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El Karacho1647545492

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All you ricers out there need to stop dropping cash on your stupid wings and bodykits and get around to painting you goddamn primer-gray shitmobiles. Its okay to have it that way for a short time, but when I start seeing your car months apart with every part still primer-gray, its getting a little old. Just because you're a 'work in progress' doesnt allow your car to look like shit. Paint is not the kind of thing that should be put on your "future mods" list. Paint you goddamn cars.
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Guest GSRchick714

I think primer is hawt, I mean, wouldn't you all die to have this HOT cav?



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:head explodes:


That teg is what kills me. Its the mismatching colors, the splotchy look, and the general cheapness. I love flat paints. I love flat paints on old 50's cars especially. I hate crappy looking paint jobs, especially when there isn't even a paint job. It'd be one thing if it was a rustbucket or POSmobile, but when someone is trying to "upgrade" their car and just leaves their primer on for a year it gets stupid.



For instance, who here knows Jeff Hsu (sp?) a ricer kid who has a primer-gray hyundai sonata (i think). It's been that way forever.

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Originally posted by 10xworse:

For instance, who here knows Jeff Hsu (sp?) a ricer kid who has a primer-gray hyundai sonata (i think). It's been that way forever.

I don't know what you are thinking... Jeff's car hasn't been primered that long. He has another car that he works on, a pretty decent 240 I believe. His Hyundai was hit in the front. His car actually looked really nice before that happened. Don't fuckin' talk shit about people.
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Guest FBody Addict
nothing wrong with a daily driver that came out of the body shop after a collision with primer on it because you really need to drive it to make a living, but these body kits and wings and shit need to be painted before they go on the car, if not left off completely, it's just extra weight
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Guest GSRchick714
Originally posted by Just Another F-body:

nothing wrong with a daily driver that came out of the body shop after a collision with primer on it because you really need to drive it to make a living, but these body kits and wings and shit need to be painted before they go on the car, if not left off completely, it's just extra weight

I agree.
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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

Speaking of primer all over a car..........

Yea, but my car isn't stay that way for much longer. I have only had that on there for 2 weeks. Have to get the bonus check so I can paint the doors and shit. At least it hasn't been 2 years.hahahaha
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Guest FBody Addict

i may not be a ricer but i gotta stick up for the primer here, i got some serious body work to do, and i'm on a budget, but i'm not gonna have a perma primer car, maybe till the end of summer when i have money to have paint professionally done


i still stick with what i said above

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