking much? Is there a way to make root beer floats so foam does no form? I find myself spending more time getting rid of the foam than I do actually drinking the damn thing.


Someone please explain

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Guest Ranger_Man
Originally posted by 10xworse:

I hate high school drama.


I love the fact that I won't ever see any of those fuckers again.

That is excluding, for obvious reasons, Emily Hutchins. If any of you Ex-Olentangy morons see her, feel free to tell her to dump whoever she is with and move to Austin. I have a place for her to stay graemlins/grin2.gif .
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Originally posted by 10xworse:

I hate high school drama.


I love the fact that I won't ever see 90% of these fuckers after june.

if you think drama ends after high school, get ready to be dissappointed
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Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

if you think drama ends after high school, get ready to be dissappointed

What I mean is the trivial drama that high schoolers have to endure "Oh my god my daddy wouldn't buy me the burberry scarf that I wanted, and then when I said I think I'm fat my boyfriend didn't say no so I think he think's I'm fat. I'm going to go make myself vomit" I know that drama is inevitable, but I'd at least like the crises people endure to be meritorious of drama instead of stupid little disputes with parents or significant others in relationships that mean very little in the large scope of things.

Originally posted by Ricochet:

I hate girls yelling at me after I pleasantly fart on their chin while getting a blowjob

you sick bastard
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Originally posted by Daniel Negreanu:

Now this may be a simple answer but, when you make root beer floats, why does is foam so fucking much? Is there a way to make root beer floats so foam does no form? I find myself spending more time getting rid of the foam than I do actually drinking the damn thing.


Someone please explain

rootbeer first let it sit for a minute or so and then carefully scoop the ice cream into the glass...


if it foams you suck at making floats and should just go somewhere and pay to have it made for you

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I hate it when I'm in a hurry at the grocery store, I get in the line with "signs" that say something like = 6 or 10 items only, then there's a mean ol witch in front of you with $500 in the cart checking out & the stupid cashier just lets her!!!! :mad:
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I hate when people try to take advantage of the elderly. My grandmother is 89 years old, pretty much confined to her bed most of the time, and some guy came over, claiming to be an insurance agent, and tried to sell her health insurance. :mad: Luckly, I was with her at the time, call the BBB and found that this guy was a fraud, and kicked his ass outta her house. graemlins/nutkick.gif My other grandmother just passed away, and I'm not sure, maybe it's because she lives in a small town, but no one ever tried that with her. Fucktards like that need to be lined up and shot.
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