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Religous debate on TV


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Ok so im watching MSNBS and they have a religous debate going... A christian, a catholic, a jew, and an athiest. Now im an athiest and i think the other 3 have all very good arguments and points, but the athiest, some STUPID ASS WOMEN WHO WROTE SOME DUMB BOOK, is spewing the stupidest shit ive ever heard from her mouth. She and others like her are the reason that people think athiests are just wrong. I for one am offended...


Schall is pissed.

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you wanna give us the break down of their major points that they made?


myself, I am not Atheiest, nor am I any other religion.... Organized religion was written by man and construed in a thousand different ways depending on the way they need it in order to control people. Therefore I don't agree with anything that was organized.


Think about it... a thousand years ago, they had to say that eating a pig would kill ya.... so they made it so you can only eat it on sundays... now today, that doesn't apply. Anything that will cause people to say, "Kill these people because they don't believe that the sacred cow should be worshiped" is just plain stupid... God would not want you to murder someone because they don't believe what you do.... educate... maybe.... but not kill....


Forgive me, it's early, so I'm sure that my rablings don't make much sense... I'm sure I'll be editing this in about an hour after I have my coffee.


If this isn't an appropriate thing to discuss then MODS, please edit my post.

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Originally posted by Vaccum Leaking V6:

Anything that will cause people to say, "Kill these people because they don't believe that the sacred cow should be worshiped" is just plain stupid... God would not want you to murder someone because they don't believe what you do.... educate... maybe.... but not kill....


If this isn't an appropriate thing to discuss then MODS, please edit my post.

That is why Jesus his followers and the entire first century christian congregation made a stand against support mankinds governments. They lived within the law but chose to be seperate. They made the stand that they are no part of the world but are part of god's kingdom. Based on this they refused to participate in voting, rulership positions, and the military. How could one reason that God is supporting both sides of a war, and condone the killing of your brother in faith?
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Actuly, the one thing that Ellen Johnson (athiest) said that i did like, and that i think is true, is that people arent religous because they want to be. Theyre religous becasue they are taught to be by those that came before them. To me, that brainwashing. You know, same kind of thing that Hitler did with the youths during his reign of terror. They were taught that what was going on was right, and they didnt think a second thought about it. Its a harsh comparison, but apples to oranges, its the truth.
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Guest jpurdy2003

I believe that there is probably a God, but mankind has yet to properly define him/her/it.


Also, if you read the Bible, the Qu'ran, or any other widely accepted religious text, you'll see that, under most descriptions, God wants peace, honesty, mutual respect, and kindness. Organized religion has done little besides bastardize those four concepts throughout human history.

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Guest Jonnygts
Originally posted by MRMEANR:

Actuly, the one thing that Ellen Johnson (athiest) said that i did like, and that i think is true, is that people arent religous because they want to be. Theyre religous becasue they are taught to be by those that came before them. To me, that brainwashing. You know, same kind of thing that Hitler did with the youths during his reign of terror. They were taught that what was going on was right, and they didnt think a second thought about it. Its a harsh comparison, but apples to oranges, its the truth.

I disagree, like Marolyn Manson(sp?), he grew up Christian. Im not really sure what happened to him but obviously now he isnt. And I have a friend who grew up Christian and now is looking for what he feels is the right religion. Myself, I'm Christian not because I grew up with it, but because i want to be. So that kind of shuts down that arguement, but if anyone else has any kind of example, please share.
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Marylin Manson isn't worth being brought into any arguement. He has admitted in interviews that everything he does publicly is just to sell albums. He doesn't believe in what he says.


That having been said, yes he grew up in a very christian family. He had felt like he was being repressed through his childhood, so he rebelled. That's nothing new. When he came to realize that there were many other kids in the same situation, that he figured out how he could exploit it.

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...by the way, so what do all the atheists do around December 25? (other than get offended at certain people's religious symbols but not other people's religious symbols from earlier in the month? ;) )


...what do deists who do not believe in the teachings of any religion do around December 25? Still buy a "giving tree" or something?


