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I would defend myself here but why the fuck bother. Adam attempted to and everyone climbed up his ass for it.


Now, I will set a few things straight,


MRMEANER- the rant (wouldn't exactly call it that), happened BEFORE I made the post backing down once I realized that you weren't being a sarcastic fuck like many of the other tools on this board tend to. As far as specifics, reread the other posts in here, and see what I am referring to. I do tend to take alot of shit from a small group of jealous fucks in here that while they are standing in line at Jegs for more parts to throw on their sleds trying to make em faster, I am reworking my shit by hand, fabricating what I need, and it costing me nothing or next to it.

I figured that you just jumped on the tool bandwagon. I overreacted and I applogize. Which I THINK I also mentioned in Senior members Area as well, but I figure that whatever tool decided to share what was said there, never BOTHERED to mention that.



Republicant, Ben, I said it once, heres the reminder, I ain't fighting with you aholes no more. But I will remind you both of something, there are TWO people that have the power to remove me from the board, and neither of you are them. So get over it. One suggestion, everyone has a price, and I figure if you pool your money, you might be able to bribe Anthony into banning me. All I ask is this, if you're going that route, hurry up and get it done before Christmas, I am sure that Anthonys kids and Tina would LOVE an extra grand or so in gifts. So if I piss you off that much by being here, you all best get together and start having a garage sale or something.

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Originally posted by desperado:

I would defend myself here but why the fuck bother. Adam attempted to and everyone climbed up his ass for it.


Now, I will set a few things straight,


MRMEANER- the rant (wouldn't exactly call it that), happened BEFORE I made the post backing down once I realized that you weren't being a sarcastic fuck like many of the other tools on this board tend to. As far as specifics, reread the other posts in here, and see what I am referring to. I do tend to take alot of shit from a small group of jealous fucks in here that while they are standing in line at Jegs for more parts to throw on their sleds trying to make em faster, I am reworking my shit by hand, fabricating what I need, and it costing me nothing or next to it.

I figured that you just jumped on the tool bandwagon. I overreacted and I applogize. Which I THINK I also mentioned in Senior members Area as well, but I figure that whatever tool decided to share what was said there, never BOTHERED to mention that.

Well if your cool, im cool. I dont want problems with other members. This is the exact reason why ive strayed from other sites/forums. I hate people talking shit. I build engines the way i know how and i race to one day get paid for it. I just want to be around others of my own "addiction".


-BTW- Jegs people arent that helpful... they dont know how to cross reference anything or even try to find parts. I stood in there one day for 2 and a half hours looking thru thier catalog rack trying to find parts i could use. I walked out pissed, and with a handful of part numbers.


Jegs graemlins/thumbsdown.gif

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NitrousBird -


That picture was taken on Mothers Day in Dayton. After that event, the motor blew to all hell. At that point i decided to do the fullout race crossover.


Street Modified is an extremly competitive class... not for the n00b's ;) After that event, i was 3rd of 22 in points.




BTW -- That was with CAI/4-1/custom exhaust, mild gutting, stock suspension/street tire.


Drag Racing is for fast cars, AutoX is for fast drivers graemlins/thumb.gif


[ 02. December 2004, 02:28 AM: Message edited by: MRMEANR ]

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People offen take that quote out of context and read it as, "Any old hilljack can run in a strait line, it takes real drivers to run thru corners."


So they were waiting for someone to take it out of context like someone always does.

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Originally posted by desperado:

They were waiting for me to respond specifically. I ain't botherin.

Don't flatter your self so much, it isn't flattering. You're one of many people who might have that response. And by responding that you aren't going to bother, you did bother.


Now on to trying to be impartial again and I'll be honest, I think you're extremely arrogant. But I think that you could be a very good asset to this board again, if you play well with everyone. You say that you need to defend yourself, but you act like all of the shit that people give you wasn't partially brought on by yourself (well I think mostly). I've said it once and I'll say it again, you seem to be VERY knowledgeable in building cars. 90% of your post on here are flaming, flame bait, arguing for the sake of arguing. You think by calming that down a bit and posting a bit more tech based stuff, all of the sudden certain people are going to stop flaming you every chance they get. News flash, it's not going to happen. By your actions you've already lost the respect of certain people on here (you also have to take responsibility that they were your actions). Not that you probably give a shit, don't take that as a complement either. The only way you’re going to stop getting constantly bashed is to STOP ALL OF YOUR POST like the one that stared this one. I'm trying to be helpful to this situation and be civil, even though I don't like the way you act on here alot of the time, but I think everyone can change. I think Anthony is a prime example of that. I really think it might be helpful to you if you sat down and had a talk with him about what's happened lately, if that's cool with him.


I'm not going to give you any more attention, because I'm guessing that's what you want. I felt bad about not PMing you last time, but I felt bad about that because I really thought you were going to take what I said to heart. You obviously didn't so I'm not going to bother with PM's this time. I really think you bring a lot of negativity to the board and almost none of your automotive knowledge, and I think it's about time you shape up, or ship out.

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