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How many have gotten a drag racing ticket


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How many people on here have gotten a drag racing ticket for spectating. and how many have gotten out of it.


ORC 4511.251


(A) As used in this section and section 4510.036 of the Revised Code, "street racing" means the operation of two or more vehicles from a point side by side at accelerating speeds in a competitive attempt to out-distance each other or the operation of one or more vehicles over a common selected course, from the same point to the same point, wherein timing is made of the participating vehicles involving competitive accelerations or speeds. Persons rendering assistance in any manner to such competitive use of vehicles shall be equally charged as the participants. The operation of two or more vehicles side by side either at speeds in excess of prima-facie lawful speeds established by divisions (B)(1)(a) to (B)(7) of section 4511.21 of the Revised Code or rapidly accelerating from a common starting point to a speed in excess of such prima-facie lawful speeds shall be prima-facie evidence of street racing.


(B) No person shall participate in street racing upon any public road, street, or highway in this state.


© Whoever violates this section is guilty of street racing, a misdemeanor of the first degree. In addition to any other sanctions, the court shall suspend the offender's driver's license, commercial driver's license, temporary instruction permit, probationary license, or nonresident operating privilege for not less than thirty days or more than three years. No judge shall suspend the first thirty days of any suspension of an offender's license, permit, or privilege imposed under this division.

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I was written up for drag racing, reckless op and 53 in a 35 back in HS...Fought it in court and got out of the drag racing becasue nobody else was ticketed...just me (we split when we saw the cop) and got out of the reckless because I wasn't 20 over the limit when he clocked me. Only thing that stuck was speed BUT it cost me a pretty penny for representation to get out of the other 2.


Looking back that was not one of my brighter moments in life.

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The "Lots of People Involved" might make it very hard to fight. The hitch in my situation was that i was the only one ticketed so our defense was who was I racing if I was the only one ticketd. If I had been written up for exhibition of speed it probably would have stuck BUT since the drag racing did not stick neither could the reckless because I wasn't 20+ over the speed limit at time I was clocked.


Sounds like a crappy deal...hope everything comes out OK for you.



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Originally posted by AudiOn19s:

The "Lots of People Involved" might make it very hard to fight. The hitch in my situation was that i was the only one ticketed so our defense was who was I racing if I was the only one ticketd. If I had been written up for exhibition of speed it probably would have stuck BUT since the drag racing did not stick neither could the reckless because I wasn't 20+ over the speed limit at time I was clocked.


Sounds like a crappy deal...hope everything comes out OK for you.



Can you recieve a reckless op if they're just speculating? and you were never clocked?
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In this situation I was clocked...and probably was 20+ over the limit but he only got me for 53 in a 35...so once the drag racing was thrown out the window so was the reckless because they were in conjunction with each other.


I have been written up for reckless and not clocked before...cop was about 100 yards away across a field in a parking lot of a grocery store and saw me speeding on a brand new road and he "speculated" I was going 70+ (this was on a bike) but never clocked me. fought that one too and got out of the reckless again and plead it down to 40 in a 35



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Guest powers
Originally posted by Donkey Schlong:

turbotrio (Jeff) on here beat a spectating ticket a few years ago. Hopefully he'll shed some light on it.

HUH that's odd I was just telling someone about Jeff's spectator ticket yesterday. There were many spectators who got out of their tickets when Jeff did, but the people who got a drag racing ticket both got boned in the pooper pretty hard.
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Originally posted by (s)aint ZX:

Either help with his problem, or shut the hell up. If he (they) want(s) to talk then it will come out.


You are warned. smile.gif

warned?? your are a sure tough guy on the internet. you need to mind yo own bidness... do i even know you... i know the guy with the problem better than almost anyone on this board.. so take a chill pill buddy..
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Originally posted by darksrt4:

warned?? your are a sure tough guy on the internet. you need to mind yo own bidness... do i even know you... i know the guy with the problem better than almost anyone on this board.. so take a chill pill buddy..