I would feel very shallow or "fake" or hypocritical celebrating a holiday whose very reason for existence I fundamentally disagreed with... :confused:

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Originally posted by BIG PAPA:

That is why Jesus his followers and the entire first century christian congregation made a stand against support mankinds governments. They lived within the law but chose to be seperate. They made the stand that they are no part of the world but are part of god's kingdom. Based on this they refused to participate in voting, rulership positions, and the military. How could one reason that God is supporting both sides of a war, and condone the killing of your brother in faith?

This man speaks truth.
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if anyone had any salt about them anyways they'd know the truth about the whole christmas holiday and how it has nothing to do with jesus what so ever but some generic festival for the sun that the roman's came up with if im not mistaken. It's been a while since I looked up the origin's but when i was younger and found that out i was urked that people just used this holiday for nothing but getting money. graemlins/nonono.gif
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Guest stvbreal

This topic again?


Ever play the game "pass it on"? Notice how what the first person says in the line is totatly different than what the last person hears? Now add about a few thousand years to that. You get my point.


Religeon is taught at a young age. Basically putting the fear of GOD in kids to do better in life. "You're going to hell if you do bad things." Kids know no better. Once you get older you realize it's nothing but a farse. I did the Catholic school thing and back then I was convinced that I was going to hell if I did something that was against the Lords blessing.


Now that I'm older I realize that science brings certain facts to the table that trumps this whole "God" thing.

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Guest Jonnygts
Originally posted by Veritas:

if anyone had any salt about them anyways they'd know the truth about the whole christmas holiday and how it has nothing to do with jesus what so ever but some generic festival for the sun that the roman's came up with if im not mistaken. It's been a while since I looked up the origin's but when i was younger and found that out i was urked that people just used this holiday for nothing but getting money. graemlins/nonono.gif

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Originally posted by The Anti-Rice:


Go read some of the links that were posted about the origin of Christmas. Or better yet, just go out to Google or your favorite search engine and fine them for yourself.


Hint: Alot of the Christian based sites that come up denounce the tradition of Christmas based upon where it came from and even quote some scripture against it (both direct and indirect).

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Originally posted by Tony:

...by the way, so what do all the atheists do around December 25? (other than get offended at certain people's religious symbols but not other people's religious symbols from earlier in the month? ;) )

We go to Atheist service where crippled people tell the amazing story of how they're still crippled. We take communion of wine and unleavened bread which symbolizes grapes and flour. Then we burn down a church. :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by Mensan:

We go to Atheist service where crippled people tell the amazing story of how they're still crippled. We take communion of wine and unleavened bread which symbolizes grapes and flour. Then we burn down a church. :rolleyes:

I didn't know you belonged to that religion too! I go to the one on the Westside of town. Do you go to the one up North? We'll have to go to each others service sometime.
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Originally posted by The Anti-Rice:


The earliest reference to Christmas being marked on Dec. 25 comes from the second century after Jesus’ birth. It is considered likely the first Christmas celebrations were in reaction to the Roman Saturnalia, a harvest festival that marked the winter solstice—the return of the sun—and honored Saturn, the god of sowing. Saturnalia was a rowdy time, much opposed by the more austere leaders among the still-minority Christian sect. Christmas developed, one scholar says, as a means of replacing worship of the sun with worship of the Son. By 529 A.D., after Christianity had become the official state religion of the Roman Empire, Emperor Justinian made Christmas a civic holiday. The celebration of Christmas reached its peak—some would say its worst moments—in the medieval period when it became a time for conspicuous consumption and unequaled revelry.


That's the one i was thinking of.

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My questions were jovial in nature, but I was looking for a real answer - all of you great scientists who are so smart that you figured out there is no God, what do you do on Christmas?


(again, sarcasm in my question, but seriously curious. ...maybe.. I'd treat it like any other day, or maybe start worshiping ths sun again so I had something to celebrate? :confused: )


Veritas - when I made my post referencing the "reason for the existence" for Christmas, I was very well aware of its origins. But, you know, that was almost 2000 years ago. For the last millenium-and-a-half, Christmas has been to celebrate the birth of "the Anointed One". Maybe it started out as a pagan day, but its very existence today and for the last 15+ centuries is, in fact, to celebrate Christ's birth.

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