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Guest Extreme PowerSports
just makes you look like a life sized economy box of Summer's Eve.
I think this was the funniest thing said in this whole topic. I think you cracking on hollywood just shows how much a bitch you really are. graemlins/finger.gif
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Originally posted by Extreme PowerSports:

[qb] I think this was the funniest thing said in this whole topic. I think you cracking on hollywood just shows how much a bitch you really are. graemlins/finger.gif

OK, you are just as bad as the other asshole. SERIOUSLY, GO FUCK YOURSELF.


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Originally posted by Orion:

jon, when you get done fucking with the lightweights, it may be time to dosey - do.


seriously though, impressive.

Holy shit, DJ is starting to hang from Jon's nutz!! :eek:tongue.gif


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Mike, (extreme powersports), I think I'm finally starting to understand why you ride a highly modified Hayabusa. Let me guess, it all started say... junior year of highschool (I would have said college, but clearly someone of your intelligence level would have gotten rejected from even columbus state... which admits kids that can't spell the word mcdonald's correctly). You were surprisingly asked to prom by that girl in your history class who was decently attractive... except for that off-color snaggletooth (teeth, maybe?). The dinner was pretty good (Max & Ermas, of course... nothing but the best for your slack-jawed sweetheart) and the dance was, in your opinion, spectacular (never mind that the band refused to play any longer unless the two of you stopped playing Tonsil Scavenger hunt directly in front of the stage). Afterwards, you took her out to your favorite spot in the woods in your 1978 Dodge spirit, and things began to heat up. What followed was horrible... Her cackling, waving her pinkie, and calling you "needle-dick", you sobbing uncontrollably as you tried in vain to start your broken chariot of love. It's ok, Mike, not all of us can be endowed well enough to please a woman. I know that it's painful, Mike, to remember these horrific incidents, but it's ok... You have a 300hp, two wheeled monster in between your legs to make up for the fact that your dick just won't cut it, you'll just have to turn a deaf ear to the phrase that seems to be a recurring theme in your life: "Are you in yet?"
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Originally posted by B1sh0p:

Mike, (extreme powersports), I think I'm finally starting to understand why you ride a highly modified Hayabusa. Let me guess, it all started say... junior year of highschool (I would have said college, but clearly someone of your intelligence level would have gotten rejected from even columbus state... which admits kids that can't spell the word mcdonald's correctly). You were surprisingly asked to prom by that girl in your history class who was decently attractive... except for that off-color snaggletooth (teeth, maybe?). The dinner was pretty good (Max & Ermas, of course... nothing but the best for your slack-jawed sweetheart) and the dance was, in your opinion, spectacular (never mind that the band refused to play any longer unless the two of you stopped playing Tonsil Scavenger hunt directly in front of the stage). Afterwards, you took her out to your favorite spot in the woods in your 1978 Dodge spirit, and things began to heat up. What followed was horrible... Her cackling, waving her pinkie, and calling you "needle-dick", you sobbing uncontrollably as you tried in vain to start your broken chariot of love. It's ok, Mike, not all of us can be endowed well enough to please a woman. I know that it's painful, Mike, to remember these horrific incidents, but it's ok... You have a 300hp, two wheeled monster in between your legs to make up for the fact that your dick just won't cut it, you'll just have to turn a deaf ear to the phrase that seems to be a recurring theme in your life: "Are you in yet?"

Please give me back the minute of my life for reading this retarded shit. I mean come on do you sit on CR all day, you really have no life do you?
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Originally posted by Jon:

Please give me back the minute of my life for reading this retarded shit. I mean come on do you sit on CR all day, you really have no life do you?

Hey douche, this topic has been covered already...when you're a smart person, writting a little story like that one takes all of 5 minutes.


That means that he was on line for all of 6 minutes to have read your post, and then respond.


I think you are jealous of his writting ability, and perhaps that story touched a little close to home for you. The main difference being instead of buying something nice, you bought a turd and are trying to polish it. :rolleyes:


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Originally posted by Old Dirty Bastard:

What makes you think he is almost done w/ the lightweights.Don't a person have to get better before moving on to the next step?

I think he's improved substantially. Some of his stuff is pretty good.
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Guest Extreme PowerSports
No its not mean he has the right to express his feelings. But now Its my turn. You see I cant help that you sit on cr all day long and just look for people to bust on. Maybe you are the one in your post that took the girl to the prom in the 1978 dodge that got rejected. If you want to come out of closet thats fine but I'm still not going to date you.
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Originally posted by Extreme PowerSports:

No its not mean he has the right to express his feelings. But now Its my turn. You see I cant help that you sit on cr all day long and just look for people to bust on. Maybe you are the one in your post that took the girl to the prom in the 1978 dodge that got rejected. If you want to come out of closet thats fine but I'm still not going to date you.

Dude, I have no problem with you, but that was fucking lame.




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Originally posted by B1sh0p:

Apparently people from grove city can't read very well... This is the Kitchen, and the majority of this is meant in jest, for the purpose of entertainment. But no seriously, you're right, I get beat up all day and people steal my meal plans, so I decide to use Columbus Racing to vent. :rolleyes: Really though, It's still cool to have girlie cars... graemlins/thumb.gif

Hey remember I live in Grove City take that shit back ;)
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I don't remeber making any of you read this. Like I said, it's all in jest and meant for entertainment purposes. If it hurts your brain to read that many words at a time, then take a break, have some juicy-juice, and watch your anime.


Sorry Marc, it took me six minutes to write, so seven minutes total... I guess I have no life. :(:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Extreme PowerSports:

No its not mean he has the right to express his feelings. But now Its my turn. You see I cant help that you sit on cr all day long and just look for people to bust on. Maybe you are the one in your post that took the girl to the prom in the 1978 dodge that got rejected. If you want to come out of closet thats fine but I'm still not going to date you.

you really should work on your comebacks because they suck. To only use what he already said to you as a come back to him is just lame. What he wrote about you was one of the funniest things i have ever read on this board. Just liek marc says you are just jealous you cant come up with something that outlandish that quick . I am sure you were standing there wondering how you could get him back. But you couldnt so you just said what he said to you and tried to say it back to him. Learn better come backs and maybe people will be laughing with you instead of at you.
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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Hey douche, this topic has been covered already...when you're a smart person, writting a little story like that one takes all of 5 minutes.


That means that he was on line for all of 6 minutes to have read your post, and then respond.


I think you are jealous of his writting ability, and perhaps that story touched a little close to home for you. The main difference being instead of buying something nice, you bought a turd and are trying to polish it. :rolleyes:


so what marc this post took you about what 30 -45 mins to complete


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Originally posted by Theoretic:

Yea just from 2:00pm to 4:30pm



Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Dude, I have no problem with you, but that was fucking lame.




damn stacy, that was actually funny


and ps cr, jon's shit is getting good graemlins/nod.gif

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Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

I think he's improved substantially. Some of his stuff is pretty good.

For this place I guess but when I think of a good flame artist I think of someone who flames so good the receiver of the flame wants to punch the guy he gets so mad.If they had a TOP GUN for people who flame the best one on here would only be a janitor there
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