Hey there dumbass, you better take a long hard look at that guys member number. And that funny little icon next to his name. That, since you are obviously to fucking dumb to figure it out means he IS God here. Smarting off to him will pretty much get you banned for life. So I am hoping that you will get to at least read this and KNOW what a fucking TOOL you are before getting banned.
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Originally posted by desperado:

Hey there dumbass, you better take a long hard look at that guys member number. And that funny little icon next to his name. That, since you are obviously to fucking dumb to figure it out means he IS God here. Smarting off to him will pretty much get you banned for life. So I am hoping that you will get to at least read this and KNOW what a fucking TOOL you are before getting banned.

Geesh.. a friend of his makes a post in a public forum and he's gonna get slammed for asking what happened?! ridiculous.
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Guest Scoobysnack
Originally posted by SamZman:

Geesh.. a friend of his makes a post in a public forum and he's gonna get slammed for asking what happened?! ridiculous.



Which is why I didn't even ask.

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Now as far as the drag racing ticket. If there is concrete proof, like video, and you are participating in a drag race, you can pretty much assume that the State of Ohio is going to shuffle your license into the dust with the other guys.

And now, to tell you what else you won, "Herrree's Jackie"


YOu have won a wonderfully expensive SR-22. And in addition to the 12 point Drag Racing suspension, that will start dropping off after 12 months, a point at a time. You get high risk insurance. And a police record that is sure to get you a ticket for such things as sidewalk spitting for the next three years. The BMV and OSP only maintain silly stuff on file for 12 months, but a DUI or Drag Racing ticket are special clasification, and will show up every time you get pulled over for a tail light for the next 3 years, ensuring you a nice new ticket, or possibly multiple tickets, depending on the mood of the cop.


As for the spectator tickets, the only guy assisting in the drag race is the flag name and the spotter. Unless you are blocking a road for the race, then you can get hit there too.


Anyone else can get a lawyer and get the spectator ticket dropped, it's not illegal to witness a crime, only to assist in its commision.

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Originally posted by darksrt4:

warned?? your are a sure tough guy on the internet. you need to mind yo own bidness... do i even know you... i know the guy with the problem better than almost anyone on this board.. so take a chill pill buddy..

I'm trying to protect his and everyone else's interestes, you dumb fuck. Before you decide to post again, take a step back and ask yourself if you really understand what someone has said. Maybe you won't look like such a fuck next time.


Now, this is done. If you have anything else to say, send me a PM. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.


... back on topic. smile.gif

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Originally posted by SamZman:

Geesh.. a friend of his makes a post in a public forum and he's gonna get slammed for asking what happened?! ridiculous.

I ain't slamming him for asking the question, on'y for being a tool and smarting off to the board owners brother (AKA the CR Evil leader)

I just was making a point of explaining to him just who he was addressing when he made his wise assed comments.

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"Persons rendering assistance in any manner to such competitive use of vehicles shall be equally charged as the participants. "


So, they'd have to prove you were assisting? I didn't see anywhere on that section where it talks about spectating (watching). Am I missing something?

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Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

Quit kissing ass, Desperado. Christ, your pandering is nauseating.

Keiths a good man. From what ive seen, he's about as far from a brown noser as you can get. To better describe Keith, ask T.J., i think his exact words were "domesticated redneck".
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Originally posted by Mr. 2:

"Persons rendering assistance in any manner to such competitive use of vehicles shall be equally charged as the participants. "


So, they'd have to prove you were assisting? I didn't see anywhere on that section where it talks about spectating (watching). Am I missing something?

Nope. Theres no black and white. In some states where the "Good Samaritan Law" is actully enforced regularly is where the ticketing of spectators comes from.


Such as Minnisota:

- Duty to Assist: A person at the scene of an emergency who knows that another person is exposed to or has suffered grave physical harm shall, to the extent that the person can do so without danger or peril to self or others, give reasonable assistance to the exposed person. Reasonable assistance may include obtaining or attempting to obtain aid from law enforcement or medical personnel. A person who violates this subdivision is guilty of a petty misdemeanor.



See where its going??? They basically are saying, you knew it was illegal, you watched them set up, you knew what was going on, but did nothing to try to stop it.

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