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Let's do this again

Guest FBody Addict

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Guest FBody Addict

It's inevitable, let it all out and tell me how much you all hate me before another thread gets clogged up with you guys bashing me


might as well make it a sticky, I ain't going nowhere


And what the hell does it mean to be owned would someone finally explain that to me?

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Originally posted by Everyone Including Jesus Hates Me:

It's inevitable, let it all out and tell me how much you all hate me before another thread gets clogged up with you guys bashing me


might as well make it a sticky, I ain't going nowhere


And what the hell does it mean to be owned would someone finally explain that to me?

Why do you even put up a thread like this? By these actions all you seem to want is more attention. Its almost like you want people to hate you and get off by hearing it.
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Guest FBody Addict
Originally posted by mesteno:

Sorry to dissapoint, but people don't hate you as much as you would like them too :(

i know, but no one takes me seriously, even when i try to have people take me seriously
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Guest FBody Addict
Originally posted by blinkkilla182:

Why do you even put up a thread like this? By these actions all you seem to want is more attention. Its almost like you want people to hate you and get off by hearing it.

You're right, time to start over fresh with everyone, new attitude, except of course, I still think Republicant is a spoiled little rich boy
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I blame society for this guy. The day someone thought punishing a child w/ "Time Out" was a good idea thats when it went down hill. How in the fuck would anyone hate you when noone knows you?Do me a favor next time you feel the need to get attention with the whole world hates me thread instead of posting it write it on a piece of paper and then wad it up and set it on fire.I'm old and you youngsters and your whining kill me.
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Guest riggs867
Originally posted by Old Dirty Bastard:

I blame society for this guy. The day someone thought punishing a child w/ "Time Out" was a good idea thats when it went down hill. How in the fuck would anyone hate you when noone knows you?Do me a favor next time you feel the need to get attention with the whole world hates me thread instead of posting it write it on a piece of paper and then wad it up and set it on fire.I'm old and you youngsters and your whining kill me.

I think Old Dirty Bastard is now my hero. Should I seek professional help?
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Originally posted by Everyone Including Jesus Hates Me:

It's inevitable, let it all out and tell me how much you all hate me before another thread gets clogged up with you guys bashing me


might as well make it a sticky, I ain't going nowhere


And what the hell does it mean to be owned would someone finally explain that to me?

who are you and why am i supposed to give two shits about you???
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Originally posted by girlygirl18t:

dude go get laid.........cause you need it bad


Ass: it cures all problems

no, pussy cures all problems.. :D


that being said,


Dude, I'm really trying hard to be nice to you, help you when you need it, take you seriously, etc..... I've talked to you at Gahanna Hardware before and you seemed pretty cool in real life, but I'll be honest, you're making it really hard to be nice to you on here.... I offered you help not more than 2 days ago and you sit and whine about people not liking you, etc.... one question, what do you mean take you serious? I'm a little confused on where people haven't...


Remember, this is the internet.. at the end of the day, who gives 2 shits? I sure don't. I won't lose any sleep and neither should you. A word of advice to you. Do unto others as you would like done unto you... what I mean by that, treat people nice... if people still aren't nice to you then at least you know that you tried... other advice, STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF... it's getting really old... go to the doctor, get some drugs and be happy. Life is too damn short to be bummed out man....

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Guest FBody Addict

see thread in parking lot, i'm trying to change the bad impression i gave everyone, problem is i posted this before i posted that, and would close this thread if given the option


and about the gettin laid thing, yeah, i know im kinda cranky, its been almost 2 weeks i really haven't seen my gf for more than a half hour at a time

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john, im gonna call you john cuz you seem to need the special attention. here are three questions im gonna ask and answer for you.


1. how old are you?


2. do you hang out with only girls?


3. you live in a large city im guessing?


answers i believe to be true.


1. high school, you love the high school drama of ohh my life is a misery i must kill myself to make the world better.


2. yeah i hang out with a large group of my gf's friends and with all the drama i take in from them i need to bore people on the internet with it.


3. yes i live in a city im probably an only child and i have been babied my whole life. if i was ever to be taken away from the city and tried to pull my everyone hates me shit people would laugh in my face and tell me to get a hobby, but little do they know i already have a hobby and that is to whine about my life on an internet car forum.


im really glad we had this conversation jon....opps i mean john. my advice to you is grow a set of nuts and quit the drama that you see all the high school girls are putting out into the world. if that doesnt work grab a tub of ice cream a steel magnolias dvd some toe polish and leave the internet to the men.

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Guest FBody Addict

1. College--21 Nov.2

2. No, just my gf and sometimes I'll go up to Jegs, finally met some of the guys from the board

3. From Gahanna. Fuck the city, I'm moving out somewhere where the closest neighbor is 500 feet away or more


The me you all know is going to dissapear


Originally posted by Old Dirty Bastard:

The day someone thought punishing a child w/ "Time Out" was a good idea thats when it went down hill.

I grew up with my dad using the belt instead of time out. time out is for yuppie new age parenting
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Originally posted by Slow As Hell 86 T/A:

1. College--21 Nov.2

2. No, just my gf and sometimes I'll go up to Jegs, finally met some of the guys from the board

3. From Gahanna. Fuck the city, I'm moving out somewhere where the closest neighbor is 500 feet away or more

1 still hasnt shed the high school drama shit and now need attention before you leave for college.

2 ...........the rest of the time i sit at home and figure out ways to make people more sorry for me.

3. 500ft? ahahhaaahhaa silly city boy. where im from thats the city. im talking like where i live it takes you 30 mins to walk to the nearest neighbor.

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Originally posted by Slow As Hell 86 T/A:

how much does a patch o land like that cost

In Southern Ohio, you're looking at 250k-350k if it's already got a house and outbuildings. Shave off maybe 100k for just the bare land. Depends a lot on the area.


Hardest part is finding something that will give you enough income to pay the loan when you live in the middle of nowhere.

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