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pot, shouild it be leagal????

Guest 420GSXR1000

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Guest 420GSXR1000

lets hear it boys...no rules in this thread about medical MJ...its all open




its time for prohibition to end!!!!!!!!!

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Guest 420GSXR1000
Originally posted by SR22DET:

pot is ghey. but- if they do- tax it, times 2, then put it toward the national debt so i can retire before i am 90.

not that i could handle!!!! no diiferent than cigs now


and this isnt a high school typing class...its the www.....and i hate spell check for sumthin' other than werk....but i always appreciate the points of view

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Guest Rane

If its legal your gonna put alot of ppl out of jobs!!! j/k


Fuck that keep it illegal, as if its not abused enough already who is going to "Smoke responsibly." If its legal, then it will be just as big a problem as drinking.

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Originally posted by Coke:

I actually have met three, and they own some pretty big franchises (sp?) right here in Columbus, and eveyone would know these places.

Well, since the almighty Mowgli hasn't met one in his seventy five years on the planet, then that obviously means that they don't exist.



Were you in dublin on monday in the V?

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Guest 420GSXR1000
Originally posted by Mensan:

Next time

yea...i noticed the edit tag too late....sorry



Originally posted by 151:

Well, since the almighty Mowgli hasn't met one in his seventy five years on the planet, then that obviously means that they don't exist.



Were you in dublin on monday in the V?

as for the ceos.....shit.....i know major company owners, doctors, nurses...and the such...as for naming names and companies....well you dont have to believe me if you dont want


yea theres allot of ppl i know that dont have a great job either, but i know ppl that dont smoke at all and are bums.....exceptions to the rule maybe, or just not enough of a true survey....you be the judge....although since its still illegal, non smokers will never know exactly who they are because of the law/stigma of being a "smoker"


and it continues........

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I think if it's made legal, then we'll have this generation to worry about abusing it, but for the next generation the charm of going out and being a badass by getting blazed will be gone. I say legalize it. Let the little fuckers run wild with the shit, let the government tax the shit out of it, and give a few thousand people jobs producing the stuff.
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Originally posted by Rane:

If its legal your gonna put alot of kids out of jobs!!! j/k



Legalize it and treat it like alcohol. IT will not be a problem like alcohol because it makes you lazy and apathetic. You dont do stuff when high on pot, accept eat. Leagalize it, require permits to sell it, and tax the hell out of it. Make it illegal to grow privately, w/o an expencive permit.

